Mercury Turns Retrograde (March 12, 2012)

Oops…have you for­got­ten some­thing, or some­one? Mis­placed some­thing, or won­dered why you went into this room any­ways (it was to get some­thing, or some­one, right?)…Yep, you guessed it, there’s been a change com­ing in the last few days, a shift of energies…Your guide “down here” has been slow­ing down and today goes into “reverse” for the next 3 weeks. That’s right, wel­come to the first Mer­cury ret­ro­grade of the New Year from March 12 till April 4.…

Of course Her­mes nev­er “real­ly” goes back­wards; he’s just pass­ing Earth on his inside orbit and so com­ing between us and the Sun. Those Mer­cu­r­ial ener­gies are wax­ing now, but they are turn­ing inwards…towards re-exam­i­na­tion, reviews and revi­sions. Ide­al­ly, if you could make it so, you would take the next 3 weeks and go on a retreat, to take an inner jour­ney, into your space for reflec­tion and so use this won­der­ful shift to bet­ter under­stand you!

But, of course, for many if not all…life goes on! (But do set aside some extra time for reflec­tion). As your seem­ing­ly ordi­nary life unfolds, make sure to be more aware of the pit­falls of Mer­cury as he does his “Moon Walk”. Since every­one is expe­ri­enc­ing this rever­sal, this pre­dis­po­si­tion to be “inward”, you have to remind your­self to pay more atten­tion to all com­mu­ni­ca­tions, both the trans­mit­ting and the receiv­ing. Because your atten­tion to the here and now may not be what it should, you are more like­ly to make a mis­take (assum­ing too much, not being clear or dis­tract­ed) so you fail to make your point…and, the receiv­ing end is just as impaired because of the same deficit of attentiveness…

But do make use of this gift to bend your mind back on itself and use your won­der­ful self-reflec­tive fac­ul­ty to bet­ter know your­self. The first peri­od of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade will be in Aries till March 23. Dur­ing this pas­sage use this Mer­cu­r­ial Mir­ror to see how you present your­self to the world around you…how do you appear to oth­ers? Are you lean­ing too far for­ward in your bear­ing so that you are over-whelm­ing? Or, are you so pulled back that you pass un-noticed by the world because you are under-whelming…Or maybe, just maybe you’ve got it “just right”, you are in that sweet spot…You are Strong and Sen­si­tive, know­ing when to take a stand… and when to yield…so that you walk on Earth with the right amount of pres­ence and your influ­ence upon those who accom­pa­ny you is beneficent.

Then from March 23 till April 4 Mer­cury will make a return vis­it to Pisces, and you will tru­ly need to go deep­er, down into the mys­ter­ies of your Imag­i­na­tion and reex­am­ine those well-springs of your Faith. Your aware­ness then will call for more sub­tle­ty; you will need to be more open and aware to the less appar­ent but under­ly­ing real­i­ty you move through. Where­as Mer­cury in Aries is all ideals and excitabil­i­ty, Pisces calls for a soft­er more recep­tive approach, to the worlds with­in and without.

To enter these sub­tle realms, to move into your intu­ition­al know­ing, you will need to let go of cer­tain­ties, to the fixed geome­tries of your out­ward real­i­ty as you open your­self again to won­ders, mys­ter­ies and the deep, deep waters from which all life springs…

Remem­ber, as before, the inspi­ra­tions of Mer­cury in Pisces will not come in the obvi­ous forms…your high­er self, your truer self will not shout or declaim…The gifts will come in that gen­tle whis­per, in the hint of some­thing pro­found but so famil­iar too…And then you will know that you have been touched, you have been graced by the mys­tery that is with­in you.

Yes, it is going to be an inter­est­ing 3 weeks…

All hail Her­mes, the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods who brings you the gifts of Greater Awareness…

The Greater Aware­ness of You!


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