Daily Archives: April 12, 2012

Mars Turns Direct (April 13, 2012)



Eighty-two days (and nights)…that’s how long you have trav­elled on that dim-lit path, your world with­in, for 82 long, long days…This is how you have been there…Bending back, return­ing, review­ing, reclaim­ing, restoring…so that you might bet­ter under­stand and move to fulfill…you and your heart’s desire…

For almost 12 weeks, you have jour­neyed through the re-con­sid­er­a­tion of what mat­ters to you, of what you tru­ly desire, and of how you might obtain it. You have had this oppor­tu­ni­ty to go back and make sure that the aims you have and the actions that you employ ring true…to make sure that you are on your path and walk­ing it well…

Now you are at the next turning…for Mars is turn­ing Direct!

This is your time to move ahead, your time to aim a lit­tle higher…and so move your aspi­ra­tions into a greater real­i­ty. Hav­ing done your ret­ro­spec­tive and brought your inner and out­er worlds into a bet­ter align­ment, now you are ready to move through the world with a greater integration…and integrity.

Your bear­ing, demeanor and pres­ence are clear­er so that your authen­tic self is appar­ent to all. You can be your­self because you move through the world with a new­found pur­pose­ful­ness and a deep­er Virtuosity…

Pro­grams, plans and activ­i­ties that have seemed on hold, caught with­in the dol­drums of your jour­ney, for a time out­ward­ly direc­tion­less because that was the point of this pause…now they all can become engaged and car­ried out. Your phys­i­cal renew­al, emo­tion­al con­nect­ed­ness, men­tal clar­i­ty and spir­i­tu­al intent align to inform and light your path ahead.

Right think­ing is your Foun­tain-Source for Right Action…

Right Action leads to Right­eous results…

The path of self-mas­tery is your one true way forward…

This is your jour­ney, dhar­ma to karma…

You on the path of Truth.