Ah…this is more like it…or better yet, the way you feel today, what’s not to like!
When Venus in Gemini encounters Independent, Inventive and Individualistic Uranus…well let’s just say your self-appreciation and sociability are all abuzz (not to mention your taste buds!)
Venus in Gemini is all about curiosity, diversity and experimentation; now Venus enjoys the good graces of Uranus who brings his blessings of Openness and Originality. You feel comfortable in moving outside your ordinary, stretching your appreciation for the delights of a wider world of sensation. Go ahead, why not enjoy something beyond the everyday, that’s right, give yourself a treat!
On the social side, you draw closer to each other precisely because you can now find in them (and they in you) some undiscovered facet of life, some revelation of yourself. For that is how you become more than your conditioning…your self-unfoldment is quickened by the mutual elicitation of one another.
You have and hold to one another by what you already share; you grow together, life after life, by helping one another move into those undiscovered reaches that lie within and equally around you.
Look into the fathomless mystery, gaze into your beloved’s eyes…for what looks back upon you is beyond your imagining.
Today there is magic in a taste, in a touch and in that smile…
Today you are becoming…and it is magical.