Uranus Square Pluto

Uranus/Pluto Square 2012–2015 — A World Timeline

Though we have been expe­ri­enc­ing the influ­ences of the com­ing align­ments for a cou­ple of years now, the great­est effects still lie ahead. The world as a whole will expe­ri­ence each and every phase of this pow­er­ful align­ment togeth­er. Yet at the same time we will, of course, respond or react to the expe­ri­ence dif­fer­ent­ly as deter­mined by our par­tic­u­lar con­di­tions in our soci­eties, economies and culture.

There is a pos­si­ble insight to be gained by observ­ing when the mutu­al align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to form inter­sec­tions with the sig­nif­i­cant plan­e­tary place­ments of var­i­ous enti­ties in the world, Nation­al and Inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions and such. This would be when for instance Uranus may square a coun­try’s Sun while Plu­to is in con­junc­tion to the same. It is a sort of plan­e­tary “squeeze play”, a dou­bling down of the influ­ence that each will bring to one fac­tor in that enti­ty’s experience.

One strik­ing exam­ple of this is the fact, cre­at­ed by an “acci­dent” of our cal­en­dar that many orga­ni­za­tions have as their incep­tion point, (their “birth chart”), on the date at which our cal­en­dar begins, Jan­u­ary 1. There are quite a num­ber of Cor­po­rate, Nation­al and Inter­na­tion­al charts that are set at that date. Because our cal­en­dar is “irreg­u­lar”, so that every 4 years we have need to add a day, the actu­al posi­tion of the Sun on Jan­u­ary 1st will vary from about 9 to 11 degrees of Capri­corn. These degrees and those charts will expe­ri­ence this dou­ble-squeeze from Uranus and Plu­to from 2013–2014.

More broad­ly over the time of their exact align­ments from 2012–2015, Uranus and Plu­to will form direct aspects to any charts which have place­ments from 7 to 15 degrees of Aries and Capri­corn. Besides these signs and degrees, the oth­er two car­di­nal signs, Libra and Can­cer will also expe­ri­ence a sig­nif­i­cant aspect to these same degree posi­tions as well. It is there­fore a vir­tu­al cer­tain­ty that any and all charts will expe­ri­ence some form of direct con­tact by Uranus and Plu­to dur­ing some part of this period…

The list below enu­mer­ates some of the major coun­tries or enti­ties which will be expe­ri­enc­ing this dou­ble tran­sit of Uranus and Plu­to. I will over the course of this year and onwards take a clos­er look at these and oth­er charts as con­di­tions warrant:


Chi­na (Plu­to square Sun, Uranus oppo­site Sun)

Sau­di Ara­bia (Plu­to con­junct Ascen­dant, Uranus square Ascendant)


Cana­da (Plu­to oppose Sun, Uranus square Sun) 

Cuba (Plu­to square Moon, Uranus square Moon 2012, Plu­to con­junct Sun, Uranus square Sun 2013)

Ger­many (Plu­to square Sun, Uranus Oppose Sun)


Euro­pean Union (Plu­to con­junct Sun, Uranus square Sun)

Euro Cur­ren­cy (Plu­to con­junct Sun, Uranus square Sun)

Greece (Plu­to oppo­site Sat­urn, Uranus square Saturn)

Italy (Plu­to oppose Sun, Uranus square Sun)

North Korea (Plu­to con­junct Moon, Uranus square Moon)

Unit­ed King­dom (Plu­to con­junct Sun, Uranus square Sun)


Spain (Plu­to oppo­site Moon, Uranus square Moon)

France (Plu­to square Sun, Uranus oppo­site Sun)

Iran (Plu­to square Sun, Uranus oppo­site Sun)


USA (Plu­to oppo­site Sun, Uranus square Sun)

This is by no means a com­plete list­ing but as con­di­tions unfold I will make fur­ther obser­va­tions and more detailed com­ments about these and oth­er enti­ties as we move through this his­toric period.

This grand align­ment is cer­tain­ly the most impor­tant fea­ture of this peri­od but it is not the whole sto­ry. In the next post­ing I will turn to the oth­er major align­ments and phe­nom­e­na for 2012, then onto more spe­cif­ic obser­va­tions for the US chart and oth­er world players…

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