Monthly Archives: February 2012

Sun Sextile Pluto (February 28, 2012)

The Sun, hav­ing just been graced by gen­er­ous Jupiter, has a very nice meet­ing with Plu­to, the Lord of Will. You began a new cycle in this rela­tion­ship between your pure poten­tial (Sun) and your will (Plu­to) at the end of Decem­ber. Now you expe­ri­ence the steady­ing hand of the sex­tile aspect; there is real progress to be had as you can see man­i­fest­ed and con­tin­ue to expe­ri­ence the unfold­ment of self-trans­for­ma­tion you start­ed two months ago.

It is through the appli­ca­tion of your will that you release, form and express your pure poten­tial for being.

Today that poten­tial ever-wait­ing to be released from the cen­ter of your being, from your Self, finds sub­stan­ti­a­tion in and through your will.

Today is anoth­er good day!

Sun Sextile Jupiter (February 25, 2012)

Well, this is nice indeed, very nice! When the plan­et of benev­o­lence, good will and gen­eros­i­ty (and good luck) graces the Sun you are def­i­nite­ly feel­ing that things are going in the right direction.

Real­ly the key for expe­ri­enc­ing that last trait (Good Luck) is con­tained in the pre­vi­ous qual­i­ty of being (Gen­eros­i­ty). Through­out your jour­ney you cre­ate your real­i­ty; you reap what you sow…Whatever you “put out there” is what will even­tu­al­ly return to you…This is the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that gov­erns this uni­verse, the law of “cause and effects” bet­ter known as Karma. 

Good luck” is the con­se­quence of your gen­eros­i­ty bestowed at some oth­er time and place return­ing to you now, (Bad luck, well that bad luck is the result of hav­ing failed to meet an ear­li­er chal­lenge as one ought to have, so now you have to reap the con­se­quence of that).

The good news is that you are in con­trol; you are the author, you are the cre­ator, you make your reality…it just takes time, and some­times a long time to turn things around.

But the good news, the real mes­sage you should take from today’s align­ment is that it starts with you. So, you should do what you will to make a bet­ter future…Show con­sid­er­a­tion, be kind­ly and gen­er­ous to oth­ers… for know this, you will cer­tain­ly find this good will com­ing back to you someday…

And, if you can learn to prac­tice this day in and day out, well even­tu­al­ly you will live a very blessed life indeed.

Today is a day for bless­ings to be received…

Today is the day to cre­ate the bless­ings of your future…

Today you walk in good­ness, con­sid­er­a­tion and generosity…

Today is a good day!

Mercury Opposition Mars (February 23, 2012)

Hold that thought! (And while you are at…Hold your tongue!) When Mer­cury gets a hard knock from Mars your mind and mouth are rac­ing ahead, “excit­ed” and wild­ly enthusiastic…but your dis­cre­tion and dis­cern­ment, well they have prob­a­bly left the build­ing. Your thoughts and actions are at cross-pur­pos­es; you may be think­ing one way but your actions are “speak­ing” anoth­er language…so you bet­ter step back and recon­sid­er what the uni­verse is try­ing to show you here. For if you don’t…well you are prob­a­bly going to regret some­thing you said or did…

Mer­cury has been dream-danc­ing in Pisces, stir­ring your visions of brighter tomor­rows, those shin­ing white knights and damsels, with their cas­tles in the air. Mars in Vir­go comes along with a “real­i­ty check”…those big dreams, those castles…Do you know how to make them come true, do you know how to make your dream a real­i­ty? Do you know all the parts and pieces that make up your vision? Mer­cury wants to paint with a broad brush now, but Mars keeps on needling, ques­tion­ing and crit­i­ciz­ing this fluffy dream because, well it just does not “make sense”.

So what do you do? Do you stay in the dream and ignore your own or (more like­ly) oth­er peo­ple’s doubts. Or do you pull your head out of the clouds and set­tle for the ordi­nary? Or do you turn around and poke holes into some­one else’s dream world? Well any of these could (and prob­a­bly will happen).

But you know the teachings…when faced with a chal­lenge like this the uni­verse is try­ing to get you to find the mid­dle way, that path of syn­the­sis where you can bring both of these ways together…for both are tru­ly true…but only when worked together.

What that means is that Mer­cury in Pisces, your won­drous vision, prob­a­bly does need to be brought into greater focus…so a lit­tle analy­sis and dis­crim­i­na­tion can help to fine-tune your plans…And, equal­ly, Mars in Vir­go, your dis­cern­ing, prac­ti­cal method­olo­gies are all well and good, all fine­ly tuned up, but to what end? You need some inspi­ra­tion to lift your eyes from the imme­di­a­cy of your dai­ly chores and espy the big­ger pic­ture; you need to bet­ter under­stand what your ser­vice is for and what it will lead to.

When you are pulled one way and anoth­er there is only one true way you can go…

And you will find your way along that cen­tered, bal­anced and nuanced path of integration.

You are here to learn…

You are here to become…

You are here to walk the path to that greater understanding.

New Moon in Pisces (February 21, 2012)

You feel it…yes, some­how it’s chang­ing, as you dance your spi­ral dance…swirling, dip­ping, swooping…you move in and out, up and down…and you can feel those energies…Yes, they are shift­ing again, bring­ing you ’round to one more sacred space of Space, through one more por­tal in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

You sensed it com­ing, com­ing o’er that dis­tant dawn­ing hori­zon; you are mov­ing back, back to your beginning…yet it is not the same, you are not the same…and you need to pre­pare, you must make ready for the next New Year…You will want to give your hearty wel­come to those ever-unfold­ing promis­es of Spring, those buds and shoots, of green­ing and growing…But before you start, before you can begin again, there is one last Moon, one final step in your Spir­it Jour­ney this year.

Now at the clo­sure, at your year­ly cycle end­ing, at this the New Moon of Pisces there is one final har­vest, one last gift of Spir­it to receive…and to give…And, as always, you will reap what you have sown…So, so you must under­stand, hon­or and accept this gift of your life lived so far. You are wis­er now, more hum­ble too…for these go hand in hand.

From your jour­ney in this past year, through all those por­tals passed, you divined the essence and so now har­vest your mean­ing of that life lived. This is the gift you give to your­self, this expe­ri­ence hon­ored and embraced by your high­er Self, your con­stant com­pan­ion, who knows that this is the only way you become the becom­ing, the only way to unfold that very spark of the Divine and become what will you will be.

So there is one part of you who looks back, looks back and remembers…and you accept, you under­stand and so grow into greater under­stand­ing, into deep­er compassion…your soul lift­ed up by that greater con­nect­ed­ness you now feel…not for just your fel­low com­pan­ions, no much more than this…now your heart swells with the bonds you have forged for all of life, for all of creation…You tru­ly feel a part of it now, you feel for the One­ness that is Spirit.

And then you turn, you turn to look ahead now…to all those tomor­rows that wait with­in you. For equal to the Pisces Gift of Com­pas­sion, of the many lessons learned from all those count­less steps you have walked, equal to this comes the most pre­cious gift, the most won­drous qual­i­ty, that is in the core of each and every, it is your most sub­lime gift of the Spirit…It is your Pow­er to Dream, to Imag­ine and so Cre­ate the future that you will meet with one day. For you are the becom­ing and there is no end…there are count­less new begin­nings ever before you…

These gifts of Pisces, your Cre­ativ­i­ty and Com­pas­sion, togeth­er they grow with­in you…measure for mea­sure your pow­er and the sen­si­bil­i­ty to use it wise­ly unfold and blend togeth­er as you release the light that is with­in you.

This is the last gift of Spir­it in the year­ly cycle…

That You are the Cre­ator and the Created…

You are one of the ones of the One…

So be it.

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18–19, 2012)

So…It all comes down to this…One final turn of your Star­ry-spoked wheel, one more pas­sage before you begin again…Your cir­cle of life is mov­ing to com­ple­tion, turn­ing from that zero point of Aries, from that begin­ning 11 months ago, it has come to this final pas­sage, com­ing to the clo­sure, time to bring in your harvest…and then…and then a New Begin­ning is before you…

For you walk not a cir­cle; no not some mean­ing­less, repet­i­tive eter­nal return for you! You jour­ney out into this Cos­mos, out into your spi­ral­ing, wheel­ing dance of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…There is no “Begin­ning”, there is no “End”…You unfold from life to life and age to age…forever and ever…ever becom­ing more, ever stretch­ing higher…for at your cen­ter, in your Holy of Holies, at the point of infin­i­ty which is the irre­ducible core of you, there is found your bright shin­ing splen­dor, the Light Divine.

You have come through the Four Sea­sons, each hav­ing its Three-fold form of man­i­fes­ta­tion, each with its own begin­ning, mid­dle and end. You have jour­neyed through Fire, Earth, Air and Water time and time again…and so you “round the round” to come at last to the final turn of your Astro­log­i­cal Year.

Your self-becom­ing flows from with­in out­wards, year after year, through sea­son after season…with a time to begin and a time to end, a time to reach out and a time to reach in…And so here in Pisces, here at the Omega point, you reap the har­vest of your lat­est lap of life and pull togeth­er all those strands of light, all comes togeth­er in one amaz­ing burst of Light, your Under­stand­ing, your Acceptance.…and Your Faith.

For this Light of the World is the Cre­ative Spir­it, the core of what makes you and every­thing else in the Uni­verse BE…it is the Light of the Lights of the Uni­verse. For you, because you move through the Human King­dom now, you expe­ri­ence many gifts of the Spir­it, but the spe­cial won­der, the dis­tinc­tive trea­sure that quick­ens your ascent through the spaces of Space…that spe­cial gift is Your Imagination!

And this is the spe­cial trea­sure, this the dis­tinc­tive pris­mat­ic light of Pisces, the gift of Dream­ing, the Imag­in­ing of the Pos­si­bil­i­ties, your “what ifs”…for you are the Dream­er who is Dream­ing your Real­i­ty, chang­ing you and yours from with­in outwards…and there is no lim­it to what you will even­tu­al­ly become…no lim­it whatsoever…

In this time of Pisces you reap the har­vest of your 11 pre­vi­ous months. You sift and sort so to har­vest the mean­ing of all that has been done and not yet done. You imag­ine how it might have been, could have been…yet you must ulti­mate­ly under­stand and accept that that was the way of it, that this is your real­i­ty now…

But then you will Dream, then you must Imagine…again, but this time you are the Imag­i­neer of what might be, what could be and what shall be…and so you plant your Seeds, your bright shin­ing splen­dors of expectation…you turn your heart to what is to come and ten­der­ly sup­port them with the Faith that your Self will always muster for that bet­ter, bet­ter day to come.

Today you turn to the dream­ing time…

Your Tomor­rows are being born through Under­stand­ing and Faith…

You are the Light of the Cos­mos and you are the Won­der of the ages…

Dream…Create…and let there be Light!