Daily Archives: February 12, 2012

Mercury Trine Saturn & Mercury Enters Pisces (February 13, 2012)

Even though the cal­en­dar says this is the “Moon’s” day (Mon­day), it sure seems like Mer­cury is call­ing the tune! Her­mes gets a part­ing mes­sage from Sat­urn before leav­ing the airy realms of Aquar­ius, div­ing down into the watery depths of Pisces.

Mer­cury is blessed by a beau­ti­ful trine from Sat­urn in Libra; your thoughts are clear, cen­tered and focused…on rela­tion­ships! Mer­cury’s trip through Aquar­ius has lift­ed your mind to con­sid­er the impor­tance of your larg­er world of your group asso­ci­a­tions based upon social ideals and dreams; you have come togeth­er and re-affirmed the hopes and dreams you share with your friends and com­pan­ions. Polit­i­cal, Social and Spir­i­tu­al caus­es have forged deep­er ties between you and your com­pa­tri­ots; you dream and act togeth­er so as to pre­serve or bring about the world you wish to live in.

But Sat­urn’s caress of Mer­cury reminds you that in your life it all comes down to this, that all these larg­er asso­ci­a­tions, your col­leagues, your com­pan­ions and your friends…that all these are first and fore­most formed by you “one by one”, because you must first relate to each oth­er “one on one”. Sat­urn shines a light upon this inti­mate truth that your larg­er social life is formed by essen­tial val­ues embod­ied and expressed in each and every per­son­al rela­tion­ship of your life. Today you will have a greater clar­i­ty about, a more nuanced under­stand­ing of the nature of rela­tion­ship in your life.

Sat­urn gen­tly reminds you that the mea­sure of your social aware­ness or con­scious­ness is most clear­ly expressed in your con­sid­er­ate con­duct with each and every sin­gle per­son you encounter in your dai­ly life. Every rela­tion­ship is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to become more aware and balanced…You see your­self through the oth­er and more tru­ly under­stand that “I am that”.


Then Mer­cury takes a leap and dives into the waters of Pisces…Mercury slips beyond “rea­son” and “log­ic” into the swirling mists of your Intu­ition­al Mind…Bright lights and sharp lines give way to shad­ings and nuances. Things…are not what they seem!

The sub­tleties of your aware­ness are called for now; sen­si­tiv­i­ty to the less appar­ent yet greater real­i­ty around and with­in you form the well-spring for your visions and dreams. There are won­ders to behold but you must not look direct­ly upon them; it is the side­ways glance, the periph­er­al view that car­ries the mes­sage now…for you are at the cross­ing point between the dark­ness and the light.

You must wait and you must be still.…and you will only hear if you lis­ten for the silence that is the full­ness; you will hear it now, the song of cre­ation with your intu­ition­al ear. When least expect­ed, and often unap­pre­ci­at­ed, your inner voice will offer a way. Do not dis­miss this gift, this won­der­ful touch from your high­er self who is always there beside you, but so much clos­er now.

The mes­sen­gers will come, but not with bright lights or sounds…they come in sparkles and laugh­ter, with glances and whis­pers for those who have eyes to see or ears to hear.

Open your mind and your heart, the uni­verse is singing to you now the Song of Cre­ation, your song, which is your jour­ney in Life-Conscious-Spirit…

It is time to behold the Wonder…

It is time to Dream…

It is time to Create.