Your mind is leaning forward now, eager to push beyond old mental boundaries as Mercury skips through Aries. But the thing about those boundaries, (your assumptions, your paradigms, your “Matrix”), is that you often cannot either see how you are bounded…or how, even if you do espy those self-made blinders, how exactly do you get beyond your conditioning, beyond your dimensional space within Space?
But lucky you, today Hermes is graced by Uranus, who offers you his gift, the power of re-conceptualization that takes you beyond those assumptions, beyond your bounded spaces…Uranus moves your mind along that razor’s-edge of reason/intuition by eliciting a spark of spiritual lightning which illuminates the darkened spaces, the shadowed realms that you yourself have cast about you.
For Uranus is one of the 3 gifts of the Spirit, here to lead and lift you up, time and time again. Uranus lifts up that “Veil of Isis” by eliciting a higher consciousness, a more inclusive viewpoint, as you ever seek to understand yourself and your world.
Your consciousness is progressively developing, but more often in incremental, step by step accumulations of perceptive capacity. But throughout that development you will find yourself at those barriers beyond which you seemingly cannot pass…because those barriers or limits are created by your level of conscious awareness. You have come to your Ring Pass Not, and beyond lies the shadows (and fears) of the great unknown.
Uranus, the awakener, comes along and provides the “Eureka” moment, the breakthrough or Epiphany whereby you are lifted up into a new realm of conception, a new realm of consciousness. Now it was not that the old consciousness was wrong or bad. It was a necessary stage, a space that you resided in so as to experience yourself and your world for a time. It was true, it was real…but it was limited…shadowed.
There is (always) a greater Reality and Consciousness waiting for you…because your journey is founded upon your ever-unfolding, ever self-becoming spiritual spark of the Divine. You will reach many stages of awareness; you will pass through many portals of consciousness in your journey…
And always and forever you must be willing to let go of the familiar and brave the boundary realms…
But you will not walk them alone, you are ever accompanied by your higher self and others sent to help you…
You need only be willing to open your heart and mind to the Greater Reality that is your home…
Arise, awake and lift your eyes up…behold the wonder of Creation!