Uranus Square Pluto

The Roles of Uranus & Pluto 

To meet the chal­lenges and seize the oppor­tu­ni­ties of Uranus square Plu­to we need to under­stand the spir­i­tu­al nature of what their rela­tion­ship cre­ates gen­er­al­ly, and see what their most recent align­ments might pro­vide as insights into our present stage in the ever-unfold­ing becom­ing of our spir­i­tu­al poten­tials. We espe­cial­ly need to under­stand what their last con­junc­tion released, and what we need to do to face the chal­lenge pre­sent­ed by the square we meet now.

The three out­er plan­ets should be viewed as the spir­i­tu­al agents of trans­for­ma­tion; they are emis­saries from the cos­mos that cre­ate the poten­tial for each and every one of us to move beyond our mere con­di­tioned self, the self defined and delim­it­ed by our Sat­urn­ian mold­ings and struc­tures. They do not “cause” our devel­op­ment but serve to elic­it, quick­en and sup­port our spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment and evo­lu­tion, which would even­tu­al­ly unfold since all of “That”, our poten­tial to become, is con­tained with­in our monadic self, but it would devel­op at a much slow­er pace. They are tru­ly Gifts of the Spir­it, lift­ing us up upon that steep­er, truer path of ful­fill­ment. Uranus is said to rule high­er Mind, Nep­tune to rule high­er Love and Plu­to to rule high­er Will. Togeth­er they are said to rep­re­sent the 3 aspects of the Divine work­ing in our world; The Mind, The Love and The Will of the Divine for our Solar System.

This is why the cycle align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to gov­ern the cre­ative, dynam­ic and cathar­tic inter­sec­tions of Mind and Will. It is Uranus’ role to be the instru­ment for the release of new idea forms, (Seed Ideas), that quick­en the devel­op­ment of thought in our world. At its most basic, yet equal­ly most pro­found lev­el, the entire­ty of cre­ation can be seen as pure con­scious­ness. That means that the hier­ar­chies of all forms of exis­tence in this cos­mos, from the small­est to the great­est, are the count­less instances of the uni­verse com­ing to con­scious­ly know itself (“I am THAT, I am!”). But Mind alone is not all…

It is Plu­to’s role to be the instru­ment of form­ing the bound­aries in our Space, the spaces of Space with­in which each Mon­ad unfolds and devel­ops; Plu­to rules the pow­er of the Will which is the pow­er to shape and re-shape (or trans­form) Space itself. From the high­est to the low­est, each mon­ad, each spark of the Divine, unfolds and devel­ops with­in its space with­in Space, yet each mon­ad will always be fun­da­men­tal­ly part of each and every oth­er mon­ad because they have all come from and con­tin­ue their exis­tence in and through the One.

The pro­gres­sive devel­op­ment of each and every mon­ad or spir­it, from the low­est forms of exis­tence to forms beyond our present capac­i­ty to com­pre­hend, requires the bend­ing and trans­form­ing of the spaces of Space for each mon­ad to devel­op with­in. This devel­op­ment of Space, and of the bound­aries between each and every mon­ad’s sacred space of self, is gov­erned by the Will.

Plu­to for us rules this for­ma­tion and trans­for­ma­tion by the will; and in this cycle with Uranus, Plu­to reveals the trans­for­ma­tion­al pow­er of the release of new ideas and new forms of think­ing upon exist­ing struc­tures or spaces.

This is their dynam­ic inter­play: New ideas lead to new spaces and rela­tion­ships for spir­it to devel­op through; but those bound­ed spaces even­tu­al­ly begin to prove lim­it­ing to the fur­ther devel­op­ment of spir­it; and so new idea forms are released to estab­lish new for­ma­tions of space and rela­tion­ships; and so all mon­ads, includ­ing us, can con­tin­ue their unfold­ment through Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

So let us turn to the ques­tion of our time, to see what has been revealed and required by this cycle in the lat­est series of align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to, and what might be in store for us in the next sev­er­al years…

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