Mercury Conjuncts Sun & Full Moon in Leo (February 7, 2012)

Today Mer­cury makes a supe­ri­or con­junc­tion with the Sun; this is when Mer­cury is on the far side of the Sun from here on Earth so it should be viewed as more like a “Full Moon” aspect. The pre­vi­ous infe­ri­or con­junc­tion, (which is like a “New Moon”), was back on Decem­ber 4. Now in this rev­e­la­to­ry moment you under­stand what was released two months ago. What’s the mes­sage today?

With the Sun and Mer­cury in Aquar­ius, that puts Earth (and you) in Leo so the mes­sage is about achiev­ing the bal­ance in your mind between seek­ing for approval ver­sus stay­ing true to your own beliefs. The Sun and Mer­cury in Aquar­ius favors your eccen­tric, con­trar­i­an side; it’s the way you come up with your orig­i­nal ideas and con­tri­bu­tions. But if you are too “out there” you will not get any­one to lis­ten. (You may be authen­tic but you end up being inef­fec­tu­al). Like­wise, if you too much mod­i­fy your mes­sage to meet what you think oth­ers wish to hear, you become effec­tive­ly untrue to your­self, (and you let every­one down by not con­tribut­ing your unique per­spec­tive). So what do you do?

This align­ment reminds you that it is all about inte­grat­ing your need to hon­or your­self and your audi­ence too. You need to build a bridge of under­stand­ing so that you can turn heads (or raise their eye­brows) but win applause too. You need to project your pre­cious voice of authen­tic­i­ty but do so in a man­ner that is con­struc­tive and contributive.

And this thought­ful mes­sage could not be time­li­er as today is also the Full Moon, with the Sun in Aquar­ius and the Moon blaz­ing bright­ly in Leo. The Full Moon is a time to face the con­trast between two ways of being, two paths of your truth…and it reminds you that you must find a way to work them togeth­er, so you can be whole, com­plete and at peace.

Much as in the Mer­cury “Full Moon”, the Full Moon in Leo illus­trates the chal­lenge of bal­anc­ing your need to express your excep­tion­al nature, (which seeks to go beyond the cares for what the world may think), with your need for con­fir­ma­tion, respect and approval from the world around you.

You may find your­self in an awk­ward place, seem­ing­ly faced with a choice: You can be true to your­self but may give offense, lose a friend or dam­age your relationship…Or, you can bend your char­ac­ter to suit “the sit­u­a­tion”, to gain the approval of oth­ers, but you will lose your respect for your­self. The ten­sion may build so that you take one side or the oth­er to a more extreme point, striv­ing so hard for approval that you betray your prin­ci­ples, or strain­ing so hard to be dif­fer­ent that you lose your own good name…

The answer of course is found in the com­bi­na­tion or bal­ance of the two so that you can be your­self and be appre­ci­at­ed too! How? First, fore­most and always be true to your­self, and then turn ’round and be equal­ly faith­ful to your friends too. You need to hon­or the truth you came to embody…and your friends, your com­pan­ions will hon­or you for this because they share this truth with you. It is through your rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er that you find your­self, both as an indi­vid­ual who is free to be your­self and as a mem­ber of some­thing greater too.

The Full Moon reminds you to always seek to unfold, bring forth and so hon­or your unique self because you will then enjoy the com­pan­ion­ship of those true and last­ing friends and loved ones who respect you for exact­ly that.

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