Monthly Archives: December 2011

Sun Enters Capricorn WINTER SOLSTICE (December 21–22, 2011)

Three sea­sons have come and gone…through Spring and Sum­mer and Fall…and you have marked each accord­ing to its pur­pose, you have lived and learned anew…

And, with­in each sea­son you have passed through 3 stages, moved through three ways of being-time: a time to begin, a time to hold, and a time to let go…You have come through three sea­sons and three ways of being…you are three times three…

For nine months you have jour­neyed, much as you wait­ed nine months to begin this life…nine times you have crossed a thresh­old; nine times in nine signs you have entered a new realm of spir­i­tu­al discovery…and now…

Now you face the silence, now you face the great­est dark­ness, and so you must hud­dle togeth­er with loved ones, find­ing strength in one another…for the light has pulled away, the shad­ows have descend­ed, and dark­ness con­sumes the light…

But you are at a Turning…and so here at the begin­ning you must bow your head and stand still…you must watch and wait for the sign, for the promise of rebirth, you must wait for the light…to return.

Today is one of the four Turn­ings, four moments when you move into a new sea­son of being. At equinox­es, in Spring and Fall, you are at moments of equal day and equal night, light and dark are bal­anced. At sol­stices, Sum­mer and Win­ter, you are at the moments of great­est dif­fer­ence, the longest day or the longest night, light and dark as far apart as they can be…

Today the Sun “Stands Still” and it will rise and set at the same point, at dawn and dusk for 3 days it will not move, and the world will wait, and you will hold your breath and pray for the Sun to return…and on the third day, on Decem­ber 25…the Sun will begin to move, your Sun will shine a lit­tle brighter…and light will return to Earth.

You have turned a cor­ner, one of the four sacred cor­ners of the Zodi­ac. You enter the realm of Capri­corn and new expe­ri­ences and lessons await. These Four cor­ners, the Four Car­di­nal Signs ini­ti­ate the four sea­sons of life. Each has its pur­pose; each points you to the four ways of relating.

In Aries you were direct­ed to find your pres­ence in ide­al inten­tions. In Can­cer you were direct­ed to find your foun­da­tion in cen­tered feel­ings. In Libra you were direct­ed to find your oth­er in con­scious rela­tion­ships. And now…now at the Fourth Turn­ing in Capri­corn you are direct­ed to ful­fill your des­tiny in pur­pose­ful responsibilities. 

Capri­corn is about mastery…to be the best of the best. To move through Capri­corn is to move through accom­plish­ment, achieve­ment and the cre­ation of last­ing tes­ta­ments to what you are and what you stand for.

But the one and true mas­tery is your mas­tery of your own being, your Self-Mastery.

Capri­corn is about tradition…to hon­or the gift of those who came before. To move through Capri­corn is to act so as to pre­serve, pro­tect and pass on what was achieved by many.

But the one and true tra­di­tion is the wis­dom of the ages, the Ancient Teachings.

Capri­corn is about Responsibility…to ful­fill your role in soci­ety. To move through Capri­corn is to extend your hand, upwards and down­wards, seek­ing help and offer­ing help in the spi­ral jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

For the one and true respon­si­bil­i­ty is to the spir­it with­in you, the spark of the divine that lights your way home­ward, the light that will not fail…ever.

Shine on!

Venus Square Jupiter (December 20, 2011)

Just after Venus arrives in Aquar­ius, she bumps (squares) into Jupiter. Though these two are called the “benefics” in Astrol­o­gy, too much of any­thing is still too much! When plan­ets square one anoth­er, their com­bined effects can lead to each going to a more extreme expres­sion. So be care­ful tonight so as not to overindulge or go to excess…about or with any­thing or anyone!

Squares always pose chal­lenges and choic­es; they seem­ing­ly force you into the posi­tion of hav­ing to choose one thing or anoth­er. Here you think you must choose between what Venus is ask­ing for, or to choose what Jupiter is stand­ing for. As always, the right and true path is the mid­dle road, the path­way of integration.

Venus is attract­ed to what is beyond the ordi­nary now…if it is dif­fer­ent, unusu­al or excep­tion­al it must be good. Jupiter in Tau­rus rais­es the reminder of a “but”…different and unique is fine, but Jupiter asks is your rela­tion­ship wor­thy, last­ing and sen­si­ble too? It seems as if you must choose between the sparkle of excep­tion­al­ism and the com­fort of the reliable…but you can (and must) have both. How? Easy, you must believe that it is possible…and then it is!

Remem­ber, this is your real­i­ty and your own self-made dilem­mas are what you encounter…and so you can change them by being true to the whole of you. Real­ly, both ways are true and necessary…measure to mea­sure they should bal­ance, sup­port and inform one anoth­er. For what was excep­tion­al once will become the expect­ed; and what is now expect­ed will always attract a refresh­ing vis­it from the exceptional.

Venus and Jupiter are mere­ly remind­ing you that in order to live a life that is true, you must believe in and then live a life of one­ness, not of divi­sion and denial…

You must be true to all of yourself…and equal­ly to one anoth­er. For only then will you secure for you and yours the boun­ty of life and love, to have your “Bread and Ros­es” too.

Venus Enters Aquarius (December 20, 2011)

Venus turns toward her gre­gar­i­ous side for the next 3 weeks as she leaves the for­mal, duti­ful realms of Capri­corn for the con­trar­i­an, friend-filled play­grounds of Aquarius.

While Venus was in Capri­corn it was all about the sta­tus quo, tra­di­tion and practicalities…these were the mea­sures of wor­thi­ness, this was the way of love.

Now it is time to move upon that “path less tak­en”, to cel­e­brate your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, inde­pen­dence and to take delight in eccen­tric­i­ties.  Why go with the ordi­nary when you can be extraordinary?!

The plan­et of love is mov­ing in Air now; your heart and mind are entwined with and enter­tained by com­pan­ion­ship and fellowship…you are moti­vat­ed by ide­al­ism and by the shar­ing of hopes and dreams…by being among your friends.

Love is focused upon rec­og­niz­ing the spe­cial­ness of the oth­er and cre­at­ing a space and style of being that encour­ages each and every to be more of that, to be more of what you essen­tial­ly are…to expe­ri­ence the free­dom to be one­self in and through your rela­tion­ship with one another.

Venus in Aquar­ius wel­comes you to the expe­ri­ence of love that asks sim­ply that you be…yourself!

Sun Conjunct Galactic Center (December 18, 2011)

Today is a spe­cial day for anoth­er, more hid­den or eso­teric rea­son. It is always around this date that the Sun, our home star, aligns with the cen­ter of our Milky Way galaxy. From that cen­ter, great flows of ener­gy come and go, like the beat­ing heart of a great being…which, of course, the Milky Way is!

Sun at Galactic Center 2011-12-18

The pic­ture above is a mod­el of what this looks like. Our solar sys­tem and Sun are slight­ly above the Galac­tic Plane and the white band from top left to bot­tom right is…The Milky Way, which is formed by us gaz­ing into the heart of our galaxy. Exact­ly six months from now, you will be able to look up at the night sky and see the Milky Way much like this spread across the late spring sky.

Today, Sun­day, (the Sun’s day!), the Earth, Sun and the Milky Way’s cen­ter point, our wheels wheel­ing with­in wheels, align with one anoth­er. The Milky Way is about 100,000 Light years across, and we on Earth are about 27,000 Light Years from that cen­ter point. The Sun and our solar sys­tem make one com­plete rev­o­lu­tion around the Milky Way in  about 235 mil­lion years…which is our Galac­tic “Year”.

So turn towards the Sun today and know that you are turn­ing towards the first “laya cen­ter” of your galaxy; you are look­ing towards the mys­tery, to the heart of your cosmos…

From that cen­ter, long, long ago, a pil­grim­age began…an invo­lu­tion of Spir­it, which moved across the “Waters” and so there was “Light”. That jour­ney, this unfold­ment of Spir­it-Mat­ter is the pil­grim­age of all the ones of the One…and it is your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

And it is beautiful!

Venus Square Saturn (December 18, 2011)

Venus is climb­ing through Sat­urn’s sign of Capri­corn; Sat­urn is still look­ing for his part­ner in Venus’ sign of Libra. Today, today they meet up again in a square aspect…ouch! This is going to hurt, yes it is; but you only pay atten­tion, learn and grow when the ener­gies of the uni­verse bring about these con­fronta­tions. These encoun­ters pose the ques­tions and chal­lenges that serve to quick­en your jour­ney, so you can find and fol­low the path­way of spir­it, the Mid­dle Way…For, after all, you are here on Earth to unfold, learn and grow, and so become so much more… so let’s see what this mes­sage of the stars is ask­ing of you today…

Yes, it is time again, time for anoth­er encounter between “Beau­ty and the Beast”, between Val­ue and Real­i­ty, between Love and Respon­si­bil­i­ty. When­ev­er Venus encoun­ters Sat­urn in a “hard” aspect, you are usu­al­ly at a low point in self-worth or self-love. It brings about a re-assess­ment of your­self, of your val­ues and pos­ses­sions, of your love and relationships…and not all will pass the test.

Of course, it is just a “phase” you are going through, but it is true for that time…You have reached an inflec­tion point or deci­sion time as to how to rec­on­cile or bal­ance the two plan­ets and the ener­gies they are work­ing with.

Venus is in Capri­corn now, so the expres­sion of val­ue, beau­ty and love is cen­tered upon clas­si­cal ideals and forms, tra­di­tion­al last­ing qual­i­ties that have proven them­selves by their ancient lin­eage. Yet often­times a hier­ar­chy of val­ues will become crys­tal­lized, ossi­fied, devoid of spir­it, and so end up serv­ing to main­tain rigid and priv­i­leged struc­tures at the expense of spir­i­tu­al growth and truth.

So you should be thank­ful that Sat­urn in Libra is here to chal­lenge, reaf­firm and remind Venus that Order (Sat­urn) must be Just (Libra); that any claim of priv­i­lege and posi­tion with­in a hier­ar­chy must be matched through the ful­fill­ment of your respon­si­bil­i­ties to one anoth­er. There are many types of social orders and hier­ar­chies in your world, but the foun­tain-source, the root cause and deter­min­ing fac­tor in all is the one true Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it.

You turn your gaze for­ward, upwards and see the Great Souls who have gone ahead, who offer you hope by extend­ing their good thoughts, uncon­di­tion­al love and will­ing sup­port as you strive to become more like them. You turn your gaze back­ward, down­wards and see all the oth­er souls who trail behind you, and you extend your hand and thoughts, your love and will to them…because, because you know and you feel that it is right…because one and all are ones of the One.

Sat­urn lays down the chal­lenge to Venus, to your val­ues, to your love and asks, “Are you wor­thy?” For if you wish to enjoy your val­ues, to claim your rights and your priv­i­leges, you must be able to affirm that you have equal­ly met your responsibilities…for that is what the word Respon­si­bil­i­ty sim­ply means, it means “your abil­i­ty to respond”…and what are you respond­ing to? Why, to the needs of any and all in your cir­cle of life.

Because each and every, one and all are part of this spi­ral jour­ney; each and every unfold, grow and devel­op their capac­i­ty to respond to one anoth­er through this won­drous, hier­ar­chy, this spi­ral of being, of giv­ing and receiv­ing that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Let us give thanks, thanks be to Saturn…the Teacher, who keeps your feet upon the path­way of Light!