Mercury Re-Enters Pisces (March 23, 2012)

You have been reflect­ing on your­self since March 12; that’s right, you have turned back around to look upon your­self, try­ing to see your­self as if in a mir­ror, to re-assess your appear­ance, demeanor and attitude…Why?…So that you might find your bet­ter way, a truer way to move for­ward. Today marks anoth­er change…Mercury is still mov­ing ret­ro­grade (that is most cer­tain­ly evi­dent!), but now it re-enters the pre­vi­ous sign of Pisces which it had left on March 2.

You will need to turn away now from at least some of your plans for the future and move back into your past…You will need to let go of your for­ward focus, of con­sid­er­ing your pos­si­bil­i­ties, so that you might bet­ter under­stand from whence you have come (and so bet­ter under­stand what you are bring­ing with you).

For it is most cer­tain­ly true that each and every step for­ward in your jour­ney lands upon the path you forged long ago. This is your Kar­ma, the effects of which come to you now as the com­plex matrix of your present Cir­cum­stance (the world that sur­rounds where you stand). This is the world you made…it came from your Dreams and your Fears…This real­i­ty is but the con­se­quence of what you forged long ago. So, before you set in motion more of those “caus­es” that will bring future “effects” upon you (and those who accom­pa­ny you), it would be wise to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er what you might have learned from those steps you took before.

From now till April 4 (when Mer­cury turns direct), you should make the most of this gift, this har­vest of your mean­ings and experience…for this is how you grow and turn your life from an ordi­nary cir­cle, (what would be an end­less and mean­ing­less eter­nal return) into a won­drous, upward­ly soar­ing spi­ral dance of life. You do this by con­fronting what lim­its your Dream­ing Real­iza­tions: those Doubts, Anx­i­eties and Fears that deflect your heart’s intent. You must clear them all away…but How?

You have done this, you can do this…become fear­less and faithful…by com­ing into a deep­er, more con­stant con­tact with your ever-renew­ing foun­tain-source of faith and meaning…which is known to you as your own high­er self.

These Mer­cu­r­ial mes­sages, these inti­ma­tions of your greater under­stand­ing, are bestowed by that high­er self…They are gifts from You to you…But they will not arrive with blaz­ing trum­pets and big dis­plays. Mer­cury is sail­ing through those sub­tler realms of Nep­tune when tra­vers­ing this Pis­cean space…

Like many mat­ters spir­i­tu­al, The Way, your path, is para­dox­i­cal! You need to focus…and you must be unfo­cused too! You need to pay clos­er atten­tion, to catch those whis­pers and gen­tle suggestions…and so turn away from all out­ward dis­trac­tions. You must also avoid any par­tic­u­lar focus or intent. These mes­sages from beyond, these pro­found mean­ings, can­not be found where your ordi­nary atten­tion keeps you, mes­mer­ized by the less­er real­i­ty. No, these mes­sages come from the periph­er­al realms, at the out­er reach­es of your ordi­nary con­scious­ness. They come like laugh­ing fairies and sparkling sprites…and if you look too hard or direct­ly upon them, they will vanish! 

You have to be open and let your inner self bring you into align­ment with these greater mean­ings, to help you under­stand the lessons of life you have just lived…so that you may then turn to your future with greater under­stand­ing and acceptance.

So turn back now…look and lis­ten carefully…

For the Light in the Dark­ness…for the Voice in the Silence

Your Faith, Your Future…and with­out fear.

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