Daily Archives: March 17, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (March 18, 2012)

You are brilliant…yes you are! No rigid, hard lines for you; no cor­ners to paint your­self into! Your mind is free, con­trar­i­an, intuitive…you are think­ing “out­side the box”! Why? Why, you’ve got Uranus by your side…and you are think­ing beyond your self-cast shadows!

Uranus brings you the gift of Man­as, your radi­ant high­er con­scious­ness (which is in real­i­ty the high­er-self­’s mind, a much more evolved “vibra­tion” of Mer­cury). Mer­cury is your low­er mind which observes, cat­e­go­rizes, com­pares and con­trasts in order to build up infor­ma­tion about what you have to come to know as “Real­i­ty”.

It is through Mer­cury that you build up your knowl­edge of your world…but Uranus leads beyond mere know­ing, Uranus leads you to your Greater Understanding.

Your Mer­cury delights in puz­zling through the phe­nom­e­na you encounter day after day, find­ing appro­pri­ate con­nec­tions between one thing and anoth­er, form­ing a body of expe­ri­ence that pro­vides you with your tools for nav­i­gat­ing “Real­i­ty”. You form spe­cif­ic win­dows or points of view to look at your world through, and make sense of, the chaos of the mul­ti-verse. You have your answers to life’s dai­ly chal­lenges and you can dip and weave through the nor­mal maze of every­day life.

And, when­ev­er you encounter some­thing that has changed or some­thing entire­ly new for you, a puz­zle or prob­lem that you have no solu­tion for, your low­er mind engages its great­est gift of Intel­li­gence. Your mind soars as it dis­plays it mar­velous adapt­abil­i­ty and nim­ble­ness, it tries one approach after anoth­er, look­ing through one win­dow or facet after anoth­er to see how this mat­ter might be under­stood by you.

But even so, you can and will get stuck at cer­tain junc­tures of your life. You will try to imag­ine and look at the prob­lem from alter­nate points of views, shift­ing your assumptions…but you will always be (uncon­scious­ly) con­fined with­in your larg­er par­a­digm which deter­mines the pos­si­ble from the impos­si­ble to you…and so you will not even con­sid­er or com­pre­hend the Greater Mys­tery that lies before, nay even sur­rounds you…

Uranus, the Awak­en­er, pro­vides the answer! Uranus breaks through those par­a­dig­mal self-cast shad­ows, lift­ing you out of those dim-lit realms so as to bring you into your high­er con­scious­ness. Through releas­ing the Intu­itive Mind Uranus reveals the larg­er cos­mos with­in which your small­er real­i­ty exists. Flash­es of insight illu­mi­nate what was not vis­i­ble, even incon­ceiv­able, because you had no frame of ref­er­ence, no way or means to per­ceive that dimen­sion of reality.

Prob­lems that seemed unsolv­able find ele­gant solutions…and many prob­lems, many prob­lems are no longer “there” because the dilem­ma or dichoto­my, that either/or and black or white, which formed the very prob­lem in the first place…well, they have all van­ished like the fog of Maya from which they held you enthralled. You will often find in these Epiphanal Elic­i­ta­tions that the world you had been mov­ing through, what you had expe­ri­enced as Real­i­ty was tru­ly decep­tive (or delusional)…at least that is how it appears now…

But, of course, it was/is real…at that lev­el of aware­ness, at that lev­el of con­scious­ness it was Real­i­ty for you. What Uranus pro­vides is a means to quick­en your spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing so that you might more eas­i­ly move into a high­er lev­el of per­cep­tion, into a greater com­pre­hen­sion of the majesty and beau­ty of the Cos­mos you jour­ney through.

Let us give thanks to Uranus, the Awak­en­er who comes bear­ing gifts for his cousin Mercury…

Arise, awake…there are new Vis­tas to Amaze…

Bril­liant Worlds of Won­der to behold!

Open your eyes…Free your Mind!

Hail, hail Uranus who leads you from the dark­ness into the Light!