You have journeyed through nine moons this year; you have walked that circuitous pathway, lifting yourself up and up the ancient stairway that climbs the steepening mountain…This is your ascent, the unfoldment of your “self”; it is your becoming…your life after life’s journey. Each lesson that you have encountered, each level and portal that you have passed, has pointed you onwards to the next, and then to the next, and then ever onwards…till…now…
Now you reach a summit, you have come to the apex of the yearly Astrological Cycle; you have arrived at your moment of truth, your destiny is now to be made more clear in the New Moon of this epiphanal dark…a darkness that conceals so as to reveal the brightest of lights, the light that shines within.
This, the tenth release of Solar/Lunar energy in the Astrological Year, is that moment that brings to a climax all the efforts to unfold and realize your potential in the yearly cycle. What began 9 months ago in Aries, was rooted and secured through Cancer and moved outward into the larger world in Libra, all of that has led to this moment…and so you must ask yourself, “Am I ready? Have I prepared the Way? What am I to do?”…
Of course you are ready…your preparation was the journey…and you must do what you must do!
This is your time of Capricorn; it is your time for Duty, your time for Fulfillment…your time to be Responsible. Now at the New Moon you can and should re-dedicate yourself to the ever-renewing, timeless traditions that have always been there to guide your journey. You stand upon the shoulders of many, many lives that have brought you to this time of consequence, who have labored long and hard to unfold the potentials of this great spiritual journey. There is much to appreciate, honor and be thankful for. And, as it has always been, much of what was won must and should be passed on to those that follow you…
But the winds of change blow stronger every day…The foundations of your world seem to bend and break as the challenge of the ever-resurgent, living spirit seeks to extend the spaces of freedom and so crashes against the old orders of your world. It must do so, it will do so…because the one and true constant of this journey of spirit is growth and change.
And so you must ask yourself at this New Moon, “What am I to do?”…and the Sun and the Moon (and the stars) will provide an answer, (as they always have).
You must do your duty; and you establish that sense of duty by your dedication to walk the path of spirit. You must fulfill yourself; and that fulfillment you understand is to always seek to grow closer to and release your spiritual truth. You must be responsible; and that responsibility is ever guided by your awareness that you are part of a great river of life, a spiral of Life-Consciousness-Spirit that extends behind and ahead of you…And so you know and feel that Truth, that you are never alone, not ever, and that as much as you can extend your hand to help those beneath you, so too will hands above reach down and lift you up…always.
As you reach this epiphanal Moon, as you mount the heights of that greater understanding, you must get down and touch your home, this Earth…get down upon your knees and acknowledge and be grateful to every and all that have come before.
Reaffirm and dedicate your life to the spiritual path…“May thy will be done”.…
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Peace to one and all…