Sun Enters Pisces (February 18–19, 2012)

So…It all comes down to this…One final turn of your Star­ry-spoked wheel, one more pas­sage before you begin again…Your cir­cle of life is mov­ing to com­ple­tion, turn­ing from that zero point of Aries, from that begin­ning 11 months ago, it has come to this final pas­sage, com­ing to the clo­sure, time to bring in your harvest…and then…and then a New Begin­ning is before you…

For you walk not a cir­cle; no not some mean­ing­less, repet­i­tive eter­nal return for you! You jour­ney out into this Cos­mos, out into your spi­ral­ing, wheel­ing dance of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…There is no “Begin­ning”, there is no “End”…You unfold from life to life and age to age…forever and ever…ever becom­ing more, ever stretch­ing higher…for at your cen­ter, in your Holy of Holies, at the point of infin­i­ty which is the irre­ducible core of you, there is found your bright shin­ing splen­dor, the Light Divine.

You have come through the Four Sea­sons, each hav­ing its Three-fold form of man­i­fes­ta­tion, each with its own begin­ning, mid­dle and end. You have jour­neyed through Fire, Earth, Air and Water time and time again…and so you “round the round” to come at last to the final turn of your Astro­log­i­cal Year.

Your self-becom­ing flows from with­in out­wards, year after year, through sea­son after season…with a time to begin and a time to end, a time to reach out and a time to reach in…And so here in Pisces, here at the Omega point, you reap the har­vest of your lat­est lap of life and pull togeth­er all those strands of light, all comes togeth­er in one amaz­ing burst of Light, your Under­stand­ing, your Acceptance.…and Your Faith.

For this Light of the World is the Cre­ative Spir­it, the core of what makes you and every­thing else in the Uni­verse BE…it is the Light of the Lights of the Uni­verse. For you, because you move through the Human King­dom now, you expe­ri­ence many gifts of the Spir­it, but the spe­cial won­der, the dis­tinc­tive trea­sure that quick­ens your ascent through the spaces of Space…that spe­cial gift is Your Imagination!

And this is the spe­cial trea­sure, this the dis­tinc­tive pris­mat­ic light of Pisces, the gift of Dream­ing, the Imag­in­ing of the Pos­si­bil­i­ties, your “what ifs”…for you are the Dream­er who is Dream­ing your Real­i­ty, chang­ing you and yours from with­in outwards…and there is no lim­it to what you will even­tu­al­ly become…no lim­it whatsoever…

In this time of Pisces you reap the har­vest of your 11 pre­vi­ous months. You sift and sort so to har­vest the mean­ing of all that has been done and not yet done. You imag­ine how it might have been, could have been…yet you must ulti­mate­ly under­stand and accept that that was the way of it, that this is your real­i­ty now…

But then you will Dream, then you must Imagine…again, but this time you are the Imag­i­neer of what might be, what could be and what shall be…and so you plant your Seeds, your bright shin­ing splen­dors of expectation…you turn your heart to what is to come and ten­der­ly sup­port them with the Faith that your Self will always muster for that bet­ter, bet­ter day to come.

Today you turn to the dream­ing time…

Your Tomor­rows are being born through Under­stand­ing and Faith…

You are the Light of the Cos­mos and you are the Won­der of the ages…

Dream…Create…and let there be Light!

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