Daily Archives: March 28, 2012

Sun Square Pluto (March 29, 2012)

Do you feel it? Some­thing has been build­ing “out there”…and right now the Sun is caught between “a rock and a hard place”…That is right, you are not mak­ing this stuff up…it is “real­ly real”…What’s it about, what is going on?

Oh, noth­ing “too big”…It is just that Uranus and Plu­to are danc­ing their Mag­is­te­r­i­al Dance and com­ing to the first of their many exact squares for the next few years…that would be Uranus in Aries and Plu­to in Capri­corn. They released a new impulse of their con­tin­u­ing bal­anc­ing act between Freedom/Individuality vs. Control/Boundaries back in the 1960’s (remem­ber what that was like?)…and now, well now we are at the next turn­ing in the unfold­ment of their dynam­ic inter­play and we are all going to have to work to resolve, in our­selves and in our worlds, the bal­ance between Free­dom and Order.

Last week the Sun passed over Uranus and you got a “jolt”! It was a less than gen­tle reminder that you need to be con­stant­ly atten­tive to your won­drous jour­ney. You need to work to release your­self from forms that have become lim­it­ing for you, (forms that are most­ly of your own mak­ing). Why must you do this?…So that your spir­it may con­tin­u­ous­ly unfold your poten­tial towards greater self-realization…You pour your­self into forms that ful­fill you (for a time), but you must also break up and move beyond those forms which have now come to lim­it your fur­ther growth.

And, what about now? Now it is Plu­to’s turn to call the tune for your Solar dance of self-real­iza­tion. Plu­to is about the cre­ation of the Sacred Space of you…and of all the sacred spaces that sur­round you…Pluto, through the agency of the Will forms the Bound­aries of all the spaces that fill Space.

Plu­to is about your Will Pow­er (which is your pow­er to control)…which is meant to be used to direct the self­’s expan­sion of its space of self-real­iza­tion, to cre­ate an ever greater sacred space for the self, while respect­ing the sacred spaces of those around you. When you do not respect the spaces of oth­ers, your tres­pass upon them…and when you do not pro­tect your space from oth­ers, then they will often tres­pass upon you. That is the issue here…it is about Sacred Space and Boundaries.

The issue is about your self-con­trol and self-deter­mi­na­tion which, you have slow­ly come to under­stand, must be lived out ever more con­scious­ly, con­sid­er­ate­ly and in mutu­al respect as you expand your field of self-real­iza­tion. Yes, you must expand and grow, but you must do so in such a man­ner that you grow in coop­er­a­tion with the oth­er will­ing beings who live in their equal­ly sacred spaces around you.

So be mind­ful now…be ever mind­ful of the sacred­ness of your space and so pro­tect your­self from those who seek to press or pull you away from your center…be wary of those who seek to seduce or by force impose them­selves upon you. Your space is sacred…it is your tem­ple, your holy of holies.

Like­wise, even with the best of inten­tions (and those can be very dan­ger­ous indeed), you have no right to force anoth­er to do what they are not ready, will­ing and able to do…you can­not vio­late their space with­out despoil­ing your own…and the law of kar­ma will be very exact­ing in “right­ing that wrong” you have done to another…

Instead use this Will­ful ener­gy by turn­ing it back upon your­self so that you might exer­cise it where it belongs…in mat­ters of self-con­trol and self-improvement.

Seek to bet­ter your­self and become an exam­ple to oth­ers of what it means to live your life with­in your own sacred space as you equal­ly respect, pre­serve and hon­or the sacred spaces that sur­round you!