Daily Archives: April 9, 2012

Pluto Turns Retrograde (April 10, 2012)


Plu­to, Lord of Will and the Col­lec­tive Uncon­scious, the Lord of the Under­world, is going deep­er still…For the next five months you are offered this oppor­tu­ni­ty to do a lit­tle dig­ging into your very own per­son­al, sub­ter­ranean depths…

That’s right, it is time to turn around, grab a lamp and take that cir­cuitous path­way through the cat­a­combs of your inner world. Plu­to, one of the three aspects of the Divine with­in you (Uranus/Mind, Neptune/Love and Pluto/Will) is the Lord and Mak­er of Boundaries…

With­in your space, cen­tered upon your spir­i­tu­al core (the mon­ad with­in) you mark off and define the bound­aries of your life so as to define your sacred space as you sep­a­rate your­self from all the oth­er sacred spaces that sur­round you. Your sacred space and exer­cise of your free will is cir­cum­scribed by your lev­el of con­scious­ness. The more spir­i­tu­al­ly aware you become, the more you become free-willed and your life less “fat­ed”. (And, the more igno­rant and unaware you remain, the more your life will seem to just hap­pen to you.…because you remain unaware of what you have set in motion…of how you have bound­ed your­self by your unconsciousness).

Through the count­less lives of your unfold­ment, as well as ear­li­er in this cur­rent life, you have tak­en many steps, set many things in motion by your will, some with greater aware­ness but some with less…and so you have also cre­at­ed shad­ows with­in your sacred space. With­in those shad­ows lie ener­gies that are trapped, unpro­duc­tive if not destruc­tive to you and to others…they are whirls of ener­gy, of spir­it-mat­ter that loop around with­in and around you (they are what mod­ern sci­ence call “emo­tion­al com­plex­es”, “com­pul­sions”, “pho­bias”, “neu­roses”, etc.)

Now with Plu­to turn­ing, you have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dig into those bound­ed but unpro­duc­tive spaces with­in your space, to lift up your aware­ness a lit­tle high­er and so make freer your spirit…You can release your­self from this lev­el of pur­ga­to­ry, of self-bondage, from this lev­el of lim­it­ed consciousness…as you walk the path­way that leads you to the Greater Understanding.

The goal, of course, is to reach the end of this human part of your jour­ney, to cre­ate the sacred space of you that is clear, unshad­owed, lumi­nous and ful­ly con­scious. The goal is to pass through that por­tal where the exem­plars and teach­ers gone before you, to become a shin­ing one endowed with Cos­mic Con­scious­ness, to be as Krish­na, Bud­dha, Christ and many, many others.

But for now, at this turn­ing, what is required is the next lit­tle step, the next jour­ney with­in so as to clear and clean your sacred space and make it a more fit­ting home for the being who lives there…

Let Plu­to take you down, into your pit of the shad­ows that you your­self have made…and take com­fort in that knowledge…that you made these shadows…and you can unmake them as well…

Your goal is before you…Three core prin­ci­ples to ful­fill your destiny…

A Free Mind…Unconditional Love…Centered Will…

Now…Take your next step…