Sun Enters Capricorn WINTER SOLSTICE (December 21–22, 2011)

Three sea­sons have come and gone…through Spring and Sum­mer and Fall…and you have marked each accord­ing to its pur­pose, you have lived and learned anew…

And, with­in each sea­son you have passed through 3 stages, moved through three ways of being-time: a time to begin, a time to hold, and a time to let go…You have come through three sea­sons and three ways of being…you are three times three…

For nine months you have jour­neyed, much as you wait­ed nine months to begin this life…nine times you have crossed a thresh­old; nine times in nine signs you have entered a new realm of spir­i­tu­al discovery…and now…

Now you face the silence, now you face the great­est dark­ness, and so you must hud­dle togeth­er with loved ones, find­ing strength in one another…for the light has pulled away, the shad­ows have descend­ed, and dark­ness con­sumes the light…

But you are at a Turning…and so here at the begin­ning you must bow your head and stand still…you must watch and wait for the sign, for the promise of rebirth, you must wait for the light…to return.

Today is one of the four Turn­ings, four moments when you move into a new sea­son of being. At equinox­es, in Spring and Fall, you are at moments of equal day and equal night, light and dark are bal­anced. At sol­stices, Sum­mer and Win­ter, you are at the moments of great­est dif­fer­ence, the longest day or the longest night, light and dark as far apart as they can be…

Today the Sun “Stands Still” and it will rise and set at the same point, at dawn and dusk for 3 days it will not move, and the world will wait, and you will hold your breath and pray for the Sun to return…and on the third day, on Decem­ber 25…the Sun will begin to move, your Sun will shine a lit­tle brighter…and light will return to Earth.

You have turned a cor­ner, one of the four sacred cor­ners of the Zodi­ac. You enter the realm of Capri­corn and new expe­ri­ences and lessons await. These Four cor­ners, the Four Car­di­nal Signs ini­ti­ate the four sea­sons of life. Each has its pur­pose; each points you to the four ways of relating.

In Aries you were direct­ed to find your pres­ence in ide­al inten­tions. In Can­cer you were direct­ed to find your foun­da­tion in cen­tered feel­ings. In Libra you were direct­ed to find your oth­er in con­scious rela­tion­ships. And now…now at the Fourth Turn­ing in Capri­corn you are direct­ed to ful­fill your des­tiny in pur­pose­ful responsibilities. 

Capri­corn is about mastery…to be the best of the best. To move through Capri­corn is to move through accom­plish­ment, achieve­ment and the cre­ation of last­ing tes­ta­ments to what you are and what you stand for.

But the one and true mas­tery is your mas­tery of your own being, your Self-Mastery.

Capri­corn is about tradition…to hon­or the gift of those who came before. To move through Capri­corn is to act so as to pre­serve, pro­tect and pass on what was achieved by many.

But the one and true tra­di­tion is the wis­dom of the ages, the Ancient Teachings.

Capri­corn is about Responsibility…to ful­fill your role in soci­ety. To move through Capri­corn is to extend your hand, upwards and down­wards, seek­ing help and offer­ing help in the spi­ral jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

For the one and true respon­si­bil­i­ty is to the spir­it with­in you, the spark of the divine that lights your way home­ward, the light that will not fail…ever.

Shine on!

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