Daily Archives: January 19, 2012

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2012)

Here in the final of four, in the sea­son known as win­ter, you enter the mid­dle pas­sage and you must hold…you must not waver. Through every sea­son there is a time for begin­ning, and a time for an end…but here, at the sacred cen­ter, you must stand with­out waver­ing for your dreams of bet­ter days.

For the next 30 days the Sun will move through Aquar­ius, the last of the Air Signs and the final of the Fixed. All the Air signs take their delight in the realm of ideas and ideals, of thoughts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and con­nec­tions. Focused now through the fixed nature of Aquar­ius these ideas become sub­ject to the clear­est of think­ing, the coolest of rea­son­ing and the most orig­i­nal of form.

Where­as the point and pur­pose of Capri­corn is to bring you to your moment of great­est real­iza­tion with­in a present real­i­ty, (to be ful­filled), Aquar­ius comes in with a sim­ple ques­tion, “Per­haps we can make it bet­ter, per­haps we should do it differently…maybe we can grow freer?” And so you must, you must stretch your­self and your mind’s eye and dream of a bet­ter world… a more just and beau­ti­ful world for you and yours…

It is said of Aquar­i­ans that they are nev­er “in” their time, that they dream and wan­der in a land from a thou­sand years ago, or in a thou­sand years to come, that they are in the world but not of it…

But remem­ber this, each and every one of you has Aquar­ius some­where in your chart, some­where in you there is that laugh­ter in the eye and song in your heart that says that you, me and we, that all of us togeth­er can and will make the world a bet­ter place…we just have to believe and then join together…as con­scious­ly aware com­pan­ions in the great work of being the cre­ators of a new world…

This is the month for join­ing together…

This is the time for dream­ing together…

This is your way to make a bet­ter world…together.