Sun Opposition Mars (March 3, 2012)

You’ve wait­ed for it, you have been very patient…you have wait­ed for the answer to the ever-present ques­tion, “What is your heart’s Desire?”…And you know…you just might get some help from the Uni­verse right about now. That is because since Jan­u­ary 23 Mars has been mov­ing back­wards through Vir­go and you have re-exam­inined the nature of Desire and Action in your life…that’s the gift of Mars mov­ing retrograde.

Now your pure poten­tial to be (Sun) shines a “Full Moon” like light upon your self-direc­tion, upon what stands as the avatar who directs you out­ward in your search for mean­ing, self-real­iza­tion and the sat­is­fac­tion of your desires (Mars).  

This ret­ro­grade of Mars is in Vir­go which means the reex­am­i­na­tion of aims and actions should be under­stood with­in the ener­gies and lessons that sign bestows. Here is what I wrote at the begin­ning of Mars ret­ro­grade on Jan­u­ary 23:

As Mars grows brighter, night after night, as you move towards that moment of greater rev­e­la­tion, take time to re-con­sid­er where you are going and how you are get­ting there. Look more deeply with­in your­self and ask “Is this what I should aim for, is this my way to move towards it wisely?

The theme of Mars in Vir­go (the sign of heal­ing and whole­ness) will focus these reflec­tions so that you may dis­cern more clear­ly what aims and which actions move you along your bet­ter path of Inte­gra­tion, Sim­plic­i­ty and Well-being.

Vir­go is the sign of the Vir­gin, (prob­a­bly the most mis­un­der­stood sym­bol of our cul­ture); to be Vir­ginal accord­ing to the First Teach­ings or the Ancient Wis­dom means that one is whole and com­plete, bal­anced and inte­grat­ed in Body, Feel­ing, Mind and Spir­it. It is only when a per­son becomes so inte­grat­ed are they tru­ly ready and pre­pared to enter into ful­ly func­tion­al relationships.

With Mars ret­ro­grade in Vir­go you are learn­ing to Act with greater Vir­tu­os­i­ty, to be guid­ed by clear inten­tions and graced by con­sid­er­ate acts. Nei­ther dis­trac­tions of mind, nor wast­ed efforts for you…now you are the will­ing appren­tice seek­ing only self-mas­tery. This is the true path of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.

The one true and only goal…is to find and secure that great­est of trea­sures, a trea­sure sought by many and found by few…

To be at Peace.

Cel­e­brate the gift of Mars who lifts you up to your high­est aspirations…

This, the path you must walk, the path of self-mas­tery and peace…

This is your path.

Today you stand between your Self (Sun) and your Desires…

Today is the Day of Illu­mi­na­tion for your Avatar of Desire; for now you can see how you well you have under­stood the prin­ci­ple of Right Thinking/Right Action. Do not judge; Accept and Receive this Gift of Spirit…

Let the Light of Under­stand­ing guide you now on your path­way of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty, Com­pas­sion and Love.

For this is the Mes­sage of the Sun in Pisces…

This is your Heart’s Desire…This is your path­way to Peace.

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