Daily Archives: January 2, 2012


Uranus Square Pluto

The Uranus/Pluto Cycle

To under­stand what is before us we must remem­ber, remem­ber that we have been mov­ing through a series of cycles, and turn­ing points with­in cycles, for a very long time indeed. To tru­ly under­stand where we are now, and what lies ahead, we do need to con­sid­er what we have emerged from.

The Uranus/Pluto square that we face is the next step in a series of seed-forms that was most recent­ly renewed in 1965–66 when Uranus and Plu­to formed their last con­junc­tion in the sign of Vir­go. Much as in their pre­vi­ous con­junc­tions of 1710 in Leo and 1850–51 in Aries, this encounter of Mind and Will brought about a trans­for­ma­tion of thought-forms and spa­tial rela­tion­ships or bound­aries. Cer­tain­ly any­one present dur­ing the 1960’s or look­ing back upon that peri­od can note the extra­or­di­nary degree to which change erupt­ed across the planet.

Uranus rul­ing Mind (as well as Inde­pen­dence, Free­dom and Inven­tive­ness) when com­bined with and cat­alyzed by Plu­to rul­ing Will (as well as Trans­for­ma­tion, Con­trol and Rebirth) togeth­er quick­ened devel­op­ments in our world in almost every are­na. Tech­no­log­i­cal advances then gave birth to our wired world of today along with med­ical dis­cov­er­ies that have now pushed us to the edge of the pow­er to cre­ate life itself. Per­son­al, social and glob­al trans­for­ma­tions erupt­ed through­out the social sphere as waves of social progress were released for Civ­il Rights, Wom­en’s Rights, the Free Speech & Peace Move­ments and many, many others.

But the com­bi­na­tion of Uranus and Plu­to releas­es ener­gies which form reac­tions that are not uni­di­rec­tion­al; as much as new Ideas and new Spaces emerge at such a time they do so with­in, and often in reac­tion to, the exist­ing par­a­digms of thought and struc­ture. The emer­gent spir­it of “the New” chal­lenges the entrenched spir­it of “the old ways”, and so a strug­gle is waged in all spheres. Whether the forces for change bub­ble up from below, or are imposed from above, equal­ly the push back or resis­tance to change can come from either realm.

As much as the new ideas cre­ate new spaces and new forms of rela­tion­ships, the old order will seek to exert its Free­dom (Uranus) and use exist­ing pow­er (Will/Pluto) to resist and turn back the tides of change. This too is part of the dynam­ic, spi­ral evo­lu­tion of Spir­it, part of the “the plan” so to speak, for as much as there may be tremen­dous gains in doing away with the “old order”, there is much that would be lost and should be pre­served as well. And equal­ly, the mere emer­gence of new ways of think­ing does not in fact mean that it is always “bet­ter”. So, a strug­gle ensues between the forces of transformation/revolution and the forces for preservation/reaction.

What was released by the Uranus/Pluto con­junc­tion in the Six­ties con­tin­ued to work itself through the hier­ar­chies of mate­r­i­al, per­son­al and social orders, trans­form­ing what was, but with ebbs and flows, progress and regres­sions, until we approach the next turn­ing in their cycle…

This is what we have been feel­ing now for the last cou­ple of years, we have been draw­ing clos­er to the next piv­ot point and we have expe­ri­enced a fore­shad­ow­ing, we have felt the head winds blow­ing stronger and stronger as we move to the next fork in our journey…

Now we are here and we should meet with great expectan­cy the next phase of this spir­i­tu­al drama…We face chal­lenges, choic­es and deci­sions and we can no longer post­pone the inevitable…

For this is to be the time in which we choose which future we wish to live in.


Uranus Square Pluto

The Roles of Uranus & Pluto 

To meet the chal­lenges and seize the oppor­tu­ni­ties of Uranus square Plu­to we need to under­stand the spir­i­tu­al nature of what their rela­tion­ship cre­ates gen­er­al­ly, and see what their most recent align­ments might pro­vide as insights into our present stage in the ever-unfold­ing becom­ing of our spir­i­tu­al poten­tials. We espe­cial­ly need to under­stand what their last con­junc­tion released, and what we need to do to face the chal­lenge pre­sent­ed by the square we meet now.

The three out­er plan­ets should be viewed as the spir­i­tu­al agents of trans­for­ma­tion; they are emis­saries from the cos­mos that cre­ate the poten­tial for each and every one of us to move beyond our mere con­di­tioned self, the self defined and delim­it­ed by our Sat­urn­ian mold­ings and struc­tures. They do not “cause” our devel­op­ment but serve to elic­it, quick­en and sup­port our spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment and evo­lu­tion, which would even­tu­al­ly unfold since all of “That”, our poten­tial to become, is con­tained with­in our monadic self, but it would devel­op at a much slow­er pace. They are tru­ly Gifts of the Spir­it, lift­ing us up upon that steep­er, truer path of ful­fill­ment. Uranus is said to rule high­er Mind, Nep­tune to rule high­er Love and Plu­to to rule high­er Will. Togeth­er they are said to rep­re­sent the 3 aspects of the Divine work­ing in our world; The Mind, The Love and The Will of the Divine for our Solar System.

This is why the cycle align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to gov­ern the cre­ative, dynam­ic and cathar­tic inter­sec­tions of Mind and Will. It is Uranus’ role to be the instru­ment for the release of new idea forms, (Seed Ideas), that quick­en the devel­op­ment of thought in our world. At its most basic, yet equal­ly most pro­found lev­el, the entire­ty of cre­ation can be seen as pure con­scious­ness. That means that the hier­ar­chies of all forms of exis­tence in this cos­mos, from the small­est to the great­est, are the count­less instances of the uni­verse com­ing to con­scious­ly know itself (“I am THAT, I am!”). But Mind alone is not all…

It is Plu­to’s role to be the instru­ment of form­ing the bound­aries in our Space, the spaces of Space with­in which each Mon­ad unfolds and devel­ops; Plu­to rules the pow­er of the Will which is the pow­er to shape and re-shape (or trans­form) Space itself. From the high­est to the low­est, each mon­ad, each spark of the Divine, unfolds and devel­ops with­in its space with­in Space, yet each mon­ad will always be fun­da­men­tal­ly part of each and every oth­er mon­ad because they have all come from and con­tin­ue their exis­tence in and through the One.

The pro­gres­sive devel­op­ment of each and every mon­ad or spir­it, from the low­est forms of exis­tence to forms beyond our present capac­i­ty to com­pre­hend, requires the bend­ing and trans­form­ing of the spaces of Space for each mon­ad to devel­op with­in. This devel­op­ment of Space, and of the bound­aries between each and every mon­ad’s sacred space of self, is gov­erned by the Will.

Plu­to for us rules this for­ma­tion and trans­for­ma­tion by the will; and in this cycle with Uranus, Plu­to reveals the trans­for­ma­tion­al pow­er of the release of new ideas and new forms of think­ing upon exist­ing struc­tures or spaces.

This is their dynam­ic inter­play: New ideas lead to new spaces and rela­tion­ships for spir­it to devel­op through; but those bound­ed spaces even­tu­al­ly begin to prove lim­it­ing to the fur­ther devel­op­ment of spir­it; and so new idea forms are released to estab­lish new for­ma­tions of space and rela­tion­ships; and so all mon­ads, includ­ing us, can con­tin­ue their unfold­ment through Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

So let us turn to the ques­tion of our time, to see what has been revealed and required by this cycle in the lat­est series of align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to, and what might be in store for us in the next sev­er­al years…


Uranus Square Plu­to (June 24, 2012 & Sep­tem­ber 19, 2012, then May 20, 2013…)

The Cycles of the Out­er Plan­ets — Gifts of the Spirit

The cycles of the 3 out­er­most plan­ets, (Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to), their move­ment around the zodi­ac indi­vid­u­al­ly and their inter­sect­ing aspects with one anoth­er, cre­ate fun­da­men­tal and long-wave releas­es of spir­i­tu­al forces, what I like to think of as trans­for­ma­tion­al Gifts of the Spir­it that dri­ve and deter­mine per­son­al and social devel­op­ments for us on Earth.

When we con­sid­er the cycle of each plan­et through the 12 signs of the zodi­ac we can see how each plan­et brings to bear its influ­ence through the mean­ing of that sign for def­i­nite peri­ods. Their cycles are: Uranus approx­i­mate­ly 84 years, or 7 years in a sign; Nep­tune about 164 years, or about 14 years in a sign and Plu­to approx­i­mate­ly 245 years, which because of its high­ly eccen­tric orbit is in a sign for 12 to 32 years. Their orbits form a ratio from Uranus to Plu­to of about 1 to 2 to 3.

When we con­sid­er the rela­tion­ship of these 3 plan­ets to one anoth­er, that is their inter­sect­ing cycles, we have the fol­low­ing cycles of them mov­ing from one con­junc­tion to their next con­junc­tion with one anoth­er: Neptune/Pluto about 492 years; Uranus/Neptune about 172 years; and (the one we are cur­rent­ly sub­ject to) Uranus/Pluto about 110–140 years.

These 3 cycles cre­ate releas­es of dif­fer­ent forms of spir­i­tu­al quick­en­ing for per­son­al and social devel­op­ments here on Earth. Each has its own char­ac­ter and role to play and we have been the recip­i­ents of all 3 releas­ing new seeds of devel­op­ment in the last 100+ years. We expe­ri­enced the longer wave cycle of Nep­tune con­junct Plu­to in 1891–92; we received the sec­ond lev­el release of Uranus con­junct Nep­tune in 1993; and we expe­ri­enced the third lev­el of Uranus con­junct Plu­to in 1965–66.

What we are expe­ri­enc­ing now is the next step of that Uranus/Pluto seed­ing, the unfold­ment of that ini­tial release of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy that we received in 1965–66 has now reached the moment where they are at the point of being one quar­ter the way around their cycle, and we must face choic­es and make decisions.

**As a point of inter­est we should note that the most sig­nif­i­cant align­ment all three plan­ets can have with one anoth­er, their triple or Super Con­junc­tion (all 3 being in the same zodi­a­cal space), which should be con­sid­ered as the most sig­nif­i­cant seed­ing of spir­i­tu­al ener­gies pos­si­ble, last took place about 580 BC. This was of course the peri­od which wit­nessed the spir­i­tu­al teach­ings that were offered to the world by such great souls as Con­fu­cius, Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Zoroast­er, Pythago­ras and many oth­ers whose wis­dom and influ­ence still guides us today. (If you are curi­ous, the next super con­junc­tion­al release of Spir­it will take place around 3,368).

But let us turn now to our chal­lenge and our opportunity…



The gen­er­al out­look for 2012 is defined by the major align­ment of Uranus and Plu­to, a square aspect that will con­tin­ue to shape our lives well on into 2015. This is the first major align­ment since their con­junc­tion in the 1960’s…do you remem­ber or know about what hap­pened in the 60’s? Well, then you should know that we are in for a bumpy ride indeed!

The wax­ing square of these two trans­for­ma­tion­al plan­ets, an influ­ence that has been increas­ing­ly felt by the world over the last cou­ple of years, will be the pri­ma­ry dri­ver for per­son­al and social change for the next sev­er­al years. I will look at their influ­ence gen­er­al­ly, which is what is termed their Tran­sit to Tran­sit align­ment. Then dur­ing this year, and in fol­low­ing years, exam­ine how their align­ment with one anoth­er also inter­sects var­i­ous impor­tant charts in the world in what are termed Tran­sit to Natal aspects.

The analy­sis of the Uranus/Pluto align­ment will be split up into sev­er­al seg­ments or postings.

There are, of course, a num­ber of oth­er “less­er” align­ments or phe­nom­e­na that will take place over the next 12 months and I will briefly note them, sav­ing their actu­al dates of activ­i­ty for detailed analy­sis. Among the most sig­nif­i­cant of these devel­op­ments will be the final entry of the plan­et Nep­tune into its own sign of Pisces where it will stay until 2026; the plan­et Sat­urn mov­ing from Libra into Scor­pio in Octo­ber; the plan­et Mars going ret­ro­grade from late Jan­u­ary till mid April; the plan­et Venus mov­ing ret­ro­grade from mid May till the end of June; along with the usu­al year­ly shifts such as the Solar and Lunar eclipses as well as Mer­cury retrogrades.

I will then turn to the more spe­cif­ic analy­sis of Tran­sit to Natal align­ments focus­ing upon the Unit­ed States and Preis­dent Oba­ma’s charts.