Daily Archives: February 20, 2012

New Moon in Pisces (February 21, 2012)

You feel it…yes, some­how it’s chang­ing, as you dance your spi­ral dance…swirling, dip­ping, swooping…you move in and out, up and down…and you can feel those energies…Yes, they are shift­ing again, bring­ing you ’round to one more sacred space of Space, through one more por­tal in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

You sensed it com­ing, com­ing o’er that dis­tant dawn­ing hori­zon; you are mov­ing back, back to your beginning…yet it is not the same, you are not the same…and you need to pre­pare, you must make ready for the next New Year…You will want to give your hearty wel­come to those ever-unfold­ing promis­es of Spring, those buds and shoots, of green­ing and growing…But before you start, before you can begin again, there is one last Moon, one final step in your Spir­it Jour­ney this year.

Now at the clo­sure, at your year­ly cycle end­ing, at this the New Moon of Pisces there is one final har­vest, one last gift of Spir­it to receive…and to give…And, as always, you will reap what you have sown…So, so you must under­stand, hon­or and accept this gift of your life lived so far. You are wis­er now, more hum­ble too…for these go hand in hand.

From your jour­ney in this past year, through all those por­tals passed, you divined the essence and so now har­vest your mean­ing of that life lived. This is the gift you give to your­self, this expe­ri­ence hon­ored and embraced by your high­er Self, your con­stant com­pan­ion, who knows that this is the only way you become the becom­ing, the only way to unfold that very spark of the Divine and become what will you will be.

So there is one part of you who looks back, looks back and remembers…and you accept, you under­stand and so grow into greater under­stand­ing, into deep­er compassion…your soul lift­ed up by that greater con­nect­ed­ness you now feel…not for just your fel­low com­pan­ions, no much more than this…now your heart swells with the bonds you have forged for all of life, for all of creation…You tru­ly feel a part of it now, you feel for the One­ness that is Spirit.

And then you turn, you turn to look ahead now…to all those tomor­rows that wait with­in you. For equal to the Pisces Gift of Com­pas­sion, of the many lessons learned from all those count­less steps you have walked, equal to this comes the most pre­cious gift, the most won­drous qual­i­ty, that is in the core of each and every, it is your most sub­lime gift of the Spirit…It is your Pow­er to Dream, to Imag­ine and so Cre­ate the future that you will meet with one day. For you are the becom­ing and there is no end…there are count­less new begin­nings ever before you…

These gifts of Pisces, your Cre­ativ­i­ty and Com­pas­sion, togeth­er they grow with­in you…measure for mea­sure your pow­er and the sen­si­bil­i­ty to use it wise­ly unfold and blend togeth­er as you release the light that is with­in you.

This is the last gift of Spir­it in the year­ly cycle…

That You are the Cre­ator and the Created…

You are one of the ones of the One…

So be it.