Monthly Archives: March 2012

Full Moon in Virgo (March 8, 2012)

Twelve New Moons have come and gone; twelve times you have received those Gifts of the Spir­it. For at each Moon there is a release of inspi­ra­tion, a present offered to you, filled with the bless­ings spe­cial to that sign…

And equal­ly, twelve times a year, the Sun and Moon come to their oppo­si­tion­al alignments…And it is at these Full Moons that a rev­e­la­tion is offered, a greater mean­ing is unveiled, and you are shown the way, the way to find the bal­ance between the dark­ness and the light.

Today as the Sun sets in the West a Beau­ti­ful Full Moon will rise; now you face the last Solar/Lunar coun­ter­point of the Astro­log­i­cal year. This, the final rev­e­la­tion, is your Omega moment of mean­ing. The Sun soar­ing through Pisces forms your pur­pose here which has been to under­stand, accept and appre­ci­ate the whol­ly spir­i­tu­al nature of your jour­ney year after year.

It is in Pisces that you meet again with the Full­ness of Spir­it through which your life unfolds. And, you can actu­al­ly expe­ri­ence the most fun­da­men­tal reas­sur­ance, that super­nal affir­ma­tion which was Sung by all the ones of the One at the dawn of Cre­ation. It is the cen­tral prin­ci­ple of the Ancient Wis­dom and is held up as a Bea­con of hope to com­bat the weary des­per­a­tion of all those who have fall­en for the great untruth. (What untruth is that? The mis­un­der­stand­ing that aris­es from a fun­da­men­tal flaw of per­cep­tion, (what is called the “Great Illu­sion”), which came about for you from your “falling into matter”…It was this that formed your expe­ri­ence of the Untruth of Sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er and from the whole of Creation)…

Pisces, the Final Por­tal in the Cir­cle of Life, affirms the Way of Truth.…That all of Cre­ation is One in Spir­it, One in Con­scious­ness and One in Love.

But this expe­ri­ence of Uni­ty, this Dream­ing Won­der, (at what­ev­er lev­el you may per­ceive it and through what­ev­er form you may touch it), can some­times lead you beyond the bound­aries of the expe­ri­ence of Space that you are pre­pared for. That razor’s edge, between the Dark­ness and the Light, between Illu­mi­na­tion and Delusion…that bound­ary realm is mag­i­cal, mys­te­ri­ous but may trap the unwary, may con­found the unprepared…

To find your way, to find The Way, you need some assis­tance, a lit­tle clarity…a guide to help you dis­cern a path through these won­drous, swirling spaces of Space…Tonight, look up and behold that Lumi­nous Sphere, look up to Luna who shines resplen­dent­ly with the Truths from Vir­go’s realm. She brings you bal­ance by way of Ser­vice, she extends a help­ing hand…

For equal to these gifts of Pisces, you have need of this bal­ance offered by Vir­go. As much as the Pis­cean expe­ri­ence of the One­ness of Cre­ation is the foun­da­tion for your expe­ri­ence of Com­pas­sion, Sac­ri­fice and True Uncon­di­tion­al Love…you need to stay upon your path of Pur­pose­ful Inte­gra­tion which is the Way of Beau­ty, the Path of Wholeness.

So give thanks and accept these bal­anc­ing gifts of Virgo…

The Gift to be Dis­cern­ing in your Compassion…so that you may tru­ly hon­or your­self as much as you care for the other…

The Gift to be Mind­ful in your Sacrifice…so that you may wor­ship the sacred with­in you as much as you feel it in the other…

The Gift to be Whole in your Love…so that you may open your heart to the beau­ty that is You as much as you see it in the other… 

Cel­e­brate the final Full Moon in this year’s Cir­cle of Life…

Cel­e­brate this “Har­vest of Spirit”…for all the mean­ings you have mas­tered in what has come before…

Now use your har­vest to pre­pare, the seeds from fruits you made…for just ahead are those New Begin­nings, your Equinox is com­ing soon…

It brings renew­al, a chance to begin again, high­er now…as you con­tin­ue your nev­er-end­ing journey…along your Spi­ral Light­way to the Stars.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (March 5, 2012)

Your mind is lean­ing for­ward now, eager to push beyond old men­tal bound­aries as Mer­cury skips through Aries. But the thing about those bound­aries, (your assump­tions, your par­a­digms, your “Matrix”), is that you often can­not either see how you are bounded…or how, even if you do espy those self-made blind­ers, how exact­ly do you get beyond your con­di­tion­ing, beyond your dimen­sion­al space with­in Space?

But lucky you, today Her­mes is graced by Uranus, who offers you his gift, the pow­er of re-con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion that takes you beyond those assump­tions, beyond your bound­ed spaces…Uranus moves your mind along that razor’s-edge of reason/intuition by elic­it­ing a spark of spir­i­tu­al light­ning which illu­mi­nates the dark­ened spaces, the shad­owed realms that you your­self have cast about you.

For Uranus is one of the 3 gifts of the Spir­it, here to lead and lift you up, time and time again. Uranus lifts up that “Veil of Isis” by elic­it­ing a high­er con­scious­ness, a more inclu­sive view­point, as you ever seek to under­stand your­self and your world.

Your con­scious­ness is pro­gres­sive­ly devel­op­ing, but more often in incre­men­tal, step by step accu­mu­la­tions of per­cep­tive capac­i­ty. But through­out that devel­op­ment you will find your­self at those bar­ri­ers beyond which you seem­ing­ly can­not pass…because those bar­ri­ers or lim­its are cre­at­ed by your lev­el of con­scious aware­ness. You have come to your Ring Pass Not, and beyond lies the shad­ows (and fears) of the great unknown.

Uranus, the awak­en­er, comes along and pro­vides the “Eure­ka” moment, the break­through or Epiphany where­by you are lift­ed up into a new realm of con­cep­tion, a new realm of con­scious­ness. Now it was not that the old con­scious­ness was wrong or bad. It was a nec­es­sary stage, a space that you resided in so as to expe­ri­ence your­self and your world for a time. It was true, it was real…but it was limited…shadowed.

There is (always) a greater Real­i­ty and Con­scious­ness wait­ing for you…because your jour­ney is found­ed upon your ever-unfold­ing, ever self-becom­ing spir­i­tu­al spark of the Divine. You will reach many stages of aware­ness; you will pass through many por­tals of con­scious­ness in your journey…

And always and for­ev­er you must be will­ing to let go of the famil­iar and brave the bound­ary realms…

But you will not walk them alone, you are ever accom­pa­nied by your high­er self and oth­ers sent to help you…

You need only be will­ing to open your heart and mind to the Greater Real­i­ty that is your home…

Arise, awake and lift your eyes up…behold the won­der of Creation!

Venus Enters Taurus (March 5, 2012)

Hav­ing just received her part­ing gift from Sat­urn, (or was that a jolt?), Venus dances into her home sign of Tau­rus for the next month…Ah, that’s more like it…time to ease up, to slow down (and yes, smell those ros­es too!) as you more tru­ly appre­ci­ate the sen­su­ous, won­drous Beau­ty of Creation.

While Venus rushed through Aries you were all in “your head” about your val­ues; plans were espoused, ideals were declaimed and bursts of enthu­si­asm (and over-enthu­si­asm) ruled in all mat­ters about tastes, val­ues and your love-life…

But now, now it is time to turn to a slow­er pace, a more delib­er­ate approach because Venus in Tau­rus needs to touch, to smell…she needs to see and hear and taste the delights that sur­round you. Venus in Tau­rus does not want to dream or imag­ine what some­thing might be like; she wants you to take your time, to enjoy the beau­ty in the world, by real­ly expe­ri­enc­ing those lux­u­ri­ant feel­ings of com­fort, style and ease.

Not only do you have a keen­er appre­ci­a­tion for the world of delights around you, but you also will have a more nuanced accep­tance and lov­ing appre­ci­a­tion for your own tal­ents and sen­si­bil­i­ties. You will bet­ter appre­ci­ate your gifts now because you are stead­ied by your ground­ing in last­ing values.

Bow down to Venus as she brings you into her Gar­den of Earth­ly Delights…

Live in Beau­ty, Walk in Beauty…

But above all…Be Beautiful!

Venus Opposition Saturn (March 4, 2012)

This is hard, tru­ly hard to bear…but bear it you must…and you can, you shall…because this is how you grow into your Greater Under­stand­ing. The time has come again to under­stand clear­ly how well you tru­ly know, under­stand and accept the nature of your val­ue, the extent of your self-worth…how much you have real­ized what is with­in you and come that much clos­er to that uncon­di­tion­al love of Self; and, how well you have tak­en this love of self and formed it into your Reality. 

The oppo­si­tion aspect always “presents itself” as an issue that seems to exist between you and anoth­er, (or many others)…and it does, it tru­ly does exist “out there”. There may well be a con­fronta­tion, or alter­ca­tion or rev­e­la­tion in and about a rela­tion­ship now. Cer­tain­ly rela­tion­ship mat­ters can come to a cli­max; they may achieve a breakthrough…or they may just break.

But the greater truth is that this is real­ly, and always is, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see beyond this appear­ance, form or man­i­fes­ta­tion to the real ori­gin for this experience…that this encounter you meet “out­side” is the mir­ror of what lies with­in you, with your rela­tion­ship to yourself.

The Venus/Saturn Oppo­si­tion is a test of val­ue where­in you are asked to see how well you have come to accept and love your­self; for it is that self-love which is the one and only lim­it to the love that you may give…and the love that you shall receive. There is only one law, one fun­da­men­tal truth…love begets love…but first you must love yourself.

You must accept this awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty, to accept the chal­lenge and so face square­ly and ques­tion your assump­tions, fears and self-doubts about your worth. You and only you can heal the wounds in your heart and soul by mak­ing that truer con­nec­tion to the spir­it with­in you…who loves you tru­ly, uncon­di­tion­al­ly and for all time. For your spir­it is part of the Greater Spir­it; the Light whose pres­ence is beside you as you move through these bound­less spaces of Space. You are watched and guid­ed by your Self who is your more per­fect­ed poten­tial wait­ing to be released…

And the key for that unfold­ment is to be found in your under­stand­ing and accep­tance that you are always loved, beloved by your high­er self. You need not ask, you need not act…And you will hear it in the gen­tle whis­per, in the chill of touch­ing some­thing deep­er, and you will remem­ber how you are always guid­ed to good­ness and kind­ness, inspired by acts of selflessness…and so you will feel your spir­it make its pres­ence known…again…

Yes you are loved; you are loved beyond mea­sure for there is no lim­it to the spir­it with­in you or that Spir­it that sur­rounds you…

You are loved Unconditionally…and so you must love ful­ly too…and by so doing you round the round and com­plete the circle…

You are one of the ones of the One…

And your des­tiny is in the Stars…

Now turn­ing, bright­ly brighter…you are shin­ing now!

Sun Opposition Mars (March 3, 2012)

You’ve wait­ed for it, you have been very patient…you have wait­ed for the answer to the ever-present ques­tion, “What is your heart’s Desire?”…And you know…you just might get some help from the Uni­verse right about now. That is because since Jan­u­ary 23 Mars has been mov­ing back­wards through Vir­go and you have re-exam­inined the nature of Desire and Action in your life…that’s the gift of Mars mov­ing retrograde.

Now your pure poten­tial to be (Sun) shines a “Full Moon” like light upon your self-direc­tion, upon what stands as the avatar who directs you out­ward in your search for mean­ing, self-real­iza­tion and the sat­is­fac­tion of your desires (Mars).  

This ret­ro­grade of Mars is in Vir­go which means the reex­am­i­na­tion of aims and actions should be under­stood with­in the ener­gies and lessons that sign bestows. Here is what I wrote at the begin­ning of Mars ret­ro­grade on Jan­u­ary 23:

As Mars grows brighter, night after night, as you move towards that moment of greater rev­e­la­tion, take time to re-con­sid­er where you are going and how you are get­ting there. Look more deeply with­in your­self and ask “Is this what I should aim for, is this my way to move towards it wisely?

The theme of Mars in Vir­go (the sign of heal­ing and whole­ness) will focus these reflec­tions so that you may dis­cern more clear­ly what aims and which actions move you along your bet­ter path of Inte­gra­tion, Sim­plic­i­ty and Well-being.

Vir­go is the sign of the Vir­gin, (prob­a­bly the most mis­un­der­stood sym­bol of our cul­ture); to be Vir­ginal accord­ing to the First Teach­ings or the Ancient Wis­dom means that one is whole and com­plete, bal­anced and inte­grat­ed in Body, Feel­ing, Mind and Spir­it. It is only when a per­son becomes so inte­grat­ed are they tru­ly ready and pre­pared to enter into ful­ly func­tion­al relationships.

With Mars ret­ro­grade in Vir­go you are learn­ing to Act with greater Vir­tu­os­i­ty, to be guid­ed by clear inten­tions and graced by con­sid­er­ate acts. Nei­ther dis­trac­tions of mind, nor wast­ed efforts for you…now you are the will­ing appren­tice seek­ing only self-mas­tery. This is the true path of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.

The one true and only goal…is to find and secure that great­est of trea­sures, a trea­sure sought by many and found by few…

To be at Peace.

Cel­e­brate the gift of Mars who lifts you up to your high­est aspirations…

This, the path you must walk, the path of self-mas­tery and peace…

This is your path.

Today you stand between your Self (Sun) and your Desires…

Today is the Day of Illu­mi­na­tion for your Avatar of Desire; for now you can see how you well you have under­stood the prin­ci­ple of Right Thinking/Right Action. Do not judge; Accept and Receive this Gift of Spirit…

Let the Light of Under­stand­ing guide you now on your path­way of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty, Com­pas­sion and Love.

For this is the Mes­sage of the Sun in Pisces…

This is your Heart’s Desire…This is your path­way to Peace.