Daily Archives: March 7, 2012

Full Moon in Virgo (March 8, 2012)

Twelve New Moons have come and gone; twelve times you have received those Gifts of the Spir­it. For at each Moon there is a release of inspi­ra­tion, a present offered to you, filled with the bless­ings spe­cial to that sign…

And equal­ly, twelve times a year, the Sun and Moon come to their oppo­si­tion­al alignments…And it is at these Full Moons that a rev­e­la­tion is offered, a greater mean­ing is unveiled, and you are shown the way, the way to find the bal­ance between the dark­ness and the light.

Today as the Sun sets in the West a Beau­ti­ful Full Moon will rise; now you face the last Solar/Lunar coun­ter­point of the Astro­log­i­cal year. This, the final rev­e­la­tion, is your Omega moment of mean­ing. The Sun soar­ing through Pisces forms your pur­pose here which has been to under­stand, accept and appre­ci­ate the whol­ly spir­i­tu­al nature of your jour­ney year after year.

It is in Pisces that you meet again with the Full­ness of Spir­it through which your life unfolds. And, you can actu­al­ly expe­ri­ence the most fun­da­men­tal reas­sur­ance, that super­nal affir­ma­tion which was Sung by all the ones of the One at the dawn of Cre­ation. It is the cen­tral prin­ci­ple of the Ancient Wis­dom and is held up as a Bea­con of hope to com­bat the weary des­per­a­tion of all those who have fall­en for the great untruth. (What untruth is that? The mis­un­der­stand­ing that aris­es from a fun­da­men­tal flaw of per­cep­tion, (what is called the “Great Illu­sion”), which came about for you from your “falling into matter”…It was this that formed your expe­ri­ence of the Untruth of Sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er and from the whole of Creation)…

Pisces, the Final Por­tal in the Cir­cle of Life, affirms the Way of Truth.…That all of Cre­ation is One in Spir­it, One in Con­scious­ness and One in Love.

But this expe­ri­ence of Uni­ty, this Dream­ing Won­der, (at what­ev­er lev­el you may per­ceive it and through what­ev­er form you may touch it), can some­times lead you beyond the bound­aries of the expe­ri­ence of Space that you are pre­pared for. That razor’s edge, between the Dark­ness and the Light, between Illu­mi­na­tion and Delusion…that bound­ary realm is mag­i­cal, mys­te­ri­ous but may trap the unwary, may con­found the unprepared…

To find your way, to find The Way, you need some assis­tance, a lit­tle clarity…a guide to help you dis­cern a path through these won­drous, swirling spaces of Space…Tonight, look up and behold that Lumi­nous Sphere, look up to Luna who shines resplen­dent­ly with the Truths from Vir­go’s realm. She brings you bal­ance by way of Ser­vice, she extends a help­ing hand…

For equal to these gifts of Pisces, you have need of this bal­ance offered by Vir­go. As much as the Pis­cean expe­ri­ence of the One­ness of Cre­ation is the foun­da­tion for your expe­ri­ence of Com­pas­sion, Sac­ri­fice and True Uncon­di­tion­al Love…you need to stay upon your path of Pur­pose­ful Inte­gra­tion which is the Way of Beau­ty, the Path of Wholeness.

So give thanks and accept these bal­anc­ing gifts of Virgo…

The Gift to be Dis­cern­ing in your Compassion…so that you may tru­ly hon­or your­self as much as you care for the other…

The Gift to be Mind­ful in your Sacrifice…so that you may wor­ship the sacred with­in you as much as you feel it in the other…

The Gift to be Whole in your Love…so that you may open your heart to the beau­ty that is You as much as you see it in the other… 

Cel­e­brate the final Full Moon in this year’s Cir­cle of Life…

Cel­e­brate this “Har­vest of Spirit”…for all the mean­ings you have mas­tered in what has come before…

Now use your har­vest to pre­pare, the seeds from fruits you made…for just ahead are those New Begin­nings, your Equinox is com­ing soon…

It brings renew­al, a chance to begin again, high­er now…as you con­tin­ue your nev­er-end­ing journey…along your Spi­ral Light­way to the Stars.