Daily Archives: March 12, 2012

Jupiter Trine Pluto (March 12–13, 2012)

This is the third and final (for now) align­ment of Jupiter Trine Plu­to. This is what I wrote about this aspect in the 2011 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Jupiter Trine Plu­to (Jul. 7, Oct. 28, Mar. 13, 2012)

The cycle of Jupiter and Plu­to moves into this more pos­i­tive phase for the next 9 months. Hav­ing faced the chal­lenge in late Feb­ru­ary, we will find our­selves able to expand more effort­less­ly now in our mate­r­i­al life and spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing. Because Jupiter has moved into Tau­rus (Earth) and Plu­to is in Capri­corn (Earth), this cre­ates very pos­i­tive con­di­tions for real eco­nom­ic growth. Though there are always expand­ing and con­tract­ing forces at play in any year, this is cer­tain­ly a strong fac­tor sup­port­ing those areas that are capa­ble of growth, espe­cial­ly those which have read the signs of change and adapt­ed. Spir­i­tu­al­ly, to the extent the right choic­es were made in Feb­ru­ary, the oppor­tu­ni­ty now is to bring about a real evo­lu­tion in our moral affir­ma­tion of one anoth­er. We are will­ing to seek accom­mo­da­tion with each oth­er as an expres­sion of our under­stand­ing for one another.

I would add what I wrote about this dur­ing the sec­ond pas­sage on Octo­ber 28:

Jove meets Hades and the arche­types are stir­ring in your soul. Jupiter rules your Truths and Beliefs; Plu­to rules Will and the Pow­er of Trans­for­ma­tion. This Plu­ton­ian pow­er is part of your Tri­par­tite spir­i­tu­al poten­tial; and this most pre­cious Triple Gift of Spir­it is the foun­tain-source of you becom­ing more than your con­di­tion­ing. These gifts of the Spir­it, exem­pli­fied and car­ried by Uranus-Nep­tune-Plu­to, cre­ate a quick­en­ing through plan­e­tary ini­ti­a­tion, and offer you a steep­er and sur­er path as you jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

It is has been said, passed down from “mouth to ear”, that the real unfold­ment of your soul’s jour­ney, your real and True Evo­lu­tion, does not pro­ceed from or orig­i­nate in the phys­i­cal plane. It does not come from the cell and its muta­tions, or from some com­pe­ti­tion of life forms with each oth­er. The Ancient Teach­ings affirm that your unfold­ment, growth and jour­ney from uncon­scious spark of the Divine to full Divine Con­scious­ness, comes from, orig­i­nates in and is dri­ven by Spir­it and the unfold­ment of your essen­tial nature. All these oth­er agents of change and trans­for­ma­tion are deriv­a­tives of the pow­er that surges through each and every one of the ones of the One.

Today is the sec­ond of the three align­ments of Jupiter trine Plu­to. The first align­ment was in ear­ly July, and the last will occur in March of 2012. You are always expe­ri­enc­ing these gifts of the Spir­it bestowed by your plan­e­tary com­pan­ions. Today’s offer­ing is here to re-ener­gize the Immor­tal Bridge between realms tem­po­ral and sub­lime, between what is and what will always be. That shin­ing arch, like a bridge of light, will burn brighter and span the space between your present prin­ci­ples and truths to those ever-present, ever-resur­gent Arche­types which under­lie the All.

The present truths that you have come to embrace, that give your life mean­ing, form and guid­ance, your Laws of Life, your philoso­phies, beliefs and reli­gion were forged from a mighty gold­en chain of expe­ri­ence that con­nects you with every oth­er one who has walked this path of becom­ing the becom­ing. The source or core of all those lessons learned and re-learned are the ever-renew­ing, ever-resur­gent Arche­types of Spir­it that have been named by some as the “Col­lec­tive Unconscious”.

These seed-forms are ruled by Plu­to which serves to cre­ate the bound­aries, the spaces of space for Spir­it, Mind and Mat­ter. In cycle after cycle the great truths are released and become man­i­fest­ed in the Teach­ings, Philoso­phies and Reli­gions that form and guide your jour­ney. But over time those forms becomes rigid, truths become dog­ma and the Ancient Wis­dom becomes obscured as the shad­ows deepen.

It is at such a time as this that Spir­it answers, mov­ing to fill the void by a release of renewed Arche­typ­al mean­ing. Plu­to brings to bear those Seed-Forms which burn away the accu­mu­lat­ed dross and reveal again the Spir­it behind the form.

And, at the most impor­tant turn­ing points, in the dark­est of hours, a teacher is always sent forth, an Avatar whose task it is to repair the bridge between heav­en and earth. And for a time it is a Gold­en Age once more…but then you for­get, as we have forgotten…

Many look now for a sign, for the Emissary…you look for the turn­ing and seek to find your way out of the darkness…you look for the cross­ing into the light.

It is here, it is now…