Daily Archives: February 7, 2012

Venus Enters Aries (February 7–8, 2012)

Venus leaves behind those dreamy seas of Pisces; she splash­es ashore and dances into the bright­ly lit realms of Aries. Self­less­ness and sac­ri­fice have had their day but they must defer now to your need to find, acknowl­edge and reaf­firm the love of one’s self again.

You need always be car­ing, to show com­pas­sion and empa­thy; but they must give way for a time, these too must yield and sur­ren­der. Now you need to come back to your begin­ning, to your first melody and love…back to your own sweet song. For with­out this self-acknowl­edge­ment, with­out this first love of self, there can be no oth­er love in your life…

Then spring­ing from this reaf­fir­ma­tion, from this return to source at the cen­ter, you turn towards those you love and take your delights in new dis­cov­er­ies, sen­si­bil­i­ties and enjoy­ments with one another.

Aries is about begin­nings, those resur­gent and eager ener­gies you asso­ciate with spring. Your heart quick­ens now with new-found appreciation…colors look brighter, sounds ring out clearer…it is the dawn­ing of a new aes­thet­ic day in the beau­ty that is with­in and around you.

Aries love is not patient, nor is it found wait­ing; but that means you need to take a deep breath and enjoy your enthu­si­asms but avoid the reck­less impa­tient ways that can lead to bit­ter-sweet fruits. Be not so full of haste that you miss the mark; see the source of love that is ever­last­ing, the love that will not fail…

Always remem­ber that the foun­tain-source of all such feel­ings is found in the heart of each and every spark of the Divine…

That it is the Light Eter­nal which shines back to you in your lover’s eyes.

Saturn turns Retrograde (February 7, 2012)

I briefly men­tioned this in my overview for 2012. Here is what I wrote then:

Sat­urn Ret­ro­grade (Feb­ru­ary 7 till June 25) 

Sat­urn ret­ro­grades every year and pro­vides you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-exam­ine your social roles, hier­ar­chies and respon­si­bil­i­ties. This is its last ret­ro­grade in Libra before mov­ing into Scor­pio in Octo­ber, so this will be your chance to once again look at the nature of your rela­tion­ship agree­ments or con­tracts, whether implied or writ­ten. When Sat­urn moves on into Scor­pio you will want to have made sure that you have done your best to pre­pare for mat­ters to get even more serious.

Sat­urn rules real­i­ty; it is your cur­rent man­i­fes­ta­tion, (and hence also lim­i­ta­tion), of your pure poten­tial (the Sun). Your pure poten­tial is unlim­it­ed and ever-unfold­ing, ever-becom­ing; but in order to unfold and become real it must be con­tin­u­ous­ly embod­ied into a lim­it­ed form, so your unlim­it­ed “non-being” becomes real but lim­it­ed “beingness”…and this process is ruled and formed by Saturn.

While Sat­urn is ret­ro­grade in Libra you have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go with­in and reex­am­ine and re-work those exist­ing struc­tures of rela­tion­ship-real­i­ty you have poured your­self into. This ret­ro­grade of Sat­urn can help you to de-con­struc­t/re-con­struct the forms of rela­tion­ship you seek ful­fill­ment through.

What this requires from you is a deep reex­am­i­na­tion of your most impor­tant relationship…your rela­tion­ship to your­self. You can and must make clear­er to your­self what val­ues give mean­ing to your life, which actu­al­ly form your life-sub­stance, for only then can you go out and cre­ate mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships based upon what you dis­cov­er to be your com­mon, shared values.

More­over, by this reex­am­i­na­tion you can more clear­ly define the hier­ar­chy of your own val­ues so that you can make the nec­es­sary accom­mo­da­tions with one anoth­er; you can know which val­ues are sub­ject to adjust­ment and which are non-nego­tiable because they are essen­tial to mak­ing you who you are. 

It is time to turn with­in and build a bet­ter rela­tion­ship with your self…

It is time to pre­pare the way for the next step in your journey.

For just ahead is that deep­er jour­ney of Union itself as Sat­urn moves into Scor­pio in October.

It is time to prepare…and so fol­low the ancient injunc­tion, Know Thyself!