Here in the final of four, in the season known as winter, you enter the middle passage and you must hold…you must not waver. Through every season there is a time for beginning, and a time for an end…but here, at the sacred center, you must stand without wavering for your dreams of better days.
For the next 30 days the Sun will move through Aquarius, the last of the Air Signs and the final of the Fixed. All the Air signs take their delight in the realm of ideas and ideals, of thoughts, communications and connections. Focused now through the fixed nature of Aquarius these ideas become subject to the clearest of thinking, the coolest of reasoning and the most original of form.
Whereas the point and purpose of Capricorn is to bring you to your moment of greatest realization within a present reality, (to be fulfilled), Aquarius comes in with a simple question, “Perhaps we can make it better, perhaps we should do it differently…maybe we can grow freer?” And so you must, you must stretch yourself and your mind’s eye and dream of a better world… a more just and beautiful world for you and yours…
It is said of Aquarians that they are never “in” their time, that they dream and wander in a land from a thousand years ago, or in a thousand years to come, that they are in the world but not of it…
But remember this, each and every one of you has Aquarius somewhere in your chart, somewhere in you there is that laughter in the eye and song in your heart that says that you, me and we, that all of us together can and will make the world a better place…we just have to believe and then join together…as consciously aware companions in the great work of being the creators of a new world…
This is the month for joining together…
This is the time for dreaming together…
This is your way to make a better world…together.