Monthly Archives: March 2012

Mercury Enters Aries (March 2, 2012)

Her­mes is leav­ing, depart­ing for a while those dream­ing seas of Pisces; he is leap­ing out of those deep, deep waters into the fiery realm of Aries. This is your time to move towards inde­pen­dent think­ing; it is time to stand apart in thought and be count­ed as spe­cial, unique and whole unto your­self. You need to be eager, assertive, inde­pen­dent and most of all quick-wit­ted; the past is in the past now…you crave excite­ment and the New!

But don’t go too fast or you might end up with a fraz­zled mind…and stum­ble into over­heat­ed argu­ments; remem­ber that your over-eager­ness can lead to say­ing out loud what was not quite ready for prime-time…Yes you are sharp and fast, but you want to be under­stood and appre­ci­at­ed too!

Now, don’t get too set­tled in Aries for there is yet anoth­er Mer­cury change com­ing your way…That’s right Mer­cury is actu­al­ly slow­ing down now, (though he is mov­ing through Aries, the “swiftest” sign in terms of ener­gy); Her­mes is com­ing to one of his thrice year­ly piv­ot points and will turn ret­ro­grade on March 12…and low and behold he is going to take you all the way back into Pisces start­ing March 23…Looks like there is yet more dream­ing-time com­ing your way…

But mean­while, until then, you had bet­ter fas­ten your seat belt (and but­ton your lip) because you are in for an exhil­a­rat­ing but bumpy ride as your mind catch­es fire!

So remem­ber:

Be enthu­si­as­tic, but not impatient.

Be assertive, but not aggressive.

But most of all…

Be true to the Spir­it of Aries…give voice to your ideals!