Mercury Opposition Mars (February 23, 2012)

Hold that thought! (And while you are at…Hold your tongue!) When Mer­cury gets a hard knock from Mars your mind and mouth are rac­ing ahead, “excit­ed” and wild­ly enthusiastic…but your dis­cre­tion and dis­cern­ment, well they have prob­a­bly left the build­ing. Your thoughts and actions are at cross-pur­pos­es; you may be think­ing one way but your actions are “speak­ing” anoth­er language…so you bet­ter step back and recon­sid­er what the uni­verse is try­ing to show you here. For if you don’t…well you are prob­a­bly going to regret some­thing you said or did…

Mer­cury has been dream-danc­ing in Pisces, stir­ring your visions of brighter tomor­rows, those shin­ing white knights and damsels, with their cas­tles in the air. Mars in Vir­go comes along with a “real­i­ty check”…those big dreams, those castles…Do you know how to make them come true, do you know how to make your dream a real­i­ty? Do you know all the parts and pieces that make up your vision? Mer­cury wants to paint with a broad brush now, but Mars keeps on needling, ques­tion­ing and crit­i­ciz­ing this fluffy dream because, well it just does not “make sense”.

So what do you do? Do you stay in the dream and ignore your own or (more like­ly) oth­er peo­ple’s doubts. Or do you pull your head out of the clouds and set­tle for the ordi­nary? Or do you turn around and poke holes into some­one else’s dream world? Well any of these could (and prob­a­bly will happen).

But you know the teachings…when faced with a chal­lenge like this the uni­verse is try­ing to get you to find the mid­dle way, that path of syn­the­sis where you can bring both of these ways together…for both are tru­ly true…but only when worked together.

What that means is that Mer­cury in Pisces, your won­drous vision, prob­a­bly does need to be brought into greater focus…so a lit­tle analy­sis and dis­crim­i­na­tion can help to fine-tune your plans…And, equal­ly, Mars in Vir­go, your dis­cern­ing, prac­ti­cal method­olo­gies are all well and good, all fine­ly tuned up, but to what end? You need some inspi­ra­tion to lift your eyes from the imme­di­a­cy of your dai­ly chores and espy the big­ger pic­ture; you need to bet­ter under­stand what your ser­vice is for and what it will lead to.

When you are pulled one way and anoth­er there is only one true way you can go…

And you will find your way along that cen­tered, bal­anced and nuanced path of integration.

You are here to learn…

You are here to become…

You are here to walk the path to that greater understanding.

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