Daily Archives: March 23, 2012

Sun Conjunct Uranus (March 24, 2012)

Well…this has cer­tain­ly been quite a week! It began with the “begin­ning”, the Ver­nal Equinox as the Sun moved into the first sign of Aries on Monday/Tuesday. Then Mer­cury con­joined the Sun on Wednes­day, fol­lowed by the Moon align­ing with the Sun in the first New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year on Thurs­day. Then Fri­day brought Mer­cury back for a reprise vis­it into Pisces…

That is quite enough danc­ing and skip­ping in those Star­ry Spaces for one week!…but the Uni­verse is not fin­ished with you, not quite yet.…

Today is the final push in this very trans­for­ma­tion­al week…and it is a “Big One”. The cos­mos speaks to us in many voic­es, some­times sub­tle, some­times less so…Uranus, well Uranus is not sub­tle! After all, this is the plan­et called “The Awak­en­er”!

The Sun is your pure poten­tial of being, your gate­way to all your pos­si­bil­i­ties. How­ev­er, those pos­si­bil­i­ties are imma­nent but not evi­dent, they are with­out form, with­out sub­stance, not yet “real”…You must become some “thing” in order to be sub­stan­ti­at­ed. Through an embod­i­ment, you become “real”; you have moved from the realm of pure poten­tial to that of self-real­iza­tion. You have ful­filled yourself…after a fashion.

Yet by doing this you have also become lim­it­ed, fixed into that, but only that, thing. By “Falling into Mat­ter”, you some­times lose touch with the source of your pure potential…You can only see the real­i­ty that is sur­round­ing you, your poten­tials like fad­ing echoes, a dis­tant memory…and so you may become trapped in only that which “is”…  

Your real­i­ty is your fulfillment…but your real­i­ty is your lim­i­ta­tion. What are you to do? Spir­it pro­vides an answer, an Avatar who can lead you back to the source, to the eter­nal well­spring of your poten­tials. Uranus, the Awak­en­er comes to you in order to break apart those bonds that have you in their thrall…He shat­ters assump­tions and shines a light into the shad­ows so that you might see truer, freer…He is one of the 3 gifts of the Spir­it that dri­ve your unfold­ment from the less­er to the greater…

Con­stant­ly at work, push­ing the bound­aries, Uranus is ever at work to lib­er­ate the Spir­it-ener­gy that has become fixed into forms that no longer ful­fill that very spir­it. There is no more dra­mat­ic encounter than Uranus with the Sun, for here the Awak­en­er meets with the Self.

The mate­ri­al­ized, sub­stan­ti­at­ed you sees your­self as some­thing, “I am That”…but Uranus reminds you, recon­nects you to the greater truth of your ever-unfold­ing, unlim­it­ed poten­tial so that you under­stand sim­ply “I Am”.

Today you will have an epiphany, an encounter with your truer, deep­er, uncon­di­tioned, freer self at the heart of your being…today you will feel the Spir­it that is you and know that you can and will be for­ev­er becom­ing some­thing more…for that is your destiny.

Uranus, the awak­en­er is here to pro­vide the gold­en bridge to your spir­i­tu­al core where resides the Self, your pure poten­tial wait­ing, who for­ev­er walks lov­ing­ly beside you as you become the becoming…

You will be sur­prised, you may be shocked…but you will be freer…

You will be amazed…simply because you are amazing!