Monthly Archives: March 2012

Sun Enters Aries, Astrological New Year (March 19–20, 2012)


It is Done!

From Alpha to the Omega, from the Begin­ning to the End…You have round­ed round that ever upward Spi­ral­ing “Cir­cle of Life”; you have vis­it­ed for a while, in each of the Twelve Man­sions of Being, the Sacred Spaces through which winds your path towards Self-Mastery…You have moved from Fire to Earth, in Air and Water, you have Dreamt and Touched, Thought and Felt your way along that Star­ry Path…

Now you stand ready at year’s end, your soul trem­bles with antic­i­pa­tion, for the “Dawn­ing Day” is beyond the thresh­old that you now cross…Yes it is time to turn, turn and face the Ris­ing Sun and give your hearty wel­come to the next New Astro­log­i­cal Year…It is time for a New Begin­ning, a new chance to take your­self high­er, towards greater self-real­iza­tions and deep­er accom­plish­ments, to clear­er thoughts and peace­ful feelings…

Aries is the First Sign…the sign of Embod­i­ment, of Spir­it mov­ing back into form. Hav­ing come dur­ing the past 30 days to feel more your one­ness with all the worlds around you, hav­ing deep­ened your feel­ings for self­less­ness and com­pas­sion, hav­ing searched with­in and har­vest­ed the mean­ing of the year just lived…Now, now your soul yearns and must expe­ri­ence itself for itself again! You must begin again, at the very begin­ning with that most sim­ple affir­ma­tion, “I Am”.

This is your first les­son, the expe­ri­ence of “Pres­ence”. How do you see your­self, and how do oth­ers see you? Your per­sonas, your masks that you wear in the var­i­ous roles you live through, of Cre­ator, Lover, Father, Moth­er, Sis­ter, Broth­er and all the ways of your being…in each of these you release some greater or less­er part of your true inner self as you seek to become…Fulfilled.

Dur­ing these next 30 days look in that mir­ror of your life and ask your­self, “How do I look, how am I pre­sent­ing myself to my world? Do I come around the “cor­ners of my life”, all those spaces that I enter, and bring to bear the just-right com­bi­na­tion of ele­ments that each sit­u­a­tion requires? Or am I lean­ing for­ward to much, am I over-bear­ing? Or do I go in with too lit­tle, my pres­ence is an absence, am I under-whelm­ing?” Or, or do I have it right? Do I enter the space and bring to bear what is just right, my pres­ence poised so as to bring life to what is dull, heal­ing to what is hurt?” And, if you can do this, then you will find your pres­ence is aligned with the Greater Pres­ence with­in and around you.

First things mat­ter. Each of these begin­nings, of mov­ing into the spaces around you, each and every thought, feel­ing and action changes you and your world too. These moments, these Alphas, are your pre­cious seeds that you release and they radi­ate out into the Ocean of the Uni­verse, form­ing, changing…making the real­i­ty that Is.

This is how you cre­ate your Kar­ma, every action result­ing in a con­se­quence that even­tu­al­ly comes back to you the cre­ator. It all starts with your self-aware­ness; with “I am!”…You stand upon your self-under­stand­ing and the pro­jec­tion of your Pres­ence into each and every moment. It is in the Now where you are the Cre­ator, where you are free to make a bet­ter begin­ning and move towards a more per­fect tomorrow.

The Past you have made… and hope­ful­ly made your peace with. The Future is unknow­able, for you (and every­one else!) are con­tin­u­al­ly mak­ing and re-mak­ing it from the har­vest of what you were as you for­ev­er live in the now, stand­ing at the thresh­old of all possibilities…

Turn now and Face the Ris­ing Sun, a New Year, your new beginning…

All Hail the Ris­ing Sun in Aries, the Dawn of a New Day.

It all begins with you! It all begins with your Atti­tude.

May you be Hope­ful, Lov­ing, Cre­ative and Peaceful…

May you con­tin­u­ous­ly strive to bet­ter your­self and your World each and every day…

Arise! Arise! It is the Dawn­ing of a New Day!

And your bet­ter world awaits You!

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (March 18, 2012)

You are brilliant…yes you are! No rigid, hard lines for you; no cor­ners to paint your­self into! Your mind is free, con­trar­i­an, intuitive…you are think­ing “out­side the box”! Why? Why, you’ve got Uranus by your side…and you are think­ing beyond your self-cast shadows!

Uranus brings you the gift of Man­as, your radi­ant high­er con­scious­ness (which is in real­i­ty the high­er-self­’s mind, a much more evolved “vibra­tion” of Mer­cury). Mer­cury is your low­er mind which observes, cat­e­go­rizes, com­pares and con­trasts in order to build up infor­ma­tion about what you have to come to know as “Real­i­ty”.

It is through Mer­cury that you build up your knowl­edge of your world…but Uranus leads beyond mere know­ing, Uranus leads you to your Greater Understanding.

Your Mer­cury delights in puz­zling through the phe­nom­e­na you encounter day after day, find­ing appro­pri­ate con­nec­tions between one thing and anoth­er, form­ing a body of expe­ri­ence that pro­vides you with your tools for nav­i­gat­ing “Real­i­ty”. You form spe­cif­ic win­dows or points of view to look at your world through, and make sense of, the chaos of the mul­ti-verse. You have your answers to life’s dai­ly chal­lenges and you can dip and weave through the nor­mal maze of every­day life.

And, when­ev­er you encounter some­thing that has changed or some­thing entire­ly new for you, a puz­zle or prob­lem that you have no solu­tion for, your low­er mind engages its great­est gift of Intel­li­gence. Your mind soars as it dis­plays it mar­velous adapt­abil­i­ty and nim­ble­ness, it tries one approach after anoth­er, look­ing through one win­dow or facet after anoth­er to see how this mat­ter might be under­stood by you.

But even so, you can and will get stuck at cer­tain junc­tures of your life. You will try to imag­ine and look at the prob­lem from alter­nate points of views, shift­ing your assumptions…but you will always be (uncon­scious­ly) con­fined with­in your larg­er par­a­digm which deter­mines the pos­si­ble from the impos­si­ble to you…and so you will not even con­sid­er or com­pre­hend the Greater Mys­tery that lies before, nay even sur­rounds you…

Uranus, the Awak­en­er, pro­vides the answer! Uranus breaks through those par­a­dig­mal self-cast shad­ows, lift­ing you out of those dim-lit realms so as to bring you into your high­er con­scious­ness. Through releas­ing the Intu­itive Mind Uranus reveals the larg­er cos­mos with­in which your small­er real­i­ty exists. Flash­es of insight illu­mi­nate what was not vis­i­ble, even incon­ceiv­able, because you had no frame of ref­er­ence, no way or means to per­ceive that dimen­sion of reality.

Prob­lems that seemed unsolv­able find ele­gant solutions…and many prob­lems, many prob­lems are no longer “there” because the dilem­ma or dichoto­my, that either/or and black or white, which formed the very prob­lem in the first place…well, they have all van­ished like the fog of Maya from which they held you enthralled. You will often find in these Epiphanal Elic­i­ta­tions that the world you had been mov­ing through, what you had expe­ri­enced as Real­i­ty was tru­ly decep­tive (or delusional)…at least that is how it appears now…

But, of course, it was/is real…at that lev­el of aware­ness, at that lev­el of con­scious­ness it was Real­i­ty for you. What Uranus pro­vides is a means to quick­en your spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing so that you might more eas­i­ly move into a high­er lev­el of per­cep­tion, into a greater com­pre­hen­sion of the majesty and beau­ty of the Cos­mos you jour­ney through.

Let us give thanks to Uranus, the Awak­en­er who comes bear­ing gifts for his cousin Mercury…

Arise, awake…there are new Vis­tas to Amaze…

Bril­liant Worlds of Won­der to behold!

Open your eyes…Free your Mind!

Hail, hail Uranus who leads you from the dark­ness into the Light!

Venus Conjunct Jupiter & Venus Trine Mars & Mars Trine Jupiter & Mars Trine Pluto (March 14, 2012)


Well…this is just quite sim­ply Beautiful…Beauty to Behold!

Astrol­o­gy seeks to under­stand the ener­gies that influ­ence our exis­tence by observ­ing our heav­en­ly com­pan­ions who cir­cle with us around our Star. As they orbit the Sun they form align­ments and pat­terns with one anoth­er that release and mutu­al­ly mod­i­fy the spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that tru­ly cre­ate the sto­ry of all that unfolds with­in our par­ent Star’s fam­i­ly, our solar system.

Today you are blessed by a beau­ti­ful align­ment of sev­er­al plan­ets with one anoth­er, form­ing what is called in Astrol­o­gy a “Grand Trine”. That is when 3 or more bod­ies are arranged and spaced apart from one anoth­er so as to form a per­fect Tri­an­gu­lar rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er. Today, this beau­ti­ful for­ma­tion begins with Venus and Jupiter con­joined in Tau­rus, which con­nects to Mars in Vir­go, which then goes on to con­nect with Plu­to in Capri­corn, and comes back final­ly to com­plete the Grand Tri­an­gle with Venus and Jupiter.

The “Stars” of this star­ry tri­an­gle are Venus and Jupiter, who have been draw­ing ever clos­er these last few days, burn­ing bright­ly in the west­ern evening sky after the Sun has set. They shine like two resplen­dent bea­cons that come bear­ing gifts for you. Gifts indeed are offered here for these two plan­ets are called the Less­er (Venus) and Greater (Jupiter) “Benefics”.

With Venus rul­ing Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love, and Jupiter rul­ing Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Expan­sion, their com­ing togeth­er sig­nals great, good for­tune to you and yours. You relate well to what you want; your appre­ci­a­tion of the beau­ty with­in and around you bestows bless­ings upon your enjoy­ment of your phys­i­cal world and your social life too…

Today is a day that you are tru­ly Beau­ti­ful

Pro­vid­ing ener­gy and focus, Mars is next in your lumi­nous tri­ad today. Mars in Vir­go adds just the right and rea­son­able focus or mind­ful­ness to the day’s beau­ty. Some­times when Venus and Jupiter com­bine you get so enam­ored with beau­ty (and with your taste buds!) that it can lead to too much of a good thing. Mars pro­vides the req­ui­site dis­crim­i­na­tion to enjoy but not over-indulge. More­over, Mars in Vir­go brings you to that align­ment which affirms that for there to be Beau­ty (and Love) there must also be a mean­ing­ful order to your life. Mars in Vir­go pro­vides the way to a life that is whole, inte­grat­ed and beau­ti­ful­ly proportional.

Today is a day you are tru­ly poised, measured…you are full of Grace

Com­plet­ing your “Tri­une Attune­ment”, you turn now to the out­er­most plan­et, to the plan­et of Will and Trans­for­ma­tion, to the plan­et of Bound­aries, to the plan­et who rules the Sacred­ness of Space…Pluto.

Plu­to in Capri­corn is steadi­ly work­ing to bring you into a clos­er rela­tion­ship with the Foun­tain-Source of Arche­types, those Eter­nal truths of Spir­it which stand behind your shad­owed reflec­tion, what you call “Real­i­ty”.

Today Plu­to stead­ies and brings your will to bear so that you may be guid­ed in your actions (Mars) so as to strength­en your deter­mi­na­tion to find and walk the path of Whole­ness; and Plu­to pro­vides the pow­er to stay true to your Val­ues & Truth (Venus/Jupiter) while equal­ly observ­ing the Teach­ing to nev­er impose them upon another…for your Jour­ney is the unfold­ment of Spir­it, your path is the path of Self-Mastery.

Today is a day you are tru­ly Mas­ter­ful

Make today (and every­day) the day you walk your path and live the Ancient Teach­ing of Beau­ty, Grace and Mastery:

In beau­ty I walk.  

With beau­ty before me, I walk.  

With beau­ty behind me, I walk.  

With beau­ty below me, I walk.  

With beau­ty all around me, I walk.  

It is fin­ished in beauty. 

Today you are Beautiful…

and you are sur­round­ed by Beauty…

Today and everyday…

Live in Beauty!

Jupiter Trine Pluto (March 12–13, 2012)

This is the third and final (for now) align­ment of Jupiter Trine Plu­to. This is what I wrote about this aspect in the 2011 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Jupiter Trine Plu­to (Jul. 7, Oct. 28, Mar. 13, 2012)

The cycle of Jupiter and Plu­to moves into this more pos­i­tive phase for the next 9 months. Hav­ing faced the chal­lenge in late Feb­ru­ary, we will find our­selves able to expand more effort­less­ly now in our mate­r­i­al life and spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing. Because Jupiter has moved into Tau­rus (Earth) and Plu­to is in Capri­corn (Earth), this cre­ates very pos­i­tive con­di­tions for real eco­nom­ic growth. Though there are always expand­ing and con­tract­ing forces at play in any year, this is cer­tain­ly a strong fac­tor sup­port­ing those areas that are capa­ble of growth, espe­cial­ly those which have read the signs of change and adapt­ed. Spir­i­tu­al­ly, to the extent the right choic­es were made in Feb­ru­ary, the oppor­tu­ni­ty now is to bring about a real evo­lu­tion in our moral affir­ma­tion of one anoth­er. We are will­ing to seek accom­mo­da­tion with each oth­er as an expres­sion of our under­stand­ing for one another.

I would add what I wrote about this dur­ing the sec­ond pas­sage on Octo­ber 28:

Jove meets Hades and the arche­types are stir­ring in your soul. Jupiter rules your Truths and Beliefs; Plu­to rules Will and the Pow­er of Trans­for­ma­tion. This Plu­ton­ian pow­er is part of your Tri­par­tite spir­i­tu­al poten­tial; and this most pre­cious Triple Gift of Spir­it is the foun­tain-source of you becom­ing more than your con­di­tion­ing. These gifts of the Spir­it, exem­pli­fied and car­ried by Uranus-Nep­tune-Plu­to, cre­ate a quick­en­ing through plan­e­tary ini­ti­a­tion, and offer you a steep­er and sur­er path as you jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

It is has been said, passed down from “mouth to ear”, that the real unfold­ment of your soul’s jour­ney, your real and True Evo­lu­tion, does not pro­ceed from or orig­i­nate in the phys­i­cal plane. It does not come from the cell and its muta­tions, or from some com­pe­ti­tion of life forms with each oth­er. The Ancient Teach­ings affirm that your unfold­ment, growth and jour­ney from uncon­scious spark of the Divine to full Divine Con­scious­ness, comes from, orig­i­nates in and is dri­ven by Spir­it and the unfold­ment of your essen­tial nature. All these oth­er agents of change and trans­for­ma­tion are deriv­a­tives of the pow­er that surges through each and every one of the ones of the One.

Today is the sec­ond of the three align­ments of Jupiter trine Plu­to. The first align­ment was in ear­ly July, and the last will occur in March of 2012. You are always expe­ri­enc­ing these gifts of the Spir­it bestowed by your plan­e­tary com­pan­ions. Today’s offer­ing is here to re-ener­gize the Immor­tal Bridge between realms tem­po­ral and sub­lime, between what is and what will always be. That shin­ing arch, like a bridge of light, will burn brighter and span the space between your present prin­ci­ples and truths to those ever-present, ever-resur­gent Arche­types which under­lie the All.

The present truths that you have come to embrace, that give your life mean­ing, form and guid­ance, your Laws of Life, your philoso­phies, beliefs and reli­gion were forged from a mighty gold­en chain of expe­ri­ence that con­nects you with every oth­er one who has walked this path of becom­ing the becom­ing. The source or core of all those lessons learned and re-learned are the ever-renew­ing, ever-resur­gent Arche­types of Spir­it that have been named by some as the “Col­lec­tive Unconscious”.

These seed-forms are ruled by Plu­to which serves to cre­ate the bound­aries, the spaces of space for Spir­it, Mind and Mat­ter. In cycle after cycle the great truths are released and become man­i­fest­ed in the Teach­ings, Philoso­phies and Reli­gions that form and guide your jour­ney. But over time those forms becomes rigid, truths become dog­ma and the Ancient Wis­dom becomes obscured as the shad­ows deepen.

It is at such a time as this that Spir­it answers, mov­ing to fill the void by a release of renewed Arche­typ­al mean­ing. Plu­to brings to bear those Seed-Forms which burn away the accu­mu­lat­ed dross and reveal again the Spir­it behind the form.

And, at the most impor­tant turn­ing points, in the dark­est of hours, a teacher is always sent forth, an Avatar whose task it is to repair the bridge between heav­en and earth. And for a time it is a Gold­en Age once more…but then you for­get, as we have forgotten…

Many look now for a sign, for the Emissary…you look for the turn­ing and seek to find your way out of the darkness…you look for the cross­ing into the light.

It is here, it is now…

Mercury Turns Retrograde (March 12, 2012)

Oops…have you for­got­ten some­thing, or some­one? Mis­placed some­thing, or won­dered why you went into this room any­ways (it was to get some­thing, or some­one, right?)…Yep, you guessed it, there’s been a change com­ing in the last few days, a shift of energies…Your guide “down here” has been slow­ing down and today goes into “reverse” for the next 3 weeks. That’s right, wel­come to the first Mer­cury ret­ro­grade of the New Year from March 12 till April 4.…

Of course Her­mes nev­er “real­ly” goes back­wards; he’s just pass­ing Earth on his inside orbit and so com­ing between us and the Sun. Those Mer­cu­r­ial ener­gies are wax­ing now, but they are turn­ing inwards…towards re-exam­i­na­tion, reviews and revi­sions. Ide­al­ly, if you could make it so, you would take the next 3 weeks and go on a retreat, to take an inner jour­ney, into your space for reflec­tion and so use this won­der­ful shift to bet­ter under­stand you!

But, of course, for many if not all…life goes on! (But do set aside some extra time for reflec­tion). As your seem­ing­ly ordi­nary life unfolds, make sure to be more aware of the pit­falls of Mer­cury as he does his “Moon Walk”. Since every­one is expe­ri­enc­ing this rever­sal, this pre­dis­po­si­tion to be “inward”, you have to remind your­self to pay more atten­tion to all com­mu­ni­ca­tions, both the trans­mit­ting and the receiv­ing. Because your atten­tion to the here and now may not be what it should, you are more like­ly to make a mis­take (assum­ing too much, not being clear or dis­tract­ed) so you fail to make your point…and, the receiv­ing end is just as impaired because of the same deficit of attentiveness…

But do make use of this gift to bend your mind back on itself and use your won­der­ful self-reflec­tive fac­ul­ty to bet­ter know your­self. The first peri­od of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade will be in Aries till March 23. Dur­ing this pas­sage use this Mer­cu­r­ial Mir­ror to see how you present your­self to the world around you…how do you appear to oth­ers? Are you lean­ing too far for­ward in your bear­ing so that you are over-whelm­ing? Or, are you so pulled back that you pass un-noticed by the world because you are under-whelming…Or maybe, just maybe you’ve got it “just right”, you are in that sweet spot…You are Strong and Sen­si­tive, know­ing when to take a stand… and when to yield…so that you walk on Earth with the right amount of pres­ence and your influ­ence upon those who accom­pa­ny you is beneficent.

Then from March 23 till April 4 Mer­cury will make a return vis­it to Pisces, and you will tru­ly need to go deep­er, down into the mys­ter­ies of your Imag­i­na­tion and reex­am­ine those well-springs of your Faith. Your aware­ness then will call for more sub­tle­ty; you will need to be more open and aware to the less appar­ent but under­ly­ing real­i­ty you move through. Where­as Mer­cury in Aries is all ideals and excitabil­i­ty, Pisces calls for a soft­er more recep­tive approach, to the worlds with­in and without.

To enter these sub­tle realms, to move into your intu­ition­al know­ing, you will need to let go of cer­tain­ties, to the fixed geome­tries of your out­ward real­i­ty as you open your­self again to won­ders, mys­ter­ies and the deep, deep waters from which all life springs…

Remem­ber, as before, the inspi­ra­tions of Mer­cury in Pisces will not come in the obvi­ous forms…your high­er self, your truer self will not shout or declaim…The gifts will come in that gen­tle whis­per, in the hint of some­thing pro­found but so famil­iar too…And then you will know that you have been touched, you have been graced by the mys­tery that is with­in you.

Yes, it is going to be an inter­est­ing 3 weeks…

All hail Her­mes, the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods who brings you the gifts of Greater Awareness…

The Greater Aware­ness of You!