Monthly Archives: January 2012

New Moon in Aquarius (January 23, 2012)

You have passed beyond that peren­ni­al sum­mit; your year-long jour­ney is wind­ing down. Ten Moons have bestowed their gifts upon you; these sacred ways, those eter­nal truths.…here to guide you while you walk the jour­ney of light.

Now near­ing the final chap­ter, you lift your eyes once more; you lift your gaze from the path of des­tiny as you behold the stars above…And, you’ll find anoth­er watch­er watch­ing, the one who is wait­ing there; a com­pan­ion for the journey…someone who is ever ready, who lends a help­ing hand…

Here at the 11th Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year you find your­self beyond those sto­ried hier­ar­chies of ful­fill­ment and duty, beyond the con­cerns of suc­cess and acclaim. You may pause and ask, “What comes after the grand per­for­mance, what else could be at hand?”

And then you see it, the sim­ple smile and the laugh­ter in the eye…And, you remem­ber, and you smile to yourself…You look around and see, of course, it is so sim­ple, so true…It is the greater life you have lived with this one, and anoth­er and another…To be with your com­pan­ions, to find belong­ing in community…to call to one anoth­er and say “I see you, I see you my friends!” And it is good, it very good indeed…

For in the 11th hour, you come to appre­ci­ate that each and every oth­er who jour­ney on this path, that all of these sparks of the divine are your com­pa­ny, your com­pan­ions in this won­drous path­way to per­fec­tion that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. And, it is togeth­er that you enjoy, that you make this won­der of co-cre­at­ing the world that is to be…

Cel­e­brate this spir­it of Aquar­ius dawning…

Live the Truth that “We are all related”.…

And smile, and laugh and lend a help­ing hand…

For you are among friends…and it is good.

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2012)

Here in the final of four, in the sea­son known as win­ter, you enter the mid­dle pas­sage and you must hold…you must not waver. Through every sea­son there is a time for begin­ning, and a time for an end…but here, at the sacred cen­ter, you must stand with­out waver­ing for your dreams of bet­ter days.

For the next 30 days the Sun will move through Aquar­ius, the last of the Air Signs and the final of the Fixed. All the Air signs take their delight in the realm of ideas and ideals, of thoughts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and con­nec­tions. Focused now through the fixed nature of Aquar­ius these ideas become sub­ject to the clear­est of think­ing, the coolest of rea­son­ing and the most orig­i­nal of form.

Where­as the point and pur­pose of Capri­corn is to bring you to your moment of great­est real­iza­tion with­in a present real­i­ty, (to be ful­filled), Aquar­ius comes in with a sim­ple ques­tion, “Per­haps we can make it bet­ter, per­haps we should do it differently…maybe we can grow freer?” And so you must, you must stretch your­self and your mind’s eye and dream of a bet­ter world… a more just and beau­ti­ful world for you and yours…

It is said of Aquar­i­ans that they are nev­er “in” their time, that they dream and wan­der in a land from a thou­sand years ago, or in a thou­sand years to come, that they are in the world but not of it…

But remem­ber this, each and every one of you has Aquar­ius some­where in your chart, some­where in you there is that laugh­ter in the eye and song in your heart that says that you, me and we, that all of us togeth­er can and will make the world a bet­ter place…we just have to believe and then join together…as con­scious­ly aware com­pan­ions in the great work of being the cre­ators of a new world…

This is the month for join­ing together…

This is the time for dream­ing together…

This is your way to make a bet­ter world…together.

Sun Square Saturn (January 19, 2012)

Four times a year, you meet four turns in the wheel of life. Four moments of deci­sion, you find four ways to make it “real”.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial wait­ing to unfold, wait­ing to be brought forth into real­i­ty. Sat­urn rules Real­i­ty; it is what you and every­one else have so far made into the “real”.

When­ev­er the Sun aligns with Sat­urn in one of the quar­ter turns of their cycle, (Con­junc­tion, Wax­ing Square, Oppo­si­tion and Wan­ing Square), you will find your­self at some impor­tant moment of decision. 

You will look at what you have so far made of yourself.…and you will com­pare this to your potential…and then you will have to decide…what is to be your next step. To turn left or right, go up or down, in or out…you must decide and so con­tin­ue to become.

Today you are at the next turn­ing of your wheel. Most like­ly, what­ev­er you may have start­ed, released or unfold­ed 3 months ago has now reached a piv­ot point. You have to choose what to cleave to and what to let go of.

With the Sun in Capri­corn and Sat­urn in Libra, the deci­sion and action to be tak­en will con­cern and com­bine Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Rela­tion­ship. You will need to decide how to inte­grate your need to ful­fill your pur­pose (self-ful­fill­ment) while hon­or­ing your rela­tion­ships (which make your ful­fill­ment pos­si­ble and mean­ing­ful). It may appear as if there is a con­test or choice between duty and love, but it is a false choice.

The only way for­ward, the only path pos­si­ble is the path of integration…you need to be both respon­si­ble and respon­sive, to be ful­filled and considerate…you need to be a whole person…

You need to choose.…Duty and Devo­tion, together.

Venus Enters Pisces (January 14, 2012)

Venus enters Pisces and for the next 3 weeks you will enjoy the mag­i­cal, inspi­ra­tional and spir­i­tu­al aspects of beau­ty and love. 

Venus is said to be exalt­ed in Pisces because here she finds her high­est under­stand­ing of the nature of val­ue and the expe­ri­ence of love; this under­stand­ing is found­ed upon the spir­i­tu­al truth that you are the dream­er who is dream­ing this real­i­ty. You need only abide in that spir­i­tu­al aware­ness, to be “Faith-Full”, in order to unfold your poten­tial and so change your­self and your world too.

Venus rules val­ue, beau­ty and love. Here in the final sign of the zodi­ac she dances with delight to the song of cre­ation, the song of spir­it ever-becom­ing. You appre­ci­ate your­self more tru­ly for what you are; that you are not some “thing”…you are a spe­cial spark of the Divine and your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial “to be” has no lim­its. You need only look with­in and dis­cov­er a won­drous world of the won­der­ful; it is you and the yet to be real­ized cre­ative essence wait­ing to be released through you.

Your val­ue is immea­sur­able because it is ever-unfolding…you are the creator.

Your true form is lumi­nous, sparkling and radiant…you are sur­round­ed in beauty.

Your Love is eter­nal as is the spir­it with­in you…you are one of the ones of the One.

Dance the dance of Venus in Pisces…

You are the dream­er danc­ing your dance of Creation.


Venus Trine Saturn & Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Venus Conjunct Neptune (January 13, 2012)

This is a very busy and beau­ti­ful day in the heavens!

Tomor­row Venus will depart from Aquar­ius and enter Pisces, but on this last day in Aquar­ius she will make beau­ti­ful con­tacts with both Sat­urn and Nep­tune. Mer­cury mean­while aligns with Plu­to to pro­vide you with very insight­ful per­cep­tions and challenges.

Venus rounds out her jour­ney in Aquar­ius with two won­der­ful influ­ences. First she is graced with the grav­i­tas of jus­tice by Sat­urn in Libra, (Libra is Venus’ sign so this is quite for­tu­itous, and mean­while Venus is in the sign that Sat­urn was held to rule in clas­si­cal astrol­o­gy! This “trad­ing of places” is called by Astrologers a con­di­tion of “Mutu­al Recep­tion” which is very, very good indeed). Here Venus and Sat­urn mutu­al­ly ben­e­fit one anoth­er, each affirm­ing and rein­forc­ing one anoth­er in your ever-unfold­ing under­stand­ing about the nature of rela­tion­ship in your life.

Sat­urn in Libra stands for the prin­ci­ple that right and healthy rela­tion­ships are found­ed upon objec­tive and con­scious­ly agreed to prin­ci­ples of fair­ness, equal­i­ty and mutu­al regard for one anoth­er. Venus in Aquar­ius con­curs in that those rela­tion­ships must equal­ly be based upon a fun­da­men­tal shar­ing of per­son­al, social and spir­i­tu­al val­ues with one another…in oth­er words the sound­est, truest and most ful­fill­ing of rela­tion­ships are also ones of abid­ing friendship.

Today you should have some deep­er expe­ri­ence of these two truths, some con­se­quen­tial con­fir­ma­tion of a rela­tion­ship or rela­tion­ships that are found­ed upon the prin­ci­pled pil­lars of Jus­tice and Friendship.

Mean­while the plan­et that rules your mind and ordi­nary pow­ers of per­cep­tion, Mer­cury, is lin­ing up with the ruler of the will, Plu­to. This is a day for “x‑ray” vision; you will have more pen­e­trat­ing insights and deep­er thoughts. It is a day that you may real­ize that you had been look­ing through a dimmed or dark­ened lens, but now see “clear and true”; a whol­ly deep­er lev­el of per­cep­tion is before you and so you are thrilled by the rev­e­la­to­ry vision of a new world.

But what hap­pens now is crit­i­cal, for with Plu­to rul­ing your willpow­er you may feel it to be most urgent and impor­tant to impart, nay to force this truth upon another…and that, you should know, is a far greater wrong than poor or incor­rect thoughts. You can­not force anoth­er to see “the Truth”, because that very impo­si­tion of your will and thought upon anoth­er is the most griev­ous vio­la­tion of spir­i­tu­al integri­ty. You must resist doing this and instead seek to lead by example…encourage the oth­er to con­sid­er your per­spec­tive or posi­tion, and so through com­par­i­son and con­trast to re-con­sid­er their own…but you must not, you can­not, force them to truth!

Con­trari­wise, if some­one is so cer­tain of them­selves that they are attempt­ing to force their ideas upon you, then you must do every­thing you can to dis­suade them from this fol­ly and point out how very wrong this is.

Instead, use this excep­tion­al gift bestowed by Plu­to to plumb the depths of your own per­cep­tions, assump­tions and thoughts. Turn this fusion of Mind and Will back upon your­self; you should seek to root out your own incon­gruities and false men­tal path­ways and there­by arrive at a clear­er and more hum­bled appre­ci­a­tion of reality.

Final­ly, Venus is won­der­ful­ly graced by her pas­sage over Nep­tune today. The plan­et of per­son­al love and beau­ty aligns with her spir­i­tu­al dou­ble, for it is said that Nep­tune is the high­er form or expres­sion of Venus and rules inspi­ra­tion, imag­i­na­tion and uni­ver­sal love.

Venus rules val­ue, beau­ty and your expe­ri­ence of per­son­al love for one anoth­er. All of these rest upon one fun­da­men­tal foun­da­tion for you, the val­ue you have for your­self or self-worth. To the extent that you under­stand your own, ever-unfold­ing real­iza­tion of val­ue with­in your­self, then to that same extent will you be able to have right rela­tion­ships to the things in your world and more espe­cial­ly to oth­er beings in your world.

Today you are blessed with Nep­tune’s mes­sage that at the core of each and every one, (the ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of your true and abid­ing love for one anoth­er), is estab­lished and main­tained by that spark of the Divine, your divine essence or mon­ad, which is the illu­mined core of you and every oth­er too. Nep­tune rules this Uni­ver­sal basis of Love; for true love is found­ed upon this com­pas­sion­ate con­nec­tion forged by each and every one being “ones of the One”. You can love and be loved because in truth who­ev­er stands before you is one with the Divine too.

The great illu­sion is sep­a­ra­tion, the high­est truth is that all are one in Spirit.

Today is a day for inspiration…

Today is a day for imag­i­na­tion and dreams…but most truly…

Today is a day for Love.