Monthly Archives: March 2012

Sun Square Pluto (March 29, 2012)

Do you feel it? Some­thing has been build­ing “out there”…and right now the Sun is caught between “a rock and a hard place”…That is right, you are not mak­ing this stuff up…it is “real­ly real”…What’s it about, what is going on?

Oh, noth­ing “too big”…It is just that Uranus and Plu­to are danc­ing their Mag­is­te­r­i­al Dance and com­ing to the first of their many exact squares for the next few years…that would be Uranus in Aries and Plu­to in Capri­corn. They released a new impulse of their con­tin­u­ing bal­anc­ing act between Freedom/Individuality vs. Control/Boundaries back in the 1960’s (remem­ber what that was like?)…and now, well now we are at the next turn­ing in the unfold­ment of their dynam­ic inter­play and we are all going to have to work to resolve, in our­selves and in our worlds, the bal­ance between Free­dom and Order.

Last week the Sun passed over Uranus and you got a “jolt”! It was a less than gen­tle reminder that you need to be con­stant­ly atten­tive to your won­drous jour­ney. You need to work to release your­self from forms that have become lim­it­ing for you, (forms that are most­ly of your own mak­ing). Why must you do this?…So that your spir­it may con­tin­u­ous­ly unfold your poten­tial towards greater self-realization…You pour your­self into forms that ful­fill you (for a time), but you must also break up and move beyond those forms which have now come to lim­it your fur­ther growth.

And, what about now? Now it is Plu­to’s turn to call the tune for your Solar dance of self-real­iza­tion. Plu­to is about the cre­ation of the Sacred Space of you…and of all the sacred spaces that sur­round you…Pluto, through the agency of the Will forms the Bound­aries of all the spaces that fill Space.

Plu­to is about your Will Pow­er (which is your pow­er to control)…which is meant to be used to direct the self­’s expan­sion of its space of self-real­iza­tion, to cre­ate an ever greater sacred space for the self, while respect­ing the sacred spaces of those around you. When you do not respect the spaces of oth­ers, your tres­pass upon them…and when you do not pro­tect your space from oth­ers, then they will often tres­pass upon you. That is the issue here…it is about Sacred Space and Boundaries.

The issue is about your self-con­trol and self-deter­mi­na­tion which, you have slow­ly come to under­stand, must be lived out ever more con­scious­ly, con­sid­er­ate­ly and in mutu­al respect as you expand your field of self-real­iza­tion. Yes, you must expand and grow, but you must do so in such a man­ner that you grow in coop­er­a­tion with the oth­er will­ing beings who live in their equal­ly sacred spaces around you.

So be mind­ful now…be ever mind­ful of the sacred­ness of your space and so pro­tect your­self from those who seek to press or pull you away from your center…be wary of those who seek to seduce or by force impose them­selves upon you. Your space is sacred…it is your tem­ple, your holy of holies.

Like­wise, even with the best of inten­tions (and those can be very dan­ger­ous indeed), you have no right to force anoth­er to do what they are not ready, will­ing and able to do…you can­not vio­late their space with­out despoil­ing your own…and the law of kar­ma will be very exact­ing in “right­ing that wrong” you have done to another…

Instead use this Will­ful ener­gy by turn­ing it back upon your­self so that you might exer­cise it where it belongs…in mat­ters of self-con­trol and self-improvement.

Seek to bet­ter your­self and become an exam­ple to oth­ers of what it means to live your life with­in your own sacred space as you equal­ly respect, pre­serve and hon­or the sacred spaces that sur­round you!

Sun Conjunct Uranus (March 24, 2012)

Well…this has cer­tain­ly been quite a week! It began with the “begin­ning”, the Ver­nal Equinox as the Sun moved into the first sign of Aries on Monday/Tuesday. Then Mer­cury con­joined the Sun on Wednes­day, fol­lowed by the Moon align­ing with the Sun in the first New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year on Thurs­day. Then Fri­day brought Mer­cury back for a reprise vis­it into Pisces…

That is quite enough danc­ing and skip­ping in those Star­ry Spaces for one week!…but the Uni­verse is not fin­ished with you, not quite yet.…

Today is the final push in this very trans­for­ma­tion­al week…and it is a “Big One”. The cos­mos speaks to us in many voic­es, some­times sub­tle, some­times less so…Uranus, well Uranus is not sub­tle! After all, this is the plan­et called “The Awak­en­er”!

The Sun is your pure poten­tial of being, your gate­way to all your pos­si­bil­i­ties. How­ev­er, those pos­si­bil­i­ties are imma­nent but not evi­dent, they are with­out form, with­out sub­stance, not yet “real”…You must become some “thing” in order to be sub­stan­ti­at­ed. Through an embod­i­ment, you become “real”; you have moved from the realm of pure poten­tial to that of self-real­iza­tion. You have ful­filled yourself…after a fashion.

Yet by doing this you have also become lim­it­ed, fixed into that, but only that, thing. By “Falling into Mat­ter”, you some­times lose touch with the source of your pure potential…You can only see the real­i­ty that is sur­round­ing you, your poten­tials like fad­ing echoes, a dis­tant memory…and so you may become trapped in only that which “is”…  

Your real­i­ty is your fulfillment…but your real­i­ty is your lim­i­ta­tion. What are you to do? Spir­it pro­vides an answer, an Avatar who can lead you back to the source, to the eter­nal well­spring of your poten­tials. Uranus, the Awak­en­er comes to you in order to break apart those bonds that have you in their thrall…He shat­ters assump­tions and shines a light into the shad­ows so that you might see truer, freer…He is one of the 3 gifts of the Spir­it that dri­ve your unfold­ment from the less­er to the greater…

Con­stant­ly at work, push­ing the bound­aries, Uranus is ever at work to lib­er­ate the Spir­it-ener­gy that has become fixed into forms that no longer ful­fill that very spir­it. There is no more dra­mat­ic encounter than Uranus with the Sun, for here the Awak­en­er meets with the Self.

The mate­ri­al­ized, sub­stan­ti­at­ed you sees your­self as some­thing, “I am That”…but Uranus reminds you, recon­nects you to the greater truth of your ever-unfold­ing, unlim­it­ed poten­tial so that you under­stand sim­ply “I Am”.

Today you will have an epiphany, an encounter with your truer, deep­er, uncon­di­tioned, freer self at the heart of your being…today you will feel the Spir­it that is you and know that you can and will be for­ev­er becom­ing some­thing more…for that is your destiny.

Uranus, the awak­en­er is here to pro­vide the gold­en bridge to your spir­i­tu­al core where resides the Self, your pure poten­tial wait­ing, who for­ev­er walks lov­ing­ly beside you as you become the becoming…

You will be sur­prised, you may be shocked…but you will be freer…

You will be amazed…simply because you are amazing!

Mercury Re-Enters Pisces (March 23, 2012)

You have been reflect­ing on your­self since March 12; that’s right, you have turned back around to look upon your­self, try­ing to see your­self as if in a mir­ror, to re-assess your appear­ance, demeanor and attitude…Why?…So that you might find your bet­ter way, a truer way to move for­ward. Today marks anoth­er change…Mercury is still mov­ing ret­ro­grade (that is most cer­tain­ly evi­dent!), but now it re-enters the pre­vi­ous sign of Pisces which it had left on March 2.

You will need to turn away now from at least some of your plans for the future and move back into your past…You will need to let go of your for­ward focus, of con­sid­er­ing your pos­si­bil­i­ties, so that you might bet­ter under­stand from whence you have come (and so bet­ter under­stand what you are bring­ing with you).

For it is most cer­tain­ly true that each and every step for­ward in your jour­ney lands upon the path you forged long ago. This is your Kar­ma, the effects of which come to you now as the com­plex matrix of your present Cir­cum­stance (the world that sur­rounds where you stand). This is the world you made…it came from your Dreams and your Fears…This real­i­ty is but the con­se­quence of what you forged long ago. So, before you set in motion more of those “caus­es” that will bring future “effects” upon you (and those who accom­pa­ny you), it would be wise to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er what you might have learned from those steps you took before.

From now till April 4 (when Mer­cury turns direct), you should make the most of this gift, this har­vest of your mean­ings and experience…for this is how you grow and turn your life from an ordi­nary cir­cle, (what would be an end­less and mean­ing­less eter­nal return) into a won­drous, upward­ly soar­ing spi­ral dance of life. You do this by con­fronting what lim­its your Dream­ing Real­iza­tions: those Doubts, Anx­i­eties and Fears that deflect your heart’s intent. You must clear them all away…but How?

You have done this, you can do this…become fear­less and faithful…by com­ing into a deep­er, more con­stant con­tact with your ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of faith and meaning…which is known to you as your own high­er self.

These Mer­cu­r­ial mes­sages, these inti­ma­tions of your greater under­stand­ing, are bestowed by that high­er self…They are gifts from You to you…But they will not arrive with blaz­ing trum­pets and big dis­plays. Mer­cury is sail­ing through those sub­tler realms of Nep­tune when tra­vers­ing this Pis­cean space…

Like many mat­ters spir­i­tu­al, The Way, your path, is para­dox­i­cal! You need to focus…and you must be unfo­cused too! You need to pay clos­er atten­tion, to catch those whis­pers and gen­tle suggestions…and so turn away from all out­ward dis­trac­tions. You must also avoid any par­tic­u­lar focus or intent. These mes­sages from beyond, these pro­found mean­ings, can­not be found where your ordi­nary atten­tion keeps you, mes­mer­ized by the less­er real­i­ty. No, these mes­sages come from the periph­er­al realms, at the out­er reach­es of your ordi­nary con­scious­ness. They come like laugh­ing fairies and sparkling sprites…and if you look too hard or direct­ly upon them, they will vanish! 

You have to be open and let your inner self bring you into align­ment with these greater mean­ings, to help you under­stand the lessons of life you have just lived…so that you may then turn to your future with greater under­stand­ing and acceptance.

So turn back now…look and lis­ten carefully…

For the Light in the Dark­ness…for the Voice in the Silence

Your Faith, Your Future…and with­out fear.

New Moon in Aries (March 22, 2012)

A New Year…and a New Moon! Spring has sprung and you are all fired up and ready to go…or are you?

It’s “Déjà vu”, (just like last year)…Although those Aries ener­gies are pour­ing in and pro­pelling you for­ward, the out­come might not mea­sure up to your expec­ta­tions. This may seem vague­ly famil­iar and you would be right…you had this “semi-start” last year too when the New Moon in Aries took place while Mer­cury was ret­ro­grade, just like now…What is the uni­verse say­ing? How do you move for­ward when your mind is mov­ing backwards?

Each New Moon releas­es seed-forms of ener­gy from that Sign. With Aries these seed-forms are offered in order to help fos­ter a resur­gence and re-affir­ma­tion of self, of your pro­found need to be “I”. You feel the need to step up and step out and bold­ly go forth…to stake your claim and sim­ply be your­self. Yes indeed, your spir­it is ready, will­ing and able…But what are you going to do about your mind?

Actu­al­ly, this is rather help­ful. If there is one sign of the Zodi­ac which could tru­ly ben­e­fit from a lit­tle more patience and some greater reflection…well, that would be Aries! There is such an urgency in Aries to res­ur­rect the self (after the sac­ri­fices in Pisces) that you might over-reach, become impa­tient and then, well, lose it.

Hav­ing Mer­cury mov­ing ret­ro­grade pro­vides a nice coun­ter­point of reflec­tiv­i­ty, of self-con­trol and delib­er­a­tion. Sure, it feels fine to be bold and take that big leap…but it would be awful­ly nice to have some idea of where you might land!

This New Moon reminds you that in order to go forth, you must also go in.

This New Moon inspires you with the pow­er of new begin­nings, while remind­ing you to tie up your loose ends.

This New Moon begins your build­ing of brand new futures, while help­ing you to hon­or your past.

This is a good New Moon!

Mercury Conjunct Sun (March 21, 2012)

Your wait is over… (At least for now)

You have been seek­ing for an answer, you have been search­ing through your inner (and out­er worlds), won­der­ing, questioning…Considering…

Today, well today you get your answer! (How­ev­er, it is prob­a­bly best if you do not “act” on it yet…it would be far bet­ter to wait until Mer­cury turns direct on April 4).

Since March 12th Mer­cury has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, you have been review­ing and sift­ing through your thoughts, ideas, facts and the­o­ries, pon­der­ing the very nature of your con­scious­ness. You have been turn­ing your mind back on itself, using your self-reflec­tive capac­i­ty to Con­sid­er (or recon­sid­er) your path ahead.

What does that word mean, “Con­sid­er”? The Eng­lish “con­sid­er” comes from the Latin “con­sid­er­are” which means to exam­ine care­ful­ly, and was orig­i­nal­ly a term used in Augury. It derives from “sidera” which means “stars”. The word “con­sid­er” is a com­bi­na­tion of “con” or “among” and “sider” “the stars”. “Con­sid­er” lit­er­al­ly means to be among or with the stars!

When you con­sid­er any­thing, you are repeat­ing what humans have done since the begin­ning of the dawn of our self-aware­ness. You fol­low in the foot­steps of what your ances­tors did long, long ago when they first became con­scious and began to con­sid­er who they were or what life was all about…they lit­er­al­ly looked up to the stars for guid­ance and answers.

They found mean­ing in that majes­tic pageantry above which pro­vid­ed reassurance…that there is an order to the uni­verse. There was this essen­tial sense, this “know­ing” that what hap­pened “up there” pro­vid­ed con­text and mean­ing for what tran­spired “down here”, so the say­ing became, “as above, so below”.

As much as those plan­e­tary cir­cu­la­tions release pow­er­ful energies…as much as your plan­e­tary com­pan­ions dance their dance which elic­it as well as depict the won­drous­ly com­fort­ing eter­nal truths, as much as this takes place in those star­ry spaces around you…it is equal­ly through and through to be found with­in you as well.

For you are made from, you have come from, that very same “star-stuff” as your plan­e­tary cousins. With­in you, in your holy of holies, at the inner­most of you, there is a spark of the Divine Flame. It is this, your immor­tal core, which pro­vides your bridge to the ever­last­ing Truths; your sacred cen­ter has an unbreak­able bond, the foun­tain-source Truth of your essen­tial one­ness with the One.

So that is why…and you need remem­ber this, ever and always, that the answers to any (and all) of your questions…the answers to the rid­dles of your life are to be found with­in you…always. Because your own high­er self, (the watch­er who is ever by your side), is wait­ing to guide you.

How­ev­er, you often become dis­tract­ed, mes­mer­ized by all that takes place around you. Life seem­ing­ly leads you from this to that, up and down, in and out, until you find your­self at a loss, turned around and confused…So you pause, you look for guidance…You look up…and you look within…

In the cur­rent peri­od with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, in order to forge ahead, you have been cast­ing a glance back­wards upon the way you have already come, see­ing how true or not your path is…because you need to make sure you are in Align­ment. To be aligned with what? It is your ever-present need to be in align­ment with your­self and so align your pur­pose with your path…

Today your Mind (Mer­cury) aligns with your Self (Sun). Today you will have an answer…from with­in. It may come in a burst of insight, one of those “Ah-Hah!” moments…and those are tru­ly mem­o­rable. How­ev­er, it is true that often an answer will come in more sub­tle forms, as a whis­per or like the gen­tle brush of a feath­er; and that con­tact will elic­it some new­found aware­ness for you.

Since your con­scious mind is usu­al­ly pre­oc­cu­pied with nor­mal and every­day neces­si­ties (and dis­trac­tions), you will find that your high­er self must patient­ly wait for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach you. But you can help, espe­cial­ly at this time with Mer­cury aligned with the Sun.

What can you do? You must cre­ate a space for You to con­tact you! Find a qui­et place and still your mind, calm your spir­it, then ask your question…and wait. Or, you can think of the issue before going to bed, then ask for help or guidance…and it will be giv­en you.

Your high­er self is ever seek­ing to have a more con­stant, con­sis­tent rela­tion­ship with you…but you have to open the door, you have to make your space sacred.

With Mer­cury con­joined with the Sun today, you can mir­ror their out­er align­ment with a per­son­al align­ment of your own.

Lis­ten care­ful­ly now…the beloved is call­ing to you…
