Sun Enters Aries, Astrological New Year (March 19–20, 2012)


It is Done!

From Alpha to the Omega, from the Begin­ning to the End…You have round­ed round that ever upward Spi­ral­ing “Cir­cle of Life”; you have vis­it­ed for a while, in each of the Twelve Man­sions of Being, the Sacred Spaces through which winds your path towards Self-Mastery…You have moved from Fire to Earth, in Air and Water, you have Dreamt and Touched, Thought and Felt your way along that Star­ry Path…

Now you stand ready at year’s end, your soul trem­bles with antic­i­pa­tion, for the “Dawn­ing Day” is beyond the thresh­old that you now cross…Yes it is time to turn, turn and face the Ris­ing Sun and give your hearty wel­come to the next New Astro­log­i­cal Year…It is time for a New Begin­ning, a new chance to take your­self high­er, towards greater self-real­iza­tions and deep­er accom­plish­ments, to clear­er thoughts and peace­ful feelings…

Aries is the First Sign…the sign of Embod­i­ment, of Spir­it mov­ing back into form. Hav­ing come dur­ing the past 30 days to feel more your one­ness with all the worlds around you, hav­ing deep­ened your feel­ings for self­less­ness and com­pas­sion, hav­ing searched with­in and har­vest­ed the mean­ing of the year just lived…Now, now your soul yearns and must expe­ri­ence itself for itself again! You must begin again, at the very begin­ning with that most sim­ple affir­ma­tion, “I Am”.

This is your first les­son, the expe­ri­ence of “Pres­ence”. How do you see your­self, and how do oth­ers see you? Your per­sonas, your masks that you wear in the var­i­ous roles you live through, of Cre­ator, Lover, Father, Moth­er, Sis­ter, Broth­er and all the ways of your being…in each of these you release some greater or less­er part of your true inner self as you seek to become…Fulfilled.

Dur­ing these next 30 days look in that mir­ror of your life and ask your­self, “How do I look, how am I pre­sent­ing myself to my world? Do I come around the “cor­ners of my life”, all those spaces that I enter, and bring to bear the just-right com­bi­na­tion of ele­ments that each sit­u­a­tion requires? Or am I lean­ing for­ward to much, am I over-bear­ing? Or do I go in with too lit­tle, my pres­ence is an absence, am I under-whelm­ing?” Or, or do I have it right? Do I enter the space and bring to bear what is just right, my pres­ence poised so as to bring life to what is dull, heal­ing to what is hurt?” And, if you can do this, then you will find your pres­ence is aligned with the Greater Pres­ence with­in and around you.

First things mat­ter. Each of these begin­nings, of mov­ing into the spaces around you, each and every thought, feel­ing and action changes you and your world too. These moments, these Alphas, are your pre­cious seeds that you release and they radi­ate out into the Ocean of the Uni­verse, form­ing, changing…making the real­i­ty that Is.

This is how you cre­ate your Kar­ma, every action result­ing in a con­se­quence that even­tu­al­ly comes back to you the cre­ator. It all starts with your self-aware­ness; with “I am!”…You stand upon your self-under­stand­ing and the pro­jec­tion of your Pres­ence into each and every moment. It is in the Now where you are the Cre­ator, where you are free to make a bet­ter begin­ning and move towards a more per­fect tomorrow.

The Past you have made… and hope­ful­ly made your peace with. The Future is unknow­able, for you (and every­one else!) are con­tin­u­al­ly mak­ing and re-mak­ing it from the har­vest of what you were as you for­ev­er live in the now, stand­ing at the thresh­old of all possibilities…

Turn now and Face the Ris­ing Sun, a New Year, your new beginning…

All Hail the Ris­ing Sun in Aries, the Dawn of a New Day.

It all begins with you! It all begins with your Atti­tude.

May you be Hope­ful, Lov­ing, Cre­ative and Peaceful…

May you con­tin­u­ous­ly strive to bet­ter your­self and your World each and every day…

Arise! Arise! It is the Dawn­ing of a New Day!

And your bet­ter world awaits You!

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