Hold that thought! (And while you are at…Hold your tongue!) When Mercury gets a hard knock from Mars your mind and mouth are racing ahead, “excited” and wildly enthusiastic…but your discretion and discernment, well they have probably left the building. Your thoughts and actions are at cross-purposes; you may be thinking one way but your actions are “speaking” another language…so you better step back and reconsider what the universe is trying to show you here. For if you don’t…well you are probably going to regret something you said or did…
Mercury has been dream-dancing in Pisces, stirring your visions of brighter tomorrows, those shining white knights and damsels, with their castles in the air. Mars in Virgo comes along with a “reality check”…those big dreams, those castles…Do you know how to make them come true, do you know how to make your dream a reality? Do you know all the parts and pieces that make up your vision? Mercury wants to paint with a broad brush now, but Mars keeps on needling, questioning and criticizing this fluffy dream because, well it just does not “make sense”.
So what do you do? Do you stay in the dream and ignore your own or (more likely) other people’s doubts. Or do you pull your head out of the clouds and settle for the ordinary? Or do you turn around and poke holes into someone else’s dream world? Well any of these could (and probably will happen).
But you know the teachings…when faced with a challenge like this the universe is trying to get you to find the middle way, that path of synthesis where you can bring both of these ways together…for both are truly true…but only when worked together.
What that means is that Mercury in Pisces, your wondrous vision, probably does need to be brought into greater focus…so a little analysis and discrimination can help to fine-tune your plans…And, equally, Mars in Virgo, your discerning, practical methodologies are all well and good, all finely tuned up, but to what end? You need some inspiration to lift your eyes from the immediacy of your daily chores and espy the bigger picture; you need to better understand what your service is for and what it will lead to.
When you are pulled one way and another there is only one true way you can go…
And you will find your way along that centered, balanced and nuanced path of integration.
You are here to learn…
You are here to become…
You are here to walk the path to that greater understanding.