Daily Archives: January 26, 2012

Mercury Square Saturn & Mercury Enters Aquarius (January 27, 2012)

Her­mes checks in with Saturn…and your mind just ran into a “real­i­ty-check”.

Mer­cury rules your thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions; Sat­urn rules author­i­ty and real­i­ty. With Mer­cury Squar­ing Sat­urn you will prob­a­bly be not as wit­ty, quick or at your best when it comes to your per­cep­tions and mes­sag­ing ear­ly today.

But remem­ber, things are not as “bad” as your think­ing is; your per­cep­tions are skewed and this neg­a­tive “bump” will soon pass. But actu­al­ly you should use this moment to stop and re-con­sid­er what the uni­verse is show­ing you.

Mer­cury in Capri­corn has kept you pre­oc­cu­pied with the respon­si­bil­i­ties of your life, of where you stand in the hier­ar­chies of your world. But Sat­urn is remind­ing you that there is noth­ing more impor­tant in life than fair, bal­anced authen­tic rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er. Yes, work and duty real­ly matter…you do need to keep part of your focus on ful­fill­ing your­self. But you also need to share your­self with those who mat­ter to you and you to them…Saturn is just remind­ing you about that…

It is all about…The Balance.

Then lo and behold Mer­cury glides into Aquar­ius and every­thing changes…everything.

Your mind sparkles, you are all lit up by and recep­tive to new ideas; you are orig­i­nal, inventive…it’s the time for “think­ing out­side of your box”…that’s the ener­gy at play on those airy, men­tal planes for the next cou­ple of weeks. 

Your mind that was “stuck”, well that is over…done. Mer­cury is at home, danc­ing in the sign of the Water Bear­er; your thoughts of duty and suc­cess give way to friend­ship, com­pan­ion­ship, your mind is suf­fused with the hopes and dreams for the good life.

How do you reach it, how do you go to the Good? Shar­ing and car­ing for one anoth­er’s future…that is always the way, the way the dream becomes pos­si­ble. For when two or more com­bine their dreams, com­bine their thoughts and efforts for a bet­ter world…magic happens!

Gath­er togeth­er, think together…

Make mag­ic!