Daily Archives: January 22, 2012

Mars Retrograde (January 23, 2012)

As men­tioned in my overview for 2012, today begins the ret­ro­grade of Mars until mid-April. Here is what I said then:

Mars Ret­ro­grade (Jan­u­ary 23 till April 13–14)

Where­as Mer­cury moves ret­ro­grade 3 times a year for about 23 days each time, and Venus ret­ro­grades about every 1.5 years for about 40 days, Mars will move ret­ro­grade about every 2 years and 2 months for about 80 days or so…it is the plan­et that goes ret­ro­grade the least so you should take advan­tage of this opportunity.…what opportunity?

Mars rules your actions and desires, it serves your “self” (the Sun) by pro­vid­ing the dri­ve to secure your needs and wants. But when it turns ret­ro­grade it sig­nals a time for you to turn inward, and offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty (neces­si­ty) to re-exam­ine what exact­ly you do desire, and, just as impor­tant­ly, re-con­sid­er how you should secure it. This time Mars is ret­ro­grad­ing through Vir­go, so the review of your desires and aims will be upon your need for greater clar­i­ty, order and peace of mind…

I would add that when­ev­er a plan­et is mov­ing ret­ro­grade it is actu­al­ly mov­ing clos­er to the Earth; Mars and Earth will make their clos­est approach to one anoth­er at such a time. The influ­ence and effects of Mars will not dimin­ish while ret­ro­grade but actu­al­ly grow until ear­ly March. That is when Mars is exact­ly oppo­site to the Sun and its bright red light will be like a shin­ing bea­con in heavens.

As Mars grows brighter, night after night, as you move towards that moment of greater rev­e­la­tion, take time to re-con­sid­er where you are going and how you are get­ting there. Look more deeply with­in your­self and ask “Is this what I should aim for, is this my way to move towards it wisely?

The theme of Mars in Vir­go (the sign of heal­ing and whole­ness) will focus these reflec­tions so that you may dis­cern more clear­ly what aims and which actions move you along your bet­ter path of Inte­gra­tion, Sim­plic­i­ty and Well-being.

Vir­go is the sign of the Vir­gin, (prob­a­bly the most mis­un­der­stood sym­bol of our cul­ture); to be Vir­ginal accord­ing to the First Teach­ings or the Ancient Wis­dom means that one is whole and com­plete, bal­anced and inte­grat­ed in Body, Feel­ing, Mind and Spir­it. It is only when a per­son becomes so inte­grat­ed are they tru­ly ready and pre­pared to enter into ful­ly func­tion­al relationships.

With Mars ret­ro­grade in Vir­go you are learn­ing to Act with greater Vir­tu­os­i­ty, to be guid­ed by clear inten­tions and graced by con­sid­er­ate acts. Nei­ther dis­trac­tions of mind, nor wast­ed efforts for you…now you are the will­ing appren­tice seek­ing only self-mas­tery. This is the true path of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.

The one true and only goal…is to find and secure that great­est of trea­sures, a trea­sure sought by many and found by few…

To be at Peace.

Cel­e­brate the gift of Mars who lifts you up to your high­est aspirations…

This, the path you must walk, the path of self-mas­tery and peace…

This is your path.

New Moon in Aquarius (January 23, 2012)

You have passed beyond that peren­ni­al sum­mit; your year-long jour­ney is wind­ing down. Ten Moons have bestowed their gifts upon you; these sacred ways, those eter­nal truths.…here to guide you while you walk the jour­ney of light.

Now near­ing the final chap­ter, you lift your eyes once more; you lift your gaze from the path of des­tiny as you behold the stars above…And, you’ll find anoth­er watch­er watch­ing, the one who is wait­ing there; a com­pan­ion for the journey…someone who is ever ready, who lends a help­ing hand…

Here at the 11th Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year you find your­self beyond those sto­ried hier­ar­chies of ful­fill­ment and duty, beyond the con­cerns of suc­cess and acclaim. You may pause and ask, “What comes after the grand per­for­mance, what else could be at hand?”

And then you see it, the sim­ple smile and the laugh­ter in the eye…And, you remem­ber, and you smile to yourself…You look around and see, of course, it is so sim­ple, so true…It is the greater life you have lived with this one, and anoth­er and another…To be with your com­pan­ions, to find belong­ing in community…to call to one anoth­er and say “I see you, I see you my friends!” And it is good, it very good indeed…

For in the 11th hour, you come to appre­ci­ate that each and every oth­er who jour­ney on this path, that all of these sparks of the divine are your com­pa­ny, your com­pan­ions in this won­drous path­way to per­fec­tion that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. And, it is togeth­er that you enjoy, that you make this won­der of co-cre­at­ing the world that is to be…

Cel­e­brate this spir­it of Aquar­ius dawning…

Live the Truth that “We are all related”.…

And smile, and laugh and lend a help­ing hand…

For you are among friends…and it is good.