Daily Archives: February 14, 2012

Venus Squares Pluto (February 15, 2012)

Well…after all those won­drous infu­sions of Saint Valen­tine’s spir­it there comes a “reck­on­ing” today. When the plan­et of Love (Venus) meets up with the plan­et of Will (Plu­to), it will all come down to this…Do you know how to hon­or your space, and do you hon­or the space of the oth­er? For know this: every space is sacred, the space you are in, the space they are in…And, all the spaces in between…All is “That”, All is Sacred.

Every one of the count­less points of the cos­mos, every point in space, (for Space is not a an empti­ness but a won­drous Full­ness, the Plero­ma), every mon­ad is at its core a con­scious­ness cen­ter that is at some stage of unfold­ing its poten­tial, (ele­men­tal, min­er­al, plant, ani­mal, human, god…and beyond)…every mon­ad is con­stant­ly becom­ing some­thing more, end­less­ly unfold­ing and express­ing its essen­tial nature in a man­ner appro­pri­ate to its present stage of self-becoming.

At your present stage of self-real­iza­tion, as a human mon­ad, you find and cen­ter your­self upon your val­ues which are formed at your core into your love of self (Venus); and then you must cir­cum­scribe and define your space of self by your will (Plu­to), cre­at­ing your Sacred Space, the sacred space of you. At the core of you, in the very heart of your eter­nal monadic con­scious­ness cen­ter, is a spark of the Divine, which forms your unbreak­able con­nec­tion with the entire­ty of Creation…for all are ones of the One.

And it is essen­tial­ly this spark of the Divine which attracts you one to anoth­er, for as you look into the eyes of the beloved it is that very Spir­it of Divin­i­ty that looks back upon you! (It is no won­der that you catch your breath, your heart races…for you are look­ing into “That”, you behold the mystery…it is the Light Divine who is smil­ing back upon you).

You want this…you are this…and so you will fall, fall in love again. But now, now the test is here too as you fall together…you must be care­ful, you must hon­or and respect the sacred­ness of space with­in which you and your beloved reside. The mys­tery is that you are one with one anoth­er in and through your sacred centers…but you are also sep­a­rate, unique and indi­vid­u­al­ized instances of the Divine…and you must remain true to your­self and to the oth­er by hon­or­ing your space and their space too.

Thus you express your Love (Venus) for your­self and for the oth­er by that very cir­cum­scrib­ing of your rela­tion­ship with each oth­er, which is estab­lished and main­tained, (your sep­a­rate spaces and that shared sacred space you have formed that is your rela­tion­ship), through the pow­er of your will (Plu­to).

Today, as Venus Squares Plu­to, you face a challenge…and the prob­lem, (as always) is your Fear…You fear that the beloved may not want to be with you, may not wish to stay by your side, that you are not loved. Or, per­haps it is you who does not feel as you had or believe you should towards the other…and so they begin to act on their fear for the loss of your love. The lack of worth, that lack of love…that Fear…pulls Plu­to to the dark­er side, away from Spir­i­tu­al cen­tered­ness, self-con­trol and respect for the other.

Instead, Plu­to’s pow­er is turned to an attempt to con­trol the oth­er, to vio­late the oth­er’s Sacred Space…it becomes the Spir­i­tu­al “crime” of Tres­pass­ing. Plu­to pow­er is turned so that it becomes not the cre­ator of space for your love, not the pre­serv­er and pro­tec­tor of love, but the very opposite…Pluto becomes all about Fear and Control…and so you fall apart, you separate…and all is lost, again…

So you must learn, to accept and understand…and that is why you are here…you must learn to love your­self and to love the oth­er too…and the only way, the only true expe­ri­ence of that is freely, unconditionally…Spiritually…for that is who you are. That means you can­not “make” some­one love you, you can­not bend them to your will and call that “love”…for that is the oppo­site of love and is the denial of your true self and your spir­i­tu­al core.

Today you must remem­ber that you are a spark of the Divine and ever before you is anoth­er who is Divine too.

Love them as you love your­self, with all your heart and with all your soul; and with your beloved, your two souls now as One, cre­ate your sacred space of love together…

You are filled with the Love that is ever­last­ing, ablaze with the Light that will nev­er fail…

You are That!

Be That!
