Sun Opposition Saturn (April 15, 2012)


A Reck­on­ing is at hand…You face the Light (and your Shadow)…It is your time to look back, and your time to look ahead. What have you done with your last six months; where should you go for the next six? It is Time to Stop, to pause in this moment between the Infi­nite and Finite, to trea­sure this chance to understand…because you need to consider…You need to take stock and con­sid­er your expe­ri­ence of Real­i­ty-Mak­ing thus far…You need to bet­ter under­stand the nature and rela­tion­ship between your infi­nite poten­tial and your lim­it­ed reality.

Today you have reached the turn­ing in this year’s expe­ri­ence of you becom­ing You, of your real­i­ty-mak­ing, of you mov­ing from your seed-form to harvest-home…Today you stand in the mid­dle, between the Sun and Sat­urn, between the Light Ever­last­ing and the Ring-Pass-Not found in those shad­ows that are Sat­urn’s bound­ed bands.

The Sun rep­re­sents all that you can ever become, your pure poten­tial wait­ing to be unfold­ed by you. To do this, on this mate­r­i­al plane, you must embody your­self into some “Thing” and so ful­fill your­self by form­ing and fill­ing some ves­sel of being­ness. But by so doing you also become lim­it­ed to that thing, bound to what you have made…you have left the worlds of dreams and fall­en into mat­ter (Sat­urn). Whether it be a job or a rela­tion­ship or any “thing” at all, you have made it for your­self, from your­self and it is there­fore lim­it­ed by your lev­el of understanding.

Now you need to look at that form of self-man­i­fes­ta­tion and com­pare it to your orig­i­nal intent. How ade­quate is your real­i­ty-mak­ing to your dream­ing? How does this real com­pare to your ide­al? Have you cho­sen well, have you per­formed (act­ed in a role and upon a stage) that is right, true and mean­ing­ful for you?

Well, unless you are a Bud­dha, you will and must answer that, “this “thing” is not what I intend­ed, this real­i­ty is not what I dreamed”. Of course it is not, how could it be?…For you are still learn­ing to be a co-cre­ator of this Universe…

But do not be troubled…This is your jour­ney and you must con­tin­ue to strive, to draw clos­er to the greater real­i­ty that is with­in you (ever-wait­ing for you to release it in a more per­fect form). To do this, you must learn from what you have done before, to under­stand what was right, and what could have been better…That is what this moment is for…to pause, to con­sid­er and to learn to become better.

Then, you can turn and face the Light and the Dark­ness and have that greater faith, the know­ing belief that pro­pels you to be a more per­fect Creator…

You will become what is with­in you…You will unfold more per­fect­ly the beau­ty that is with­in and make it the Real­i­ty around you too. You can accept these lim­its, those shad­owed bound­ed bands of Sat­urn, because you under­stand that they are the very instru­ment of your learn­ing, of how you unfold from poten­tial to being, of how you become the becoming…

Stand now between the Dark­ness and the Light…

Between What is and What will be…

Stand at the crossing…as you move from the Dark­ness into the Light.

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