Daily Archives: March 13, 2012

Venus Conjunct Jupiter & Venus Trine Mars & Mars Trine Jupiter & Mars Trine Pluto (March 14, 2012)


Well…this is just quite sim­ply Beautiful…Beauty to Behold!

Astrol­o­gy seeks to under­stand the ener­gies that influ­ence our exis­tence by observ­ing our heav­en­ly com­pan­ions who cir­cle with us around our Star. As they orbit the Sun they form align­ments and pat­terns with one anoth­er that release and mutu­al­ly mod­i­fy the spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that tru­ly cre­ate the sto­ry of all that unfolds with­in our par­ent Star’s fam­i­ly, our solar system.

Today you are blessed by a beau­ti­ful align­ment of sev­er­al plan­ets with one anoth­er, form­ing what is called in Astrol­o­gy a “Grand Trine”. That is when 3 or more bod­ies are arranged and spaced apart from one anoth­er so as to form a per­fect Tri­an­gu­lar rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er. Today, this beau­ti­ful for­ma­tion begins with Venus and Jupiter con­joined in Tau­rus, which con­nects to Mars in Vir­go, which then goes on to con­nect with Plu­to in Capri­corn, and comes back final­ly to com­plete the Grand Tri­an­gle with Venus and Jupiter.

The “Stars” of this star­ry tri­an­gle are Venus and Jupiter, who have been draw­ing ever clos­er these last few days, burn­ing bright­ly in the west­ern evening sky after the Sun has set. They shine like two resplen­dent bea­cons that come bear­ing gifts for you. Gifts indeed are offered here for these two plan­ets are called the Less­er (Venus) and Greater (Jupiter) “Benefics”.

With Venus rul­ing Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love, and Jupiter rul­ing Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Expan­sion, their com­ing togeth­er sig­nals great, good for­tune to you and yours. You relate well to what you want; your appre­ci­a­tion of the beau­ty with­in and around you bestows bless­ings upon your enjoy­ment of your phys­i­cal world and your social life too…

Today is a day that you are tru­ly Beau­ti­ful

Pro­vid­ing ener­gy and focus, Mars is next in your lumi­nous tri­ad today. Mars in Vir­go adds just the right and rea­son­able focus or mind­ful­ness to the day’s beau­ty. Some­times when Venus and Jupiter com­bine you get so enam­ored with beau­ty (and with your taste buds!) that it can lead to too much of a good thing. Mars pro­vides the req­ui­site dis­crim­i­na­tion to enjoy but not over-indulge. More­over, Mars in Vir­go brings you to that align­ment which affirms that for there to be Beau­ty (and Love) there must also be a mean­ing­ful order to your life. Mars in Vir­go pro­vides the way to a life that is whole, inte­grat­ed and beau­ti­ful­ly proportional.

Today is a day you are tru­ly poised, measured…you are full of Grace

Com­plet­ing your “Tri­une Attune­ment”, you turn now to the out­er­most plan­et, to the plan­et of Will and Trans­for­ma­tion, to the plan­et of Bound­aries, to the plan­et who rules the Sacred­ness of Space…Pluto.

Plu­to in Capri­corn is steadi­ly work­ing to bring you into a clos­er rela­tion­ship with the Foun­tain-Source of Arche­types, those Eter­nal truths of Spir­it which stand behind your shad­owed reflec­tion, what you call “Real­i­ty”.

Today Plu­to stead­ies and brings your will to bear so that you may be guid­ed in your actions (Mars) so as to strength­en your deter­mi­na­tion to find and walk the path of Whole­ness; and Plu­to pro­vides the pow­er to stay true to your Val­ues & Truth (Venus/Jupiter) while equal­ly observ­ing the Teach­ing to nev­er impose them upon another…for your Jour­ney is the unfold­ment of Spir­it, your path is the path of Self-Mastery.

Today is a day you are tru­ly Mas­ter­ful

Make today (and every­day) the day you walk your path and live the Ancient Teach­ing of Beau­ty, Grace and Mastery:

In beau­ty I walk.  

With beau­ty before me, I walk.  

With beau­ty behind me, I walk.  

With beau­ty below me, I walk.  

With beau­ty all around me, I walk.  

It is fin­ished in beauty. 

Today you are Beautiful…

and you are sur­round­ed by Beauty…

Today and everyday…

Live in Beauty!