Mercury Squares Jupiter (January 28, 2012)

Mer­cury and your mind are just get­ting used to the eclec­tic, eccen­tric airy ways of Aquar­ius when Jupiter in Tau­rus comes along with a prac­ti­cal reminder…too much of any­thing is just plain too much. Bet­ter dial it back and get your head out of the clouds and your feet back on ter­ra firma.

Mer­cury in Aquar­ius is all wide-eyed with won­der about the lat­est ideas and inventions…but Jupiter in Tau­rus is root­ed in steady, true and last­ing val­ues; Jupiter is call­ing on Mer­cury to steer a more prag­mat­ic path.

Just because there is some new-fan­gled way to think about or to do some­thing does not make it supe­ri­or. As of right now, the uni­verse is say­ing you should try and find a way to bend your new-found, bril­liant insights towards use­ful and prac­ti­cal applications.

That is always the way, that nar­row path between the dark­ness and the light…you fol­low the exam­ples of the spir­i­tu­al mas­ters, to take the one true mid­dle path of inte­gra­tion, to com­bine the best of both.

So, keep your eyes lift­ed up and your head full of excit­ing dreams and ideas; while you keep your Self on the path of pur­pose­ful endeav­or and your feet firm­ly plant­ed on this good earth.

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