Daily Archives: January 12, 2012

Venus Trine Saturn & Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Venus Conjunct Neptune (January 13, 2012)

This is a very busy and beau­ti­ful day in the heavens!

Tomor­row Venus will depart from Aquar­ius and enter Pisces, but on this last day in Aquar­ius she will make beau­ti­ful con­tacts with both Sat­urn and Nep­tune. Mer­cury mean­while aligns with Plu­to to pro­vide you with very insight­ful per­cep­tions and challenges.

Venus rounds out her jour­ney in Aquar­ius with two won­der­ful influ­ences. First she is graced with the grav­i­tas of jus­tice by Sat­urn in Libra, (Libra is Venus’ sign so this is quite for­tu­itous, and mean­while Venus is in the sign that Sat­urn was held to rule in clas­si­cal astrol­o­gy! This “trad­ing of places” is called by Astrologers a con­di­tion of “Mutu­al Recep­tion” which is very, very good indeed). Here Venus and Sat­urn mutu­al­ly ben­e­fit one anoth­er, each affirm­ing and rein­forc­ing one anoth­er in your ever-unfold­ing under­stand­ing about the nature of rela­tion­ship in your life.

Sat­urn in Libra stands for the prin­ci­ple that right and healthy rela­tion­ships are found­ed upon objec­tive and con­scious­ly agreed to prin­ci­ples of fair­ness, equal­i­ty and mutu­al regard for one anoth­er. Venus in Aquar­ius con­curs in that those rela­tion­ships must equal­ly be based upon a fun­da­men­tal shar­ing of per­son­al, social and spir­i­tu­al val­ues with one another…in oth­er words the sound­est, truest and most ful­fill­ing of rela­tion­ships are also ones of abid­ing friendship.

Today you should have some deep­er expe­ri­ence of these two truths, some con­se­quen­tial con­fir­ma­tion of a rela­tion­ship or rela­tion­ships that are found­ed upon the prin­ci­pled pil­lars of Jus­tice and Friendship.

Mean­while the plan­et that rules your mind and ordi­nary pow­ers of per­cep­tion, Mer­cury, is lin­ing up with the ruler of the will, Plu­to. This is a day for “x‑ray” vision; you will have more pen­e­trat­ing insights and deep­er thoughts. It is a day that you may real­ize that you had been look­ing through a dimmed or dark­ened lens, but now see “clear and true”; a whol­ly deep­er lev­el of per­cep­tion is before you and so you are thrilled by the rev­e­la­to­ry vision of a new world.

But what hap­pens now is crit­i­cal, for with Plu­to rul­ing your willpow­er you may feel it to be most urgent and impor­tant to impart, nay to force this truth upon another…and that, you should know, is a far greater wrong than poor or incor­rect thoughts. You can­not force anoth­er to see “the Truth”, because that very impo­si­tion of your will and thought upon anoth­er is the most griev­ous vio­la­tion of spir­i­tu­al integri­ty. You must resist doing this and instead seek to lead by example…encourage the oth­er to con­sid­er your per­spec­tive or posi­tion, and so through com­par­i­son and con­trast to re-con­sid­er their own…but you must not, you can­not, force them to truth!

Con­trari­wise, if some­one is so cer­tain of them­selves that they are attempt­ing to force their ideas upon you, then you must do every­thing you can to dis­suade them from this fol­ly and point out how very wrong this is.

Instead, use this excep­tion­al gift bestowed by Plu­to to plumb the depths of your own per­cep­tions, assump­tions and thoughts. Turn this fusion of Mind and Will back upon your­self; you should seek to root out your own incon­gruities and false men­tal path­ways and there­by arrive at a clear­er and more hum­bled appre­ci­a­tion of reality.

Final­ly, Venus is won­der­ful­ly graced by her pas­sage over Nep­tune today. The plan­et of per­son­al love and beau­ty aligns with her spir­i­tu­al dou­ble, for it is said that Nep­tune is the high­er form or expres­sion of Venus and rules inspi­ra­tion, imag­i­na­tion and uni­ver­sal love.

Venus rules val­ue, beau­ty and your expe­ri­ence of per­son­al love for one anoth­er. All of these rest upon one fun­da­men­tal foun­da­tion for you, the val­ue you have for your­self or self-worth. To the extent that you under­stand your own, ever-unfold­ing real­iza­tion of val­ue with­in your­self, then to that same extent will you be able to have right rela­tion­ships to the things in your world and more espe­cial­ly to oth­er beings in your world.

Today you are blessed with Nep­tune’s mes­sage that at the core of each and every one, (the ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of your true and abid­ing love for one anoth­er), is estab­lished and main­tained by that spark of the Divine, your divine essence or mon­ad, which is the illu­mined core of you and every oth­er too. Nep­tune rules this Uni­ver­sal basis of Love; for true love is found­ed upon this com­pas­sion­ate con­nec­tion forged by each and every one being “ones of the One”. You can love and be loved because in truth who­ev­er stands before you is one with the Divine too.

The great illu­sion is sep­a­ra­tion, the high­est truth is that all are one in Spirit.

Today is a day for inspiration…

Today is a day for imag­i­na­tion and dreams…but most truly…

Today is a day for Love.