Uranus Square Pluto

Uranus/Pluto Square 2012–2015

So we find our­selves at the inter­sec­tion of sev­er­al sig­nif­i­cant streams of Spir­i­tu­al forces, influ­ences that will pro­vide the inspi­ra­tion and artic­u­late the chal­lenges we now encounter. (Though, of course, the form and con­tent of what we now expe­ri­ence which is seem­ing­ly “pre­sent­ed” to us, the “facts” of our sit­u­a­tion, is the man­i­fest­ed con­se­quence of the choic­es we made before, of what we have done and so made by our pre­vi­ous steps in this jour­ney in Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it). What we have are 3 major influ­ences that are com­bined and cat­alyzed togeth­er by the sec­ond of the three: 1) Uranus in Aries which we have not expe­ri­enced for 75 years, 2) The Uranus/Pluto wax­ing square which we have not expe­ri­enced for 135 years and 3) (the “big one”) Plu­to in Capri­corn which we have not expe­ri­enced for 247 years.

As before the avatars of Mind (Uranus) and Will (Plu­to), the car­ri­ers of Seed Ideas and Sacred Space have come to a turn­ing point. As in those pre­vi­ous eras with Plu­to in Capri­corn, we find with­in our­selves and in all sec­tors of our cul­ture and soci­ety, that there exists an over­whelm­ing sense that the world is not “right”. In realms both Tem­po­ral and Sec­u­lar, the dis­con­nec­tion between elites and the gen­er­al pop­u­lace has widened, and that the yawn­ing gulf between lead­ers and led is grow­ing ever greater. In fact the feel­ing amongst many is that lead­er­ship, true lead­er­ship has some­how “left the planet”.

Whether with­in any one coun­try or around the world, the inces­sant, increas­ing expe­ri­ence of dis­ap­point­ment is felt by almost all…that every struc­ture, insti­tu­tion, stan­dard or val­ue has become com­pro­mised; whether that loss of cred­i­bil­i­ty or virtue is encoun­tered in Reli­gion, or Edu­ca­tion, or Gov­ern­ment, or in the sim­ple promise of a bet­ter world for one’s chil­dren and their children…all of it seems with­out hope…and there is a great longing…

And so it is pre­cise­ly in times such as this, when a great empti­ness and loss of hope begins to take hold in the world…it is pre­cise­ly at such a time that Spir­it answers…It moves into our emp­ty spaces and trou­bled minds…It lifts up our hearts and awak­ens the spir­it with­in and reminds us all that we can change…and then, as if by “mag­ic”, we do change and renew our world. Spir­it does this pre­cise­ly as we move into and through the cri­sis because it is that very cri­sis which cat­alyzes each and every indi­vid­ual to turn around, to turn and to make the nec­es­sary sac­ri­fices which must be made to bring about a New World again.

The signs of the unrav­el­ing of the old are more than self-evident…but so too are the signs and por­tents of the emerg­ing ways that are lead­ing to the New World. As indi­vid­u­als and groups of indi­vid­u­als seek to real­ize their dreams with new inten­tions and means, and seek equal­ly to cope with the fail­ures of the sys­tems they are cur­rent­ly cir­cum­scribed by, we can dis­cern the out­lines of new Ways of Think­ing and new Spaces of Being.

And so we must each ask our­selves, what can I do?

First, in order to be guid­ed by the high­est influ­ences, in order to fol­low Spir­it and your heart, do not be deceived or con­fused by the myr­i­ad ways that the old order dis­tracts and divides. Remem­ber always that the one true source of pow­er in this Uni­verse is with­in you…and you, and you. It is not “out there”, it is “in here” and also with­in any­one beside you.

But that is also and always where the real strug­gle is met. It is not the fault or fail­ing of a kind of gov­ern­ment or pol­i­tics, it is not the fault of the church or a faith…Do not let fetishism or the pro­jec­tion upon some­thing or some­one else con­fuse you as to where “the prob­lem” is…For every­thing in this world that seems to be fail­ing, every insti­tu­tion, every struc­ture and way of life…everything is what it is because it is giv­en life by each and every one of us…We must change and we shall change…and so will our world.

We are at a turn­ing. Some have called it “The Fourth Turn­ing”. Some have called it the “End of Times”…but we are at our moment of oppor­tu­ni­ty to build a New World and offer to those that fol­low us a bet­ter world than we could have imagined.

This is our time to choose, to ask of our self, “What is the greater good for all?”…

And then to sim­ply do that!

This is the time for Heroes and Heal­ers, Doers and Leaders.

This is Our Time to Become the Becoming…

And, it is your time to shine!

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