Daily Archives: March 20, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Sun (March 21, 2012)

Your wait is over… (At least for now)

You have been seek­ing for an answer, you have been search­ing through your inner (and out­er worlds), won­der­ing, questioning…Considering…

Today, well today you get your answer! (How­ev­er, it is prob­a­bly best if you do not “act” on it yet…it would be far bet­ter to wait until Mer­cury turns direct on April 4).

Since March 12th Mer­cury has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, you have been review­ing and sift­ing through your thoughts, ideas, facts and the­o­ries, pon­der­ing the very nature of your con­scious­ness. You have been turn­ing your mind back on itself, using your self-reflec­tive capac­i­ty to Con­sid­er (or recon­sid­er) your path ahead.

What does that word mean, “Con­sid­er”? The Eng­lish “con­sid­er” comes from the Latin “con­sid­er­are” which means to exam­ine care­ful­ly, and was orig­i­nal­ly a term used in Augury. It derives from “sidera” which means “stars”. The word “con­sid­er” is a com­bi­na­tion of “con” or “among” and “sider” “the stars”. “Con­sid­er” lit­er­al­ly means to be among or with the stars!

When you con­sid­er any­thing, you are repeat­ing what humans have done since the begin­ning of the dawn of our self-aware­ness. You fol­low in the foot­steps of what your ances­tors did long, long ago when they first became con­scious and began to con­sid­er who they were or what life was all about…they lit­er­al­ly looked up to the stars for guid­ance and answers.

They found mean­ing in that majes­tic pageantry above which pro­vid­ed reassurance…that there is an order to the uni­verse. There was this essen­tial sense, this “know­ing” that what hap­pened “up there” pro­vid­ed con­text and mean­ing for what tran­spired “down here”, so the say­ing became, “as above, so below”.

As much as those plan­e­tary cir­cu­la­tions release pow­er­ful energies…as much as your plan­e­tary com­pan­ions dance their dance which elic­it as well as depict the won­drous­ly com­fort­ing eter­nal truths, as much as this takes place in those star­ry spaces around you…it is equal­ly through and through to be found with­in you as well.

For you are made from, you have come from, that very same “star-stuff” as your plan­e­tary cousins. With­in you, in your holy of holies, at the inner­most of you, there is a spark of the Divine Flame. It is this, your immor­tal core, which pro­vides your bridge to the ever­last­ing Truths; your sacred cen­ter has an unbreak­able bond, the foun­tain-source Truth of your essen­tial one­ness with the One.

So that is why…and you need remem­ber this, ever and always, that the answers to any (and all) of your questions…the answers to the rid­dles of your life are to be found with­in you…always. Because your own high­er self, (the watch­er who is ever by your side), is wait­ing to guide you.

How­ev­er, you often become dis­tract­ed, mes­mer­ized by all that takes place around you. Life seem­ing­ly leads you from this to that, up and down, in and out, until you find your­self at a loss, turned around and confused…So you pause, you look for guidance…You look up…and you look within…

In the cur­rent peri­od with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, in order to forge ahead, you have been cast­ing a glance back­wards upon the way you have already come, see­ing how true or not your path is…because you need to make sure you are in Align­ment. To be aligned with what? It is your ever-present need to be in align­ment with your­self and so align your pur­pose with your path…

Today your Mind (Mer­cury) aligns with your Self (Sun). Today you will have an answer…from with­in. It may come in a burst of insight, one of those “Ah-Hah!” moments…and those are tru­ly mem­o­rable. How­ev­er, it is true that often an answer will come in more sub­tle forms, as a whis­per or like the gen­tle brush of a feath­er; and that con­tact will elic­it some new­found aware­ness for you.

Since your con­scious mind is usu­al­ly pre­oc­cu­pied with nor­mal and every­day neces­si­ties (and dis­trac­tions), you will find that your high­er self must patient­ly wait for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach you. But you can help, espe­cial­ly at this time with Mer­cury aligned with the Sun.

What can you do? You must cre­ate a space for You to con­tact you! Find a qui­et place and still your mind, calm your spir­it, then ask your question…and wait. Or, you can think of the issue before going to bed, then ask for help or guidance…and it will be giv­en you.

Your high­er self is ever seek­ing to have a more con­stant, con­sis­tent rela­tion­ship with you…but you have to open the door, you have to make your space sacred.

With Mer­cury con­joined with the Sun today, you can mir­ror their out­er align­ment with a per­son­al align­ment of your own.

Lis­ten care­ful­ly now…the beloved is call­ing to you…
