Daily Archives: March 4, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (March 5, 2012)

Your mind is lean­ing for­ward now, eager to push beyond old men­tal bound­aries as Mer­cury skips through Aries. But the thing about those bound­aries, (your assump­tions, your par­a­digms, your “Matrix”), is that you often can­not either see how you are bounded…or how, even if you do espy those self-made blind­ers, how exact­ly do you get beyond your con­di­tion­ing, beyond your dimen­sion­al space with­in Space?

But lucky you, today Her­mes is graced by Uranus, who offers you his gift, the pow­er of re-con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion that takes you beyond those assump­tions, beyond your bound­ed spaces…Uranus moves your mind along that razor’s-edge of reason/intuition by elic­it­ing a spark of spir­i­tu­al light­ning which illu­mi­nates the dark­ened spaces, the shad­owed realms that you your­self have cast about you.

For Uranus is one of the 3 gifts of the Spir­it, here to lead and lift you up, time and time again. Uranus lifts up that “Veil of Isis” by elic­it­ing a high­er con­scious­ness, a more inclu­sive view­point, as you ever seek to under­stand your­self and your world.

Your con­scious­ness is pro­gres­sive­ly devel­op­ing, but more often in incre­men­tal, step by step accu­mu­la­tions of per­cep­tive capac­i­ty. But through­out that devel­op­ment you will find your­self at those bar­ri­ers beyond which you seem­ing­ly can­not pass…because those bar­ri­ers or lim­its are cre­at­ed by your lev­el of con­scious aware­ness. You have come to your Ring Pass Not, and beyond lies the shad­ows (and fears) of the great unknown.

Uranus, the awak­en­er, comes along and pro­vides the “Eure­ka” moment, the break­through or Epiphany where­by you are lift­ed up into a new realm of con­cep­tion, a new realm of con­scious­ness. Now it was not that the old con­scious­ness was wrong or bad. It was a nec­es­sary stage, a space that you resided in so as to expe­ri­ence your­self and your world for a time. It was true, it was real…but it was limited…shadowed.

There is (always) a greater Real­i­ty and Con­scious­ness wait­ing for you…because your jour­ney is found­ed upon your ever-unfold­ing, ever self-becom­ing spir­i­tu­al spark of the Divine. You will reach many stages of aware­ness; you will pass through many por­tals of con­scious­ness in your journey…

And always and for­ev­er you must be will­ing to let go of the famil­iar and brave the bound­ary realms…

But you will not walk them alone, you are ever accom­pa­nied by your high­er self and oth­ers sent to help you…

You need only be will­ing to open your heart and mind to the Greater Real­i­ty that is your home…

Arise, awake and lift your eyes up…behold the won­der of Creation!

Venus Enters Taurus (March 5, 2012)

Hav­ing just received her part­ing gift from Sat­urn, (or was that a jolt?), Venus dances into her home sign of Tau­rus for the next month…Ah, that’s more like it…time to ease up, to slow down (and yes, smell those ros­es too!) as you more tru­ly appre­ci­ate the sen­su­ous, won­drous Beau­ty of Creation.

While Venus rushed through Aries you were all in “your head” about your val­ues; plans were espoused, ideals were declaimed and bursts of enthu­si­asm (and over-enthu­si­asm) ruled in all mat­ters about tastes, val­ues and your love-life…

But now, now it is time to turn to a slow­er pace, a more delib­er­ate approach because Venus in Tau­rus needs to touch, to smell…she needs to see and hear and taste the delights that sur­round you. Venus in Tau­rus does not want to dream or imag­ine what some­thing might be like; she wants you to take your time, to enjoy the beau­ty in the world, by real­ly expe­ri­enc­ing those lux­u­ri­ant feel­ings of com­fort, style and ease.

Not only do you have a keen­er appre­ci­a­tion for the world of delights around you, but you also will have a more nuanced accep­tance and lov­ing appre­ci­a­tion for your own tal­ents and sen­si­bil­i­ties. You will bet­ter appre­ci­ate your gifts now because you are stead­ied by your ground­ing in last­ing values.

Bow down to Venus as she brings you into her Gar­den of Earth­ly Delights…

Live in Beau­ty, Walk in Beauty…

But above all…Be Beautiful!