New Moon in Aries (March 22, 2012)

A New Year…and a New Moon! Spring has sprung and you are all fired up and ready to go…or are you?

It’s “Déjà vu”, (just like last year)…Although those Aries ener­gies are pour­ing in and pro­pelling you for­ward, the out­come might not mea­sure up to your expec­ta­tions. This may seem vague­ly famil­iar and you would be right…you had this “semi-start” last year too when the New Moon in Aries took place while Mer­cury was ret­ro­grade, just like now…What is the uni­verse say­ing? How do you move for­ward when your mind is mov­ing backwards?

Each New Moon releas­es seed-forms of ener­gy from that Sign. With Aries these seed-forms are offered in order to help fos­ter a resur­gence and re-affir­ma­tion of self, of your pro­found need to be “I”. You feel the need to step up and step out and bold­ly go forth…to stake your claim and sim­ply be your­self. Yes indeed, your spir­it is ready, will­ing and able…But what are you going to do about your mind?

Actu­al­ly, this is rather help­ful. If there is one sign of the Zodi­ac which could tru­ly ben­e­fit from a lit­tle more patience and some greater reflection…well, that would be Aries! There is such an urgency in Aries to res­ur­rect the self (after the sac­ri­fices in Pisces) that you might over-reach, become impa­tient and then, well, lose it.

Hav­ing Mer­cury mov­ing ret­ro­grade pro­vides a nice coun­ter­point of reflec­tiv­i­ty, of self-con­trol and delib­er­a­tion. Sure, it feels fine to be bold and take that big leap…but it would be awful­ly nice to have some idea of where you might land!

This New Moon reminds you that in order to go forth, you must also go in.

This New Moon inspires you with the pow­er of new begin­nings, while remind­ing you to tie up your loose ends.

This New Moon begins your build­ing of brand new futures, while help­ing you to hon­or your past.

This is a good New Moon!

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