Daily Archives: December 21, 2011

Sun Squares Uranus (December 22, 2011)

The Sun has just begun to walk those hal­lowed halls, to stroll through the ancient tem­ples that pro­claim, pre­serve and pass down your tra­di­tion­al val­ues. The Sun is mov­ing through those sacred spaces where Capri­corn rules when, all of a sud­den, he encoun­ters the plan­et of con­tra­dic­tion, inde­pen­dence and rev­o­lu­tion him­self, Uranus…Oh boy, this is going to be a bumpy start to Capri­corn’s month…

The Sun in Capri­corn seeks to guide you now upon the path­ways of preser­va­tion, of ful­fill­ing your pur­pose as defined by the real­i­ty around you. You do your duty because it is the right and prop­er thing to do…but this square says you face a chal­lenge, you face a choice…

Uranus squares the Sun and says, “Are you being you? Have you freely cho­sen this task, this role, this duty? And, whom do you serve?” These are good and nec­es­sary ques­tions because you can become part of a sys­tem that has lost its way, enmeshed into per­form­ing your duty in a real­i­ty which has become increas­ing­ly devoid of mean­ing, that is, in effect, spir­i­tu­al­ly “dying”…and if you con­tin­ue to act with­in such hol­low roles your own light will become dimin­ished too…

So, Uranus comes along, like a breath of fresh air, (or more like­ly a strong gale), and chal­lenges that sta­tus quo and the assump­tions that under­lie it. Uranus in Aries pro­claims the neces­si­ty of striv­ing for inde­pen­dence and orig­i­nal­i­ty; it chal­lenges the hier­ar­chies of the sta­tus quo and rais­es the flag of new path­ways and freedom.

Here the Sun stands for tra­di­tion and order and with­out these there would be noth­ing to stand upon; Uranus stands for the indi­vid­ual spir­it that must chal­lenge a bro­ken sys­tem, the spir­i­tu­al path of self-unfold­ment and liberty.

Both are speak­ing truths, both must be honored…So you must find that high­er path of blend and balance…you must walk the syn­cretis­tic path­way of the spir­i­tu­al war­rior where you can be both pre­serv­er and reformer, respon­si­ble and trans­form­ing too.

The way of spir­it is the way of bal­ance and whole­ness, of nei­ther too much this or too much that. Today you must try and find your way between the ancient and mod­ern, between tra­di­tion and the undiscovered…

You are always learn­ing, always seek­ing for this mid­dle path…and it is found today by being tra­di­tion­al and transformational…together.