Daily Archives: February 13, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Neptune (February 14, 2012)

Mer­cury has just entered those lumi­nes­cent path­ways of Pisces and who is there to embrace him but the very ruler of Pisces, the lord of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion her­self, Nep­tune. Your Mind meets the Mag­i­cal as you move beyond appear­ances into the Mystery…and there are won­ders upon won­ders to behold.

Today is a day for inspi­ra­tion; it is a day for Art, for Beau­ty and for all that inspires the good­ness of this won­drous Cre­ation that sur­rounds you. Whether you take a walk in a for­est and con­nect to the life of spir­it in those mag­ni­fi­cient cathe­drals of nature, or stroll through a muse­um and behold the won­ders of your fel­low trav­el­er’s imag­i­na­tion, or you look into your lover’s eyes and see the uni­verse in that smile, you will do so with a new-found joy for the Song of Cre­ation that sur­rounds and sup­ports you.

Your mind is open and so is your heart…today is quite sim­ply a beau­ti­ful day.

Cel­e­brate the Beau­ty of your world…

Behold the won­der of Creation…

For your Mind and Heart are one…and this, this is Love.