Daily Archives: April 6, 2012

Venus Squares Mars (April 7, 2012)

Anoth­er day, anoth­er challenge…but this one is “per­son­al”.

Venus rules your Val­ues and she is present­ly skip­ping through those diverse, play­ful and mul­ti­fac­eted delights that Gem­i­ni enjoys. Mars rules your Actions and he has spent quite a while now in Vir­go, all the while attempt­ing to steer you upon a more dis­cern­ing, duti­ful and cir­cum­spect way of being.

Hmm?…Diversity vs. Focus, Play­ful vs. Dutiful…It sure seems as if you have a con­flict on your hands! But, as always, it is just the uni­verse remind­ing you that it is all about you and your jour­ney, work­ing on “The Bal­ance”, stay­ing upon the noble path that comes through syn­the­sis and integration.

After all, you are self-con­scious spir­it and your trip through the Human King­dom is pre­cise­ly for you to fig­ure this stuff out! The low­er life forms fol­low their instincts (they have lit­tle choice), and the beings beyond us…well they are way above and beyond you and your lev­el of under­stand­ing (though they do ren­der assistance)…so you must face and learn from your “Chal­lenge of Choice”.

What do you do in this square, in this chal­lenge between your val­ues and your actions? Venus is cer­tain­ly hav­ing fun in those airy, intel­lec­tu­al pur­suits of the dif­fer­ent and divert­ing, jump­ing from here to there, form­ing new con­nec­tions and con­cepts of what is good, of where and how you find, make and share the val­ues in your life.

Now here comes Mars shap­ing Venus, lay­ing down the oth­er side of the Mer­cu­r­ial Prin­ci­ple, Mars is demand­ing of Venus, “What use is this Diver­si­ty, what pur­pose does it serve, and in the end, is it mak­ing you and your life more whole, inte­grat­ed and at peace?” Venus, may reply, “But I am hav­ing Fun, and this is how to learn”…to which Mars will say…

Maybe, or maybe you are just amused and amus­ing to oth­ers and noth­ing will come of this”…In oth­er words, Venus and Mars are speak­ing from dif­fer­ent spaces, each true to them­selves in their own space, but seem­ing­ly inco­her­ent or threat­en­ing to the other.

What is the answer? Both are right, both are true…but each must take a turn and not pre­sume or assume that they are in the right or that the oth­er is in the wrong. That just will not do. You have to work so that Venus in Gem­i­ni and Mars in Vir­go come to an under­stand­ing that they each are nec­es­sary to one anoth­er, so that you may have a com­plete and bal­anced, inte­grat­ed and ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence of Right Actions guid­ed by Mean­ing­ful Values.

Yes Venus, you may have to curb or restrain some of that enthu­si­asm for the out of the ordi­nary, because there are lim­its to how much stim­u­la­tion you can health­ful­ly expe­ri­ence. But, Mars you too will have to con­cede that often some of your very own won­der­ful sys­tems, order­ings and peace­ful ways of being were dis­cov­ered by chance, by the very curios­i­ty you find so disturbing.

Yes Mars, bring your dis­cern­ing cri­tique to bear on Venus’ delights, but do not for­get that won­der­ment (and youth­ful­ness) are the core prin­ci­ples of your inner spir­it. And, Venus, you too must remem­ber that though more is cer­tain­ly more, you will find the high­est spir­i­tu­al val­ue comes by sim­plic­i­ty and service.

Really…it is always this way…as in most Spir­i­tu­al lessons…

When faced with con­tra­dic­tions, when con­found­ed by the ener­gies of the Uni­verse pulling you one way and another.…

There is only one path that you can walk…The Path of Integration…

You rise above your cri­sis and find (again) that you have this oppor­tu­ni­ty to lift your­self to a high­er lev­el of consciousness…

You do this by your unique res­o­lu­tion of what had been in conflict…They have joined now because of and through your greater understanding.…

And so you move closer…that much clos­er to the Light!