Monthly Archives: April 2012

Sun Trine Pluto (April 29, 2012)


Today, your Infi­nite Poten­tial resides with­in your Per­fect Space, your Spark of the Divine embod­ied by your Lov­ing Will…Poised and bal­anced, you move to cre­ate a more per­fect world with­in and without…

It is said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”…Or, bet­ter, as it is passed down from “mouth to ear” through the Ancient Teach­ings, “Through your Will you will make your Way”…

The Sun rep­re­sents your Cen­ter, the source of your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial wait­ing to be real­ized and so released by you in your jour­ney from unself-con­scious spark of the Divine to ful­ly awak­ened Co-Cre­ator of this Cos­mos. To bring out this poten­tial requires the ever-unfold­ing cre­ation of a Sacred Space to hold the won­der that is you.

Plu­to, the Lord of Will and Bound­aries, is the final arbiter in this sys­tem for this unfold­ment of your potential…For although that poten­tial is tru­ly bound­less it must take place with­in and so unfold (as it devel­ops, expands and trans­forms) in your Sacred Space.

Of course your space is Sacred, but so are all of the “spaces of Space” around you…because all of Space, which is a Full­ness not an empti­ness, a true Plero­ma, is equal­ly Ensouled by a mag­nif­i­cent host of Shin­ing Ones, a mul­ti­tude of ever-unfold­ing con­scious beings, who, like you, are ever striv­ing to move toward their Greater Under­stand­ing too.

That is why one of the great­est pre­cepts or Laws of this Cos­mos is the invi­o­la­bil­i­ty of these infi­nite Sacred Spaces with­in which each and every spark of the Divine resides. As it is said in many ways, in all lands and in all ancient teach­ings, “Thou shall not Trespass”…

You as a spark of the Divine, a being endowed with a Will to Become, must ever strive to cre­ate your world with­in a space that is sacred and secure…but you must do this as you equal­ly relate to the spaces around you with rev­er­ence and love…for what sur­rounds you are the sacred spaces of your fel­low sparks of the Divine.

Today is a day that you are remind­ed that your Spark of the Divine, the Mon­ad or core of you, and your Divine Will, that which is ever at work to define your sacred space, find their most per­fect expres­sion when you under­stand the pre­cept that the only con­trol you need or are indeed per­mit­ted to express is Self-Control.…all else is fol­ly, dan­ger­ous and leads to darkness.

Today you cel­e­brate, because your ever-expand­ing, lumi­nous cre­ation is one of the count­less songs that fill the spaces of Space with the Light Divine.

Today your will, in an ever grow­ing align­ment with the Divine Will, pre­serves, pro­tects and expands your sacred space of self-real­iza­tion in a more con­scious har­mo­ny with the sacred Space that sur­rounds you.

Today you find your Path in that most Ancient Invo­ca­tion to be ever observed as you wing your Way to the Greater Under­stand­ing, that for­ev­er and always…

Let Thy Will be Done”!

Mercury Square Pluto (April 25, 2012)


Remember…Your Life is not about “winning”…Life, your Jour­ney, from form to form, from life to life, from world to world, your jour­ney is about the unfold­ment of your Consciousness…It is about you mov­ing into the Greater Understanding…That is why you came before, that is why you are here now…and why you must keep com­ing back…It is all so you can become, to unfold from with­in your­self, what you are meant to be…And you will do this, more and more, as you come into a more inclu­sive aware­ness, for that is the key to this Greater Understanding…

But now, in the heat of the moment, when you or some oth­er have “truth” (or an agen­da) on your side, well then all Under­stand­ing is put aside…it all comes down to Will and Power…it all comes down to being Right and Righteous…

That is cer­tain­ly the issue when Mer­cury Squares Pluto.…Communications can turn into a “zero-sum” game, there will seem to be a win­ner, and a loser…but nobody real­ly “wins”, nobody moves that way into the Greater Understanding…because when force trumps Under­stand­ing there is an equal dimin­ish­ment of Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, Rea­son and Truth.

The Pow­er of the Will, the Pow­er of Plu­to is best employed when it is turned back upon one­self in order to dig deep­er, to ques­tion, to reex­am­ine and so renew one­self. In this con­text, when applied to Mer­cury, it gives you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dive deep­er into your assump­tions and those self-made “facts” and see behind those shad­owed data-points. Plu­to pro­vides the laser-like pow­er to go beyond the Phe­nom­e­na, the appear­ances of things, and seek out the Noume­na, that which stands behind your appar­ent real­i­ty, what is the under­ly­ing cause or thing-in-itself.

Rather than seek­ing to bend anoth­er’s thoughts to your own, or sub­mit to their entreaties or demands, instead of this you must stand in the Cen­ter and try and under­stand what is real­ly the issue, what is real­ly the point of this encounter.

You will find that your real task is to mas­ter your own mind, which is no easy challenge…especially giv­en the dis­tract­ing times we move through. Your mind seems to be for­ev­er dash­ing about and chas­ing after itself, pro­pelled to flit from one per­cep­tion after anoth­er, one stim­u­lus or idea after another…and you find that there is no peace, no center…All that infor­ma­tion, all of that sophis­ti­ca­tion and being so “au courant” leads you away from your true self and to a lack of real understanding.

You need to use this gift of Will to still those swirling, whirling dervish­es in your mind…You need to move into the Silence which is a Full­ness, into the Sacred Space where­in waits your High­er Self…Who has always been there, patient­ly abiding…whispering, inspir­ing, encour­ag­ing you all the while to do the Good.

You have questions…you will have your answers…

But it is not “out there”…

Be Still

Be Cen­tered

Be com­fort­ed for you are nev­er alone…

Wait…and the beloved will come…

And you will Understand.


Sun Trine Mars (April 23, 2102)


You are mov­ing for­ward now…and with a greater purpose!

The Sun (the ever-unfold­ing poten­tial with­in you) and Mars (your aspi­ra­tions and actions) align favor­ably again today. Hav­ing received your insight about where you are going (and how you might get there) back on March 3, you are ready to put into motion your heart’s desire.

The Sun is mov­ing through Tau­rus now, pro­vid­ing a strong, steady pur­pose­ful­ness so you can cre­ate, improve and pre­serve your most impor­tant val­ues. Today you arrive at this per­fect align­ment with Mars in Vir­go, which helps to shape your present quest for val­ue by adding a more dis­cern­ing sensibility.

Some­times the quest for val­ue becomes sim­ply about more val­ue, for more of more, which will always lead to phys­i­cal waste­ful­ness as well as spir­i­tu­al pover­ty. You have a need to estab­lish a hier­ar­chy of val­ue in your world, of what is good and how much is good…By doing this, you learn to live in har­mo­ny, cre­at­ing an order with­in and an order with­out that is in bal­ance with your­self and your world…You are then said to walk the path of Grace, you “Live and Walk in Beauty”.

Mars in Vir­go pro­vides the means to dis­cern, devel­op and apply this sen­si­bil­i­ty of a mean­ing­ful order in your life as you align your Val­ues and Actions with your high­er self. You can cre­ate a Hier­ar­chy of Val­ue and a Liv­ing-Way that is worthwhile…You can enjoy the val­ues that you cre­ate, con­sume and share because you are liv­ing a life that is right and true.

Cel­e­brate your Spir­i­tu­al Abundance…Ever-Unfolding, behold the Bound­less Beauty.

Find your Full­ness in Simplicity.…your Val­ue mea­sured by your Grace.

And may you fol­low the one true noble path…

May you Walk in Beau­ty for­ev­er and ever…

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (April 22, 2012)


You’ve been here before…oh yes you were, just a month ago…and, you recall now, that this seems eeri­ly famil­iar somehow…Yes, there was anoth­er time three weeks before too! That’s right, Mer­cury’s pere­gri­na­tions took your Mind over Uranus not once, not twice, but with today’s cir­cle squared, Mer­cury has aligned with Uranus for a mag­i­cal tri­par­tite touch of Enlight­en­ment! You have received a mighty dose of Intu­itive Insight from your High­er Mind, your High­er Manas!

Mer­cury unas­sist­ed pro­vides you with your observing/processing, categorizing/rationalizing, and com­mu­ni­cat­ing func­tions. What is so high­ly trea­sured (and so inap­pro­pri­ate­ly “mea­sured”) as Intel­li­gence is said to be ruled by your dear friend Hermes…

But what hap­pens when all your infor­ma­tion, all your data points, the­o­ries and knowl­edge fail you? What if the choic­es you have before you (the ones you have inevitably cre­at­ed by your par­tic­u­lar (and self-lim­it­ed) point of view), those Gor­dian Knot­ted dilem­mas you now con­front made by the “givens” of your par­a­digm, seem to be so far beyond your capac­i­ty or capa­bil­i­ty to resolve? What if your so-called “Intel­li­gence”, as it must, inevitably lets you down?

That is pre­cise­ly when the Spir­it answers…it moves to bridge your Void of Under­stand­ing by elic­it­ing your High­er Con­scious­ness, a whiff of your God­li­ness to come (your future state of Cos­mic Con­scious­ness), and Illu­mines your self-thrown shad­owed realms with a Greater Understanding.

That is because your most mar­velous gift of self-aware­ness, your self-reflec­tive think­ing, and with it your capac­i­ty to go beyond the bounds of your low­er or con­di­tioned mind, is brought to you by the felic­i­tous con­join­ing of Mer­cury with these greater gifts bestowed by your High­er Self, by your Mon­ad, by your Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine.…

This High­er Self is the one who abides, watch­es and waits in the heart of you. It works with and through Uranus (and Nep­tune too) to bring you into a greater align­ment with the Tran­scen­dent Aware­ness that per­vades the Cos­mos. It is that aware­ness that con­nects each and every, every one of the ones…so that All of Cre­ation is for­ev­er embraced, loved and resides with­in the One.

Even for just a moment, a whis­per or brush with this Greater Aware­ness, illu­mines the dark­ness and self-cast shad­ows with­in your mind…and behold, you are no longer so confused…you under­stand, you accept…and so you grow…higher now, clos­er to the One…The present prob­lems disappear…into the Maya from which they arose…You try to hold, to stay is this sub­lime state…And you will one day…but that is for anoth­er day…

For now, it is enough, you have your answer…Your jour­ney con­tin­ues and new deci­sions and dilem­mas await you on your path…And just as before, when the dark­ness gath­ers and there seems to be no hope or salvation…Your con­stant com­pan­ion, your divine and gold­en chord will vibrate again and bring you into the holy of holies where all is as it will be, for it is the ever-becoming.

Put aside your trou­bled mind…Let go of your assumptions.…Go to sleep and ask for help…it will come! For you are nev­er alone…

Cel­e­brate the mys­tery as your Earth-bound Mind touch­es the Divine with­in you.…

Bow your head in Rev­er­ence for the Wis­dom, Under­stand­ing and Accep­tance of the One…

For all is well and you are that much clos­er to your home…

This is your journey…and it is Good.

New Moon in Taurus (April 21, 2012)


The Moon is said to be the inter­locu­tor or medi­a­tor between Heav­en and Earth. All the ener­gies and rays that pulse through our Solar Sys­tem must make their way to Earth through Luna. The most impor­tant of these ener­getic path­ways are the ones traced by the Mag­is­te­r­i­al dance enact­ed by the month­ly cycle of the Sun and the Moon.

Every month the Moon com­pletes one rev­o­lu­tion around the Earth, weav­ing from inside the cir­cle that the Earth traces around the Sun, to out­side of that orbit and back again…creating a series of small­er month­ly cir­cles along the line of the larg­er year­ly cir­cle of the Earth around the Sun. You see this dance traced across the sky as the Moon wax­es and wanes from month to month.

There are four prin­ci­pal moments in this month long cycle: The New Moon (a time of begin­nings) where a release of new ener­gy is brought about by the Solar/Lunar align­ment. The First Quar­ter or Wax­ing Square (a time of deci­sion, to com­mit), where the Moon cross­es the orbital path that the Earth makes around the Sun (what you would call a “half-moon”), which you will see clear­ly as the Sun sets and the Moon rides high in the sky above. The Full Moon (a time of rev­e­la­tion) which occurs when the Moon is oppo­site to the Sun with the Earth in-between, most dra­mat­i­cal­ly seen as the Sun sets in the West and the Moon ris­es in the East. The Last Quar­ter or Wan­ing Square (anoth­er time of deci­sion, to let go), where the Moon cross­es back over the orbital path of Earth, most beau­ti­ful­ly dis­played when just before the Sun ris­es you see the Moon rid­ing high above (but “fac­ing” the oppo­site direc­tion from the First Quarter).


And final­ly back to the Next New Moon…but you asked, “Where is the New Moon, how can I see it?” Well, you can­not because your view of the Moon is lost with­in the Sun’s glo­ry. (Except, per­haps, twice a year there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of “see­ing” the New Moon when the Earth, Moon and Sun align exact­ly in what is called a Solar Eclipse.)

A New Moon is a “shad­owed” event, it hap­pens in the dark (or bet­ter yet, lost in the glo­ri­ous radi­ance of the Sun). For sev­er­al days after a New Moon you will watch the Sun set and there is no Moon in the sky…but on the third or fourth night you will see it as the thin cres­cent shape after the Sun has set…and it is then that you know, it is then that you have your con­fir­ma­tion, that yes indeed some­thing new has begun.

Today begins the next cycle of the Sun and Moon, today and tonight, and for the next sev­er­al nights, you must jour­ney with­out the Moon to indi­cate where you are in your month­ly cycle, of your begin­nings, deci­sions and revelations.

Today is the sec­ond New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, the New Moon of Tau­rus. You have come through the orig­i­nat­ing impuls­es of Aries, those Fiery Enthu­si­asms, your Visions and Ideals…Now they need to become Real.

You need to move deep­er, into Earth ener­gies now…to bring your Spir­it into forms…to man­i­fest the Val­ues that you hold dear…to taste, touch, smell, hear and see the Beau­ty that is your world.

It is the Tau­rus New Moon…Your Time to Dance the Dance that Cel­e­brates the Beau­ty of Spir­it, of Spir­it mov­ing through your mar­velous, won­drous ves­sels of Substance…It is your time for mak­ing the Greater Reality…it is your time to expe­ri­ence the won­der that is your Holy of Holies, the pow­er of Creation.

Tonight, as you look out into the Star­ry Heav­ens above, know that in these seem­ing­ly dark­er times a new Light has been released for you…

Because Spir­it is ever mov­ing to bring Light and Love to fill the spaces of Space…

So, today, and tomor­row, and for all the days to fol­low may you be com­fort­ed, may you be blessed…

For you are Spir­it and you Walk in Beauty!