Daily Archives: January 8, 2012

Full Moon (January 8–9, 2012)

The annu­al release of Capri­corn spir­it which began to unfold at the New Moon two weeks ago comes to the moment of rev­e­la­tion, your epiphanal cli­max. The posi­tion­ing of two bod­ies in oppo­site signs, here the Sun in Capri­corn and the Moon in Can­cer, pro­vides a beau­ti­ful illus­tra­tion of the inter­de­pen­dent, dynam­ic rela­tion­ship between two forms of your being, two approach­es to your life and two ways of truth.

This is Capri­corn’s time, and so the empha­sis has been upon your struc­tures, for­mal­i­ties and duty. In the spir­it of Capri­corn you do what is right because it is prop­er, tra­di­tion­al and upholds the sta­tus quo…for what has been achieved by you is impor­tant and needs to be safe­guard­ed, hon­ored and passed along…Capricorn is about the hier­ar­chies of your life, who you are respon­si­ble for and who or what you are respon­si­ble to. 

But today the Moon is in her own sign of Can­cer, and she is singing a dif­fer­ent song. Where­as Capri­corn does what is “right”, Can­cer does what “feels right”; with Can­cer you fol­low your feel­ings, respond­ing to the needs of the moment for your­self and those you care for.

Capri­corn is duty-bound, Can­cer is spon­ta­neous; Capri­corn is dri­ven and ambi­tious, Can­cer is pro­tec­tive and care­ful. Capri­corn is prag­mat­ic and reli­able, Can­cer is sen­si­ble and respon­sive. So what does the oppo­si­tion tell you about this moment?

The Full Moon is always a time when you feel pulled in two direc­tions, and you feel that you must “choose”. Of course, the real chal­lenge is to remem­ber that you can­not choose between them, you must always take the path of integration…which is the way of spir­i­tu­al truth.

The Full Moon illu­mi­nates some­thing that you need to acknowl­edge, and equal­ly illus­trates what you should do. Per­haps you are fac­ing a choice between the demands of your job ver­sus the needs of your fam­i­ly. Maybe you have sac­ri­ficed too much to secure some­thing for your fam­i­ly, sac­ri­ficed so much that you are los­ing the very fam­i­ly that you were try­ing to sup­port. Or it could be that you have been too involved with a per­son­al mat­ter, you have tried to meet the needs of those who are clos­est to you, but this has caused you to stum­ble in your duties to the larg­er world.

This is a time to face these dilem­mas square­ly. Remem­ber, you can­not choose here. You must find the inte­gra­tive bal­ance because each of these forms of life, each of these ways of truth, are essen­tial parts of your being that depend upon one anoth­er for ful­fill­ment. Each with­out the oth­er can­not be and only through one anoth­er can you find both secu­ri­ty and ful­fill­ment. Seek to bal­ance out these worlds by under­stand­ing whether you need to bring more feel­ing back into your life or cre­ate stronger struc­tures to have those feel­ings in.

Here in the cold win­ter light of the full Moon, stand and be still, between the dark­ness and the light…

Seek and you will find the illu­mined path of liv­ing whole; to walk in bal­anced understanding…

Be the cen­ter of your cir­cle of life, whole and inte­grat­ed, with­in and without…

Feel­ings and Fulfillment…
