You’ve waited for it, you have been very patient…you have waited for the answer to the ever-present question, “What is your heart’s Desire?”…And you know…you just might get some help from the Universe right about now. That is because since January 23 Mars has been moving backwards through Virgo and you have re-examinined the nature of Desire and Action in your life…that’s the gift of Mars moving retrograde.
Now your pure potential to be (Sun) shines a “Full Moon” like light upon your self-direction, upon what stands as the avatar who directs you outward in your search for meaning, self-realization and the satisfaction of your desires (Mars).
This retrograde of Mars is in Virgo which means the reexamination of aims and actions should be understood within the energies and lessons that sign bestows. Here is what I wrote at the beginning of Mars retrograde on January 23:
As Mars grows brighter, night after night, as you move towards that moment of greater revelation, take time to re-consider where you are going and how you are getting there. Look more deeply within yourself and ask “Is this what I should aim for, is this my way to move towards it wisely?
The theme of Mars in Virgo (the sign of healing and wholeness) will focus these reflections so that you may discern more clearly what aims and which actions move you along your better path of Integration, Simplicity and Well-being.
Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, (probably the most misunderstood symbol of our culture); to be Virginal according to the First Teachings or the Ancient Wisdom means that one is whole and complete, balanced and integrated in Body, Feeling, Mind and Spirit. It is only when a person becomes so integrated are they truly ready and prepared to enter into fully functional relationships.
With Mars retrograde in Virgo you are learning to Act with greater Virtuosity, to be guided by clear intentions and graced by considerate acts. Neither distractions of mind, nor wasted efforts for you…now you are the willing apprentice seeking only self-mastery. This is the true path of the Spiritual Warrior.
The one true and only goal…is to find and secure that greatest of treasures, a treasure sought by many and found by few…
To be at Peace.
Celebrate the gift of Mars who lifts you up to your highest aspirations…
This, the path you must walk, the path of self-mastery and peace…
This is your path.
Today you stand between your Self (Sun) and your Desires…
Today is the Day of Illumination for your Avatar of Desire; for now you can see how you well you have understood the principle of Right Thinking/Right Action. Do not judge; Accept and Receive this Gift of Spirit…
Let the Light of Understanding guide you now on your pathway of Spiritual Integrity, Compassion and Love.
For this is the Message of the Sun in Pisces…
This is your Heart’s Desire…This is your pathway to Peace.