Daily Archives: January 11, 2012

Sun Trine Mars (January 12, 2012)

This is a good day!

The Sun (your pure poten­tial to become) favor­ably aligns with Mars (your aims, actions and aspi­ra­tions) so that today is a day you can “Be your Becoming”!

Ener­gies are flow­ing, the stars are aligned and you will find that min­i­mal effort earns max­i­mum results…

The Sun in Capri­corn is strid­ing through the realms of tra­di­tion, accom­plish­ment and ful­fill­ment. Mars in Vir­go pro­vides that focused sparkle by order­ing your pur­pose along lines of mean­ing­ful, inte­grat­ed struc­tures. You live to serve and through ser­vice find your ful­fill­ment. No effort is wast­ed, no detail overlooked…but most of all you can count on the sin­gu­lar gift that all the oth­ers rest upon, self-mastery.

You (along with each and every spark of the Divine) are always seek­ing to real­ize your pur­pose; you find ful­fill­ment in the under­stand­ing of, and then through express­ing your unique poten­tial. While the Sun is in Capri­corn you con­nect to this sense of pur­pose­ful striv­ing to reach high­er, to be your best, to be the mas­ter-crafts­man of your own life.

Now Mars in Vir­go pro­vides one of the key ingre­di­ents, which is your capac­i­ty to ana­lyze and so improve on your aims and actions; you can more clear­ly dis­cern what to strive for and then apply your­self to those bet­ter ways of mov­ing towards it.

Today is a very good day to be and to become…

Today is a day for fulfillment!