Full Moon in Libra (April 6, 2012)

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Go out­side tonight…turn and face the East­ern hori­zon, and watch as your majes­tic, lumi­nous Luna rises…

Yes, she cer­tain­ly is beautiful…and big! Not only is it a Full Moon but she is at her Perigee or clos­est approach to Earth too…so all those “Tides”, Ocean­ic and Emo­tion­al, are going to be high­er than nor­mal! When­ev­er there is a Full Moon, you have to watch your­self (and oth­ers) because the ener­gies pour­ing through you are at a very high pitch. So, enjoy this spe­cial surge of forces through and around you, but stay cen­tered and calm, mind­ful and considerate.

This is the First Full Moon in the Astro­log­i­cal Year, the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra. Just as a New Moon releas­es a new theme of inspi­ra­tion in that sign’s expe­ri­ence for you, so too does the Full Moon 14 days lat­er bring to you a rev­e­la­tion of meaning.

The mes­sage of the Libra Full Moon is about your ever-present need to find the bal­ance between your Self (and your need to be your­self) and your Com­pan­ion (and your need to find your­self through your com­pan­ion). Every oppo­si­tion (and the Full Moon is the pri­ma­ry exam­ple of any and all bod­ies in oppo­si­tion) is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach a greater under­stand­ing about the truth of both of these expe­ri­ences, (the expe­ri­ence of Self and of the Oth­er), and to real­ize how nec­es­sary they are to one another.

For the mys­tery of life is that you seek to dis­cov­er and present your­self to the world as “I”…yet you will tru­ly find your­self, express your­self and see your­self in and through your rela­tion­ship with your beloved, through your “Thou”.

For the last two weeks, the Aries ener­gies have been surg­ing through you, urg­ing you to find and release yourself…To be self-assertive, indi­vid­u­al­is­tic and headstrong…To leap up, push for­ward and shout out to the Uni­verse “I Am!” But then comes the turn­ing, then comes the balance…

Now as you watch this beau­ti­ful Libra Full Moon rise, you remem­ber (for you have been here before) that with­out rela­tion­ship there is no mean­ing to any of that. The won­der­ful truth is that you are nev­er tru­ly alone (for­ev­er and always, your high­er self is with you).…and one of the great­est Mys­ter­ies of Life is that the beloved who stands before you is part of you, just as you are part of them.

That “you with you”, sep­a­rate yet togeth­er, and with all the oth­er ones of the One, you are all part of this glo­ri­ous cre­ation, this lumi­nous jour­ney of the One through the many, many ones.

In Aries, “I Am”.…

Through Libra, “We Are”…

For the Mys­tery of Creation…is that I, and You and We…are One!

The One, True and Con­stant path, The One True Way…is to Love One Another!

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